Is it possible to root clones with no powder/gel

I just bought a 110 liter air pump my last mod did not work well. I had a 45l pump took apart ported the holes smoothed out the bores and the rubber diaphram is a hair small for my over sized holes now it still works just not as good as original so I had to get a new one lol. O will fune some thin rubber and adjust again lol
I ususally run between 14 and 20 deoending on how long I veg
Perfect im gona take some pics cause it will save a lot of typing but basically youll need.
good silicone sealant
as many net cups as you like I filled mine cause it looks neater but you can play around with how much room you want each one to have
foam plugs for said cups (get a few extra)
at least 396 gph water pump

around 6 foot of 1/2 pvc pipe

I used ezclone mister heads but the cheap rain drip 360 misters worked if I remember right
but ez or tree frog misters are better
youll need like at least 20 ill go count
Some CLOSED CELL foam wheathrr striping or if your handy you can mcgyver something basically a gasket for the lid to prevent leaks
2 in hole saw or carful hands lol try not to over bore the holes or they can fall in

I like to paint the yellow lid with black then white on the top of the lids (keeps light out)
I think the rest is self expainitory in the pics .
now here are the freebie tips youll need a tap for get the size now but its small like 10 32 im sure you can find the one that works.
make sure you dont over tap and strip the holes do some practice ones cause it will piss you off lol

also dont make mistake and glue it up its not high pressure enough to worry.
And can be press fit (makes getting the shavings out SOO MUCH easier
My woman says its dinner time so ill grab pics in a bit or if you search aero cloners diy you can get ideas I think mine looks pro except for the pvc manifold thats why when I upgrade ill buy a premade one they are pretty cheap and save on build time BUT the pvc is customizable build the way you like
20141101_182633.jpg 20141101_182547.jpg 20141101_182344.jpg 20141101_182504.jpg 20141101_182246.jpg 20141101_183241.jpg
Sorry for how Filthy my stuff is right now its in storage and I put it away dirty my bad also you need an air pump and stone not needed but if you want you can dod like I do and veg in it for a lil bit

its like aero/dwc just make sure your water lvl doesnt go below the pump and your set
Hope this helps ya bro shoot me any questions also I forgot that the gasket was for my first design this one had a great lid and dosent need it but you need to adjust the level of the spay with the VERTICAL stem that comes outa the pump (you can always shimm it up to raise but hard to lower) any ways good luck show me when your done
Also I made everything I could cause im cheap like that lol the green plugs are kids foams floor mats now cutting them out was a bitch so if you can afford it buy em ha ha
Ha again somethin else just use one of the plant sites to route your power cord and air hoses so water doesn't spray out
Perfectlu awesome will start that maybe this week coming upi is there a certain distance I should keep sprayers away from ones like a certain distance or just keep it low as possible
Perfectlu awesome will start that maybe this week coming upi is there a certain distance I should keep sprayers away from ones like a certain distance or just keep it low as possible
You want to makes sure the spray hits your cuttings but doesn't try to leak out.
that why I like THIS tote the lil squares since they are raised it makes it hared for the water to come out around the net cup.
also cut the bottom of the cup out and train your roots through the hole that wat yiur net is reusable! Im sure im forgetting more but its not rocket science also I recommend no rooting agents just good water not necessarily RO because it has no minerals in it but my well water with a ph a lil sweet ie around 6 is good or just plain water or VEARY weak nutes but only if you plan on vegging in there
Hey there, being the off season, and not realy having to much money to order gel/powder off the internet, is there anyway to root clones without dipping them in shit, like bare bones organic shit you know?

i was realy hoping to clone my babies but with no powder/gel how are they gonna root

I am sure it has been said already but, pure, unpasteurized, raw honey works great. Also, the rooting hormone you get at Wally World, Home Depot, or Lowes works just as well at a fraction of the price.
I am sure it has been said already but, pure, unpasteurized, raw honey works great. Also, the rooting hormone you get at Wally World, Home Depot, or Lowes works just as well at a fraction of the price.
Hello isnt pure honey expensive as well this is why I went this route .
not say that any of you are wrong at all:)
this is just cost effective in the long road.
no more pellets plugs or cheap humidity domes and heat mats,
no bugs from said plugs NO CHEMICALS dosent get anymore organic as far as im concerned also no slimy unrooted cuts. None of that bs but like I said none of you are wrong but I like to do the best the EASIEST way