this is great info but i was reading what this guy said in this
thread which contradicts what you are saying. please help clarify. there is other info in that thread which also seem suspect...
Originally Posted by
ok, and in closing, cannabis is a tree, a perennial, not spinach, an annual. the plants hit their stride in season 2 3 4 5.. i have friends with 9 and 10 year old tree plants, football sized colas, growing up in humbolt ca.. dig out the floor in a greenhouse, 10 feet down, and the trees rise up from down to the ceiling. cannabis is not an annual and just like pinecones from ancient trees are big, buds from 2 and 3rd year old cannabis plants are profoundly richer and bigger than first year, much much denser trichome activity, hormones never subside so it's always flowering. the aforementioned big plants do 3 harvests a year. anyway, cannabis, being 349 million years older than us, has potentials very few humans fully comprehend, but we have proof than ancient dinosaurs had nostrils the size of a horse, and in that era, cannabis thrived, probably very tall trees. dinosaurs probably loved ganja more than we know and collected and distributed seeds all over the prehistoric world, i would have.
joseph cecil
Look at his first sentence and please decipher it for me, if you can. " ok, and in closing,
cannabis is a tree, a perennial, not spinach, an annual."
1.) "cannabis is a tree" Cannabis is in the hops family. "The genus Cannabis was formerly placed with nettles in the family Urticaceae or with mulberries in the family Moraceae, but is now considered along with hops (Humulus sp.) to belong to the family Cannabaceae."
2.) "a perennial" Plants that live for one season and drop seeds are annuals. "An annual plant is a plant that usually germinates, flowers, and dies in a year or season. True annuals will only live longer than a year if they are prevented from setting seed." That last part does not mean growing seedless, growing sensimillia, it means not put into flowering mode to begin seed production, as in how mothers are kept, kept in a constant vegetative growth phase.
3.) "not spinach, an annual." What the heck? First he says its a perennial and then he seems to say it's an annual. What am I missing or what is he attempting to say, and what does Popeye's favorite food have to do with it?
The guy said; " cannabis is not an annual.." But what about the information below? And what about the actual definition of an annual? "An annual plant is a plant that usually germinates, flowers, and dies in a year or season. True annuals will only live longer than a year if they are prevented from setting seed." (and again, That last part does not mean growing seedless, growing sensimillia, it means not put into flowering mode to begin seed production, as in how mothers are kept, kept in a constant vegetative growth phase.)
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Urticales
Family: Cannabaceae
Common name: Ganja gachh, Siddi(Beng.); Indian hemp, Marijuana(Eng.).
Life cycle: Annual
Marijuana life expectancy
By Ed Rosenthal
How long does the marijuana plant live?
In nature, marijuana is an annual plant and usually lives only one season.
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial][/FONT]I do not recall the strain, or the country it was supposedly found in, but I do believe it was a Southeast Asian country, but I have read of one strain that took roughly an entire year to go from seed to harvest, but I have never heard of anything else close to it and I have never heard of any strain that flowered for years.
I have read where some believe that when the first cannabis strains evolved they were perennials but as climatic changes occurred they were forced to evolve into annuals or die out. That is only a theory that some hold, it has never been proven, and in my nearly four decades of growing I have never once heard of a single strain that will flower for years.
Of course I cannot swear to it but I believe he was telling a bit of a fib, a tall tale of sorts. If the person was telling the truth I would sure love to have a chance to read some scientific information on the strain .. and I bet if it exits the 'Dutch Masters' would have been throwing heaps and heaps of money at whoever has it so they could get their mitts on a few clones and or seeds of the strain or strains and I have not caught wind of that happening.
There is something about Cali pot people where they always have to have the most amazing pot/plants that ever existed. I have to believe this is sort of a record sized fish that got away just as it was about to be boated sort of story. I may be wrong, but since I have never heard or read anything even remotely close to what the person is claiming, and that every botanical source that can be found on cannabis clearly states it is an annual, I think the person was pulling the sites collective leg.