Is Biden really that bad?

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Thirty years ago I wanted a Lexus coupe so bad I could taste it. The brochure plainly listed the sunroof (a feature that lowers effective roof height by a critical two inches. It was like having a kid play with your hair while trying to drive.) as optional. However, every single unit shipped to the region came with the sunroof. I pointed out that the sunroof was a listed option, and that I did not opt.

Finally the manager told me that the motor company based its decisions on a composite customer. They also did not offer a “build to spec at factory” program.

I got one anyway. Had it for two years as a garage queen. Sold it spotless with under 10k, for not a lot of loss.

I discovered a peculiar thing about owning an expensive (by my lights) car. The pleasure of driving it was nullified by the unrelenting low- level anxiety of door dings every time we parked it in public. Now I shop near the bottom of the market, and am happier.
Nothing wrong with a 36 mile to a gallon grocery grabber
Nothing wrong with a 36 mile to a gallon grocery grabber
The other car in my stable was a ‘92 Honda Civic VX, the high-mileage model. In my hands, it yielded 60 mpg — until CA introduced summer fuel that contained 10% (vol) oxygen. My mileage dropped to and stayed at 54 until winter gas, which then contained volatile but energy-dense fractions, came back to the pumps.
Insurrection? LOL Child.
sure, laugh, to disarm tension...but it's only disarming your tension...we're tired of this shit, and we're going to put a fucking stop to's up to the fucking magats if it happens peacefully, or if we have to fucking exterminate them like the vermin they want a civil war, get your motherfucking fat gravy seal asses up off the god damn couch and bring it.
i'm perfectly willing to let the voters decide what happens...if there is one case of republicans trying to fuck up any election results, there is going to be trouble like you never fucking imagined. you think you can just try to steal the entire country? AGAIN?...try it
Don’t worry about clothing, just do your part! You know, texting on this dumb message board for instance. That’s your style, all text, no action.
you're just fucking ignored...enjoy november, shut the fuck up, i'm tired of listening to a mental defective try to insult a whole room full of people more intelligent than they are
sure, laugh, to disarm tension...but it's only disarming your tension...we're tired of this shit, and we're going to put a fucking stop to's up to the fucking magats if it happens peacefully, or if we have to fucking exterminate them like the vermin they want a civil war, get your motherfucking fat gravy seal asses up off the god damn couch and bring it.
i'm perfectly willing to let the voters decide what happens...if there is one case of republicans trying to fuck up any election results, there is going to be trouble like you never fucking imagined. you think you can just try to steal the entire country? AGAIN?...try it
They will, like Donald they are stupid and don't learn from mistakes, most will die fools.
Joe spoke truth, which unlike Trump and his followers, what is true doesn't change. I saw the riot unfold as it happened. I saw Trump's statements before and after the insurrection and attempted coup. I read up on reports afterward. What I saw agrees with what Biden said and not what the traitorous MAGA GOP leaders said. As I said, the truth doesn't change. But lies do.

Which was it anyway? They were tourists or they were invited in or the door was open so they came in or they were there to reverse a stolen election? My goodness your kind are fluent liars. So, yeah, my story and Biden's are the same and it doesn't change. MAGA GOP's story is all over the map.

A few radicals, my ass. Nobody was saying they shouldn't when the chants to hang Mike Pence were being sounded. Nobody was protecting the police. Not a single person stopped the guy who used the filial to the US FLAG (!!!) as a spear point. So, get out of here about the "it was a small gang". Nobody even moved away from that action. They were all in on it. They thought Trump was going to give them all pardons after they saved his presidency. How did that work out for them?
Keep talking about that one day, its about all the ammo you have to fight with. I love it.
A 2020 video clip of Donald Trump calling Democrats "fascists" has resurfaced on social media.

The video, which has gone viral on Twitter, shows the former president speaking at Mankato regional airport, Minnesota, in August 2020 when he was on the presidential campaign trail.

He tells his supporters that Democrats are "fascists," saying they want to "destroy our second amendment, attack the right to life, and replace American freedom with left-wing fascism. Fascists, they are fascists."

So its only ok when Joe Biden says it. Just like violence is only ok when BLM does it. Then everybody bows and demonizes police across the country. And liberals cheer, they love it. They tear down statues and monuments, anything they dont like. They re-define words, protest songs, pancake boxes, they take over public areas. Can anybody name anything radical the right does? Nope, they have become the party of USA and American pie. Democrats used to be against big government. This new version of democrat supports IRS agents and less human rights, less gun rights too. No choice on what goes in your body unless its to kill a baby inside it. Thats the new age democrat, brainwashed to the core.
So its only ok when Joe Biden says it. Just like violence is only ok when BLM does it. Then everybody bows and demonizes police across the country. And liberals cheer, they love it. They tear down statues and monuments, anything they dont like. They re-define words, protest songs, pancake boxes, they take over public areas. Can anybody name anything radical the right does? Nope, they have become the party of USA and American pie. Democrats used to be against big government. This new version of democrat supports IRS agents and less human rights, less gun rights too. No choice on what goes in your body unless its to kill a baby inside it. Thats the new age democrat, brainwashed to the core.

No one is banning dog cum, quit freaking out you big baby.
So its only ok when Joe Biden says it. Just like violence is only ok when BLM does it. Then everybody bows and demonizes police across the country. And liberals cheer, they love it. They tear down statues and monuments, anything they dont like. They re-define words, protest songs, pancake boxes, they take over public areas. Can anybody name anything radical the right does? Nope, they have become the party of USA and American pie. Democrats used to be against big government. This new version of democrat supports IRS agents and less human rights, less gun rights too. No choice on what goes in your body unless its to kill a baby inside it. Thats the new age democrat, brainwashed to the core.
You sound a lot like King Karen
So its only ok when Joe Biden says it. Just like violence is only ok when BLM does it. Then everybody bows and demonizes police across the country. And liberals cheer, they love it. They tear down statues and monuments, anything they dont like. They re-define words, protest songs, pancake boxes, they take over public areas. Can anybody name anything radical the right does? Nope, they have become the party of USA and American pie. Democrats used to be against big government. This new version of democrat supports IRS agents and less human rights, less gun rights too. No choice on what goes in your body unless its to kill a baby inside it. Thats the new age democrat, brainwashed to the core.
Trump is the one who exhorts his followers to commit violence during his speeches. Not Biden. To you, Biden's call for people to vote against MAGA Republican candidates is a call for violence. And you aren't wrong. MAGA Republicans get violent when they lose elections.
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