Yeah I think you right... I mean he only been in office 10 months and only has the whole nation in conversation about health care....I guess how it was so made fun of about being " community leader" that we now would say that he does not know how to lead...( hmmmm Obama now President ...Sara Palin now ??????? ...I think I like community leader )...I guess when a person does not do what you want or does not do it when you want then he is not a good leader.....OMG that would make God a poor leader too......Well go sit back because your President Obama is leading this nation back to the right path...he can't do it over night ...but it will be done.....Now say it with me YES WE CAN ...Obama 2012
I'm glad that he is taking his time on Afghan...hell I wish they bring our boys/ladies home.....Afghan is a motherfucker..people need to really look at the history of this's fuckin fall trying to conquer this nation...and for what.????? Believe me terrorism on this nation will be done by people from this nation...and don't say its not like that.... just ask Timothy McVeigh ( dig him up first )... and far as him not making any decision..son wtf you think this nation fighting over right now ??? His decision to make health care a top priority...some peopleI can acknowledge leadership in an opponent. Obama doesn't just make decisions I don't agree with, he doesn't make decisions at all, like on Afghanistan. He is afraid to make decisions. And is it "conversation" he has the nation in? or is it rebellion? Looks a lot like rebellion to me. Just when we thought we couldn't get more polarized Obama comes along and assures us, yes we can! Some leadership.
I guess that's the rub, most of us americans think President Obama is doing a fine job.
I guess that's the rub, most of us americans think President Obama is doing a fine job.
Check out the latest Rasmussen polls:
Kinda wants to make you change your handle, doesn't it TheDemocrat?
I think Obama should run an airplane into a building to regain his support.
this is exactly the advice he is getting, create an emergency or a panic and then have the answer close at hand. rising unemployment, sky high health care costs and an economy on the verge of collapse are all disasters caused by governmental meddling. h1n1 and man made climate change are overinflated dangers hyped by a government looking for an hysteria to capitalize on. our representatives are in danger of losing what little credibility they have managed to retain through the years of deceiving the public and they are grasping for any cause that they can champion or any disaster they can pretend to avert. the sweet words of obama's campaign and the promises of a new age of transparency have left the people thirsty for real change and this administration knows it can't produce the promised results. only the status quo can ensure that these leeches retain their power over the masses, the very thing that they campaigned against, and now they're casting about for something to distract the public as they consolidate their power in the old tried and true ways.That's pretty close to the advice he's getting now.