Is Biden really that bad?

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Supply-side economics has been widening the wealth gap since Reagan demolished the tax rates which built the middle class. It's been getting sketchier and sketchier every year.
And so long as the GOP can successfully distract with their culture war, they will continue to get rural votes from folks who are getting screwed by that widening wealth gap.
dont forget to mention the crime rate that Biden luvz to skyrocket

OK, I'll mention it:

Violent crime surged in U.S. cities during the pandemic and ranked as a top concern for voters in the 2022 midterms.

Republicans are wishing crime will go up. What kind of people are you?
OK, I'll mention it:

Violent crime surged in U.S. cities during the pandemic and ranked as a top concern for voters in the 2022 midterms.

Republicans are wishing crime will go up. What kind of people are you?
I'm not republican lmaooo They're all corrupt
I'm not republican lmaooo They're all corrupt
Do tell. Give us your balanced perspective about who is corrupt among Democrats and Republicans. Name names and deeds.

Do your mean these people? They are republicans.

Do you mean these people?

They are republicans and were appointed by republicans.

Do you mean the "Biden crime family"?

"Congressional investigators haven't yielded many new details during their probe." lol

Other than the legal troubles Hunter is in, there is no evidence of corruption. Joe Biden's record is as clean as there is. Even the Republicans who are stirring this so-called scandal up say so.

Trump, on the other hand. He's as corrupt as five day old road kill on the side of the road in August.

Do you disagree? Post something factual to help me understand why you would think so.
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... Once again, the trump guy comes across like the dude that angrily masturbates in front of the window at a nice restaurant. You are sure showing them who's boss!...
That's hilarious, accurate, and paints a memorable image.

I'll have pizza Friday delivered tonight; don't wanna take the risk.
America needs either Trump or RFK in for president. Joe Biden is a pedophile (there is video evidence of this on youtube) and his son is a massive criminal. The (controlled) media spread tons of lies about Trump to get the people against him (hence why he was always saying "fake news") Trump is a good guy. People need to wake up. There has been a system of control at the top for way too long and they were not happy when Trump got in as president. Conspiracy after conspiracy have proven to be true. Climate change is a hoax, its all lies guys. Do you realise how corrupt the majority of our politicians are? They're the biggest criminals in the world. Go on London Real youtube channel and find out the truth for yourselves. Unfortunately most of humanity is too prideful and pig headed to admit that they have been lied to and deceived for so long. It's time to wake the fuck up.
America needs either Trump or RFK in for president. Joe Biden is a paeodophile (there is video evidence of this on youtube) and his son is a massive criminal. The (controlled) media spread tons of lies about Trump to get the people against him (hence why he was always saying "fake news") Trump is a good guy. People need to wake up. There has been a system of control at the top for way too long and they were not happy when Trump got in as president. Conspiracy after conspiracy have proven to be true. Climate change is a hoax, its all lies guys. Do you realise how corrupt the majority of our politicians are? They're the biggest criminals in the world. Go on London Real youtube channel and find out the truth for yourselves. Unfortunately most of humanity is too prideful and pig headed to admit that they have been lied to and decieved for so long. it's time to wake the fuck up.
President Joe Biden. What a wonderful thing to say. The words are fresh, clean and free from corruption. Not a whiff of corruption on that man's record.

I'm not saying that right winger conspiracy theorists like you ARE pedos, just pointing out that the only people who talk about it are rights wing fake conspiracy theorists.

Regarding Hunter. You do realize, don't you that Hunter has been charged with owning a gun when he consumed illegal drugs -- something that is very common among members of this thread? That and failure to pay his taxes on time, something a large proportion of the people of the US have done at one time or another. So, lol at your claim of "massive" criminal. Nah, he's a common, everyday drug user and tax cheat and a common criminal. Do the crime, do the time. Tell that to about 40% - 60% of the people who post here and see what they say back to you. If they bother to respond at all. This is penny ante stuff.

Trump in court to hear the charges listed against him yesterday. How about ranting about that? lulz
America needs either Trump or RFK in for president. Joe Biden is a pedophile (there is video evidence of this on youtube) and his son is a massive criminal. The (controlled) media spread tons of lies about Trump to get the people against him (hence why he was always saying "fake news") Trump is a good guy. People need to wake up. There has been a system of control at the top for way too long and they were not happy when Trump got in as president. Conspiracy after conspiracy have proven to be true. Climate change is a hoax, its all lies guys. Do you realise how corrupt the majority of our politicians are? They're the biggest criminals in the world. Go on London Real youtube channel and find out the truth for yourselves. Unfortunately most of humanity is too prideful and pig headed to admit that they have been lied to and deceived for so long. It's time to wake the fuck up.
With many more to come...

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