Is Obama a big Liar or just a Dummy?


Well-Known Member
You want to talk honesty, I wouldn't believe a Republican if he told me the sun will rise tomorrow. There had to be an angle somewhere in their devious little minds.


Well-Known Member
It is much easier to throw up puerile pics than it is to admit the demonstrable prevarications of your Lord and Master...The One.
You are a small minded god.


Well-Known Member
for your entertainment

just compare the IDEAS they are saying in the moive to the present day more then alike then not .......tho the method might be different the effect is the same

get stoned get a beer and see u on the other side of the rabbit hole


Well-Known Member
anything to keep the news away from actually important stuff, like the refusal to reauthorize the violence against women act or have the house pass the immigration bill that had massive bipartisan support in the senate.

this also keeps us from talking about how the deficit has been vut more than in half, how housing is recovering, the stock market is at record highs, and so on.

instead, we can focus on retarded crap that not only everyone already knows, but really and truly pampers the delicate egos of fragile right wing OPs everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Buck did you read the article yet? Nope.
I like spuds.
well did you know they're not really from idaho?

so much for our "freedom" fries. this so called "american" fare is the devil spawn of foreign and hostile socialist narco-states, and now obama is handing out welfare to cultivate this poison on american soil!


might as well have made a thread about that.


Well-Known Member
well did you know they're not really from idaho?

so much for our "freedom" fries. this so called "american" fare is the devil spawn of foreign and hostile socialist narco-states, and now obama is handing out welfare to cultivate this poison on american soil!


might as well have made a thread about that.

Actually I think spuds are indigenous to South America...regardless they sure are yummy...
I also think that impeachment is a way dumb idea...


Well-Known Member
Can you please cut this shit out? I never supported Obama since I have been posting on this forum, you idiots just got mad because I called a few people on their lies about Obama. I always turned right around and criticized him in truthful ways right after. It is rude and I take offense to being purposefully misunderstood and characterized.

Do you simply do this to keep me from arguing? Do you resent that we have some similar views? Why try so hard to ignore complexity?
Just rustlin' some jimmies, sir.

I like you and meant no offense. I will stop messing with ya, bro.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
anything to keep the news away from actually important stuff

this also keeps us from talking about...instead, we can focus on retarded crap
How about two things that are important right now. Which of the two following facts are given greater coverage in headlines? These two facts are linked because they show the coices of the commander in chief and they are so nearly simultaneous. Partisans will hate to look at these two together and generally, you don't read about them together.

1) Obama DOJ asked a federal court to grant immunity to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice and Wolfowitz to war crimes charges.

2) Bradley Manning is requesting a presidential pardon.

The timing of these two facts suggests that a clear message is being sent to the people of the US. You are speaking of what the news ought to focus on and you're right. Some people are catching a partisan view. So are you, the other partisan view.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
BarryO is the biggest lier we have ever had...imo.....But it is just not him it is the people around him lying at a level i have never seen before and i have been around for awhile..


Well-Known Member
I bet you were PISSED when Bush lied us into Iraq, weren't you? I bet you were calling him a feckless piece of shit and talking about impeachment, weren't you?
Bush didnt lie to us in Iraq. He operated off of the best intel available and even other countries were saying that Iraq had WMD. Not that it was a good reason to go in but there was no lie about it. If you want to argue that then how could you possibly vote for Hillary who obviously must have been lying as well.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
How about two things that are important right now. Which of the two following facts are given greater coverage in headlines? These two facts are linked because they show the coices of the commander in chief and they are so nearly simultaneous. Partisans will hate to look at these two together and generally, you don't read about them together.

1) Obama DOJ asked a federal court to grant immunity to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice and Wolfowitz to war crimes charges.

2) Bradley Manning is requesting a presidential pardon.

The timing of these two facts suggests that a clear message is being sent to the people of the US. You are speaking of what the news ought to focus on and you're right. Some people are catching a partisan view. So are you, the other partisan view.
I didn't know about the DOJ asking for immunity thing. Where did you hear/read that?


Well-Known Member
It is much easier to throw up puerile pics than it is to admit the demonstrable prevarications of your Lord and Master...The One.
You are a small minded god.
If you are expecting an honest debate in the politics section I got hope and change to sell ya!!


New Member
Bush didnt lie to us in Iraq. He operated off of the best intel available and even other countries were saying that Iraq had WMD. Not that it was a good reason to go in but there was no lie about it. If you want to argue that then how could you possibly vote for Hillary who obviously must have been lying as well.
No actually... they knew the intell was flawed, they proceeded anyway,...


Well-Known Member
BarryO is the biggest lier we have ever had...imo.....But it is just not him it is the people around him lying at a level i have never seen before and i have been around for awhile..
He doesnt even attend 1/2 of his intelligence briefings. He might be angling for not being told the buck ever got to him...


Well-Known Member
No actually... they knew the intell was flawed, they proceeded anyway,...
At the time there were plenty of people on both sides of the aisle and in other countries saying that Iraq had WMD. In fact they may still have had it and maybe it is what Syria is using now. They could have shipped it off before the war started, it could still be buried in the desert somewhere, etc.

My point is that the "lie" angle has been told so many times and by people who were saying the exact opposite at the time of the war that it has become pseudofact.

All intel is flawed.

Now, I dont think it was a good enough reason to go into Iraq and I was against the war while supporting the troops but nevertheless... Hard to prove it was a lie.