Is Obama competent?

I've already nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

CJ, try to look surprised when you get the phone call.

"Huh? I was nominated? I had no idea. I am truly honored and humbled."

How's that? (this convo never happened)

And I don't even have to walk any more!! Hey, wait! Whose gonna feed the dogs???

We'll simply grind up all the wealthy ppl in ur neighborhood. Plenty of dog food!!
What will Obama do about the states that before 2012, will require all candidates to produce their original birth documentation in order to be on the ballot? I say he never intended to run for a second term for this reason. But, if he is indeed legit, I guess he will just finally release the bc, even though he has now spent $1.5 million to avoid doing so.
What will Obama do about the states that before 2012, will require all candidates to produce their original birth documentation in order to be on the ballot? I say he never intended to run for a second term for this reason. But, if he is indeed legit, I guess he will just finally release the bc, even though he has now spent $1.5 million to avoid doing so.
yeah you keep me posted on that birther thing...:lol: