Is it possible to root clones with no powder/gel

I soak in a 1/2 L water-diluted solution with clonex liquid (diluted to 10ml/L) and superthrive (diluted to 1 drop / L), then dipped in clonex gel. Most of my clones grow roots in my aero cloner within a week and a half, and the rest of them by the end of two weeks.

None of this is necessary, but it all helps speed up the process and lock in a high success rate.
U don't wanna clone during flowering, the plant needs to put all it's nutrients into it's flowers not healing. Cloning is for veg. U want your plant to be healthy into flowering so it can ocupy on flowering
Yes, and I actually had a lot of success this way. I read many threads on rollitup before my first time cloning. I bought a cloning tray and cover, a heater and some rockwool. I should have bought the thermometer too as most clones did not make it. But I do have a few of those clones flowering right now. My friend told me of the technique his mother uses. She learned this gardening old-school style in Poland and continues to clone flowers this way. I bought clear plastic cups. I took my clones like normal. I did use cloning gel though the Polish method does not require it. Not using gel makes cloning take longer. Just take your clones and leave them in the plastic cup with your water. My friend's mom uses tap water though I opted for Reverse Osmosis H20. It worked faster than the cloning tray with rockwool and had a higher success rate. Next time I'm using the rest of my plastic cups. Total cost of the tray/rockwool/thermometer/gel was easily $100. Total cost for the Polish method was $5.
Yes, and I actually had a lot of success this way. I read many threads on rollitup before my first time cloning. I bought a cloning tray and cover, a heater and some rockwool. I should have bought the thermometer too as most clones did not make it. But I do have a few of those clones flowering right now. My friend told me of the technique his mother uses. She learned this gardening old-school style in Poland and continues to clone flowers this way. I bought clear plastic cups. I took my clones like normal. I did use cloning gel though the Polish method does not require it. Not using gel makes cloning take longer. Just take your clones and leave them in the plastic cup with your water. My friend's mom uses tap water though I opted for Reverse Osmosis H20. It worked faster than the cloning tray with rockwool and had a higher success rate. Next time I'm using the rest of my plastic cups. Total cost of the tray/rockwool/thermometer/gel was easily $100. Total cost for the Polish method was $5.

I can say it since I have a little Polish in me:

Those Pollocks aren't as dumb as you think they are!

PS. Not YOU per se, but you know what I mean!
I seen a video on youtube about a woman who grows veggies and she showed 2 organic around the house techniques for cloning her plants that's works for her ever time. Srry I can't find the link but if you search how to clone plants easy or clone vegtable plants without chemicals or simulator ur bound to find it she has a accent European
Homemade aero cloner 98to99 survival rate just ph tap water:) I used to be big on gel and clonex then I got serious
Just the average hp pump at least 400gph (this is a low pressure aero system) 1/2 pvc misters foam pulgs and baskets. Only thing I like is the I believe roughneck its black and yellow I believe 25 to 30 gal? It fits beutifully under 4 ft floros. And has 2by2 inch squares molded in the top very esy to drill and it looks like its was made to be a cloner ha ha
this is my old design ill grab a pic if you want but for simplicity sake if I built one today I would buy a premade manifold from tree frog? Much easir and probably more efficient but ive never had problems after switching and refuse to ever do it the old way there is 0 drooping and minimal stress
any ways hope this helps also I hope to jumip into high pressser aero at least to try it
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I just cut and put them in rapid rooters, each rooter in its on solo cup. Keep the bottom of the cup wet with water, and by 2 weeks you will see roots. I did NOT use cloning powder on this last run and it took a couple of days longer, but as long as you keep them moist, they will do their best to liiivvveeeeee
I've read heard that soaking willow bark in your water can overnight can help encourage root growth. That's what my grandmother claimed was her secret to success in cloning various flowers.

Haven't tried it personally, yet.
I use root riot cubes with no powders or gels..I just use Kelp/water mix...I place cubes in a tray and water with kelp extract..been working for a few years now..roots accelerator work well also...misting the clones with a kelp mix helps also..I have seen where some even use superthrive to root clones and works...Kelp is my #1 favorite plant product...plants love it
Guys your missing my point not say you cant use root plugs (which can come with bugs if not sterilized but then you kill the benei bacteria you PAID FOR) but its just cost effective, clean , I have literally a 98 percent (its a 100 but im being realistic) Survival rate.
and its just tap water I dont buy SHIT for my cones any more save some new nets and plugs when they finally where out (which if you plant in dirt you hardly ever replace them.
just my opinion fuck all that old school bull shit FOR clones anyway
Do you think I should make 1 or buy 1 I was gonna use hyroots method with aloe but I read above werenhe was gonna try an aero cloner. It a high pressure setup better then low pressure. I want something that will work.
Do you have tools and can you use them ? And dont try high pressure till you get exp small danger factor
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Also I see roots in 3.5 to 7 days no 2 weeks praying for roots
you pop in come back in a week and trans plant or veg in it for up to a few weeks depending on strain
@Cold$moke Yes I have lots of tool i am an auto tech. I also have a decent amount of plumbing tools and can build almost anything <~~~~ well sorda lol domt have enough equipment for that