Dude, it's not going to come to that.
Spandy's words implying a war over gun ownership is a fever dream given to him by NRA propaganda. It's a play for the mind of the fearful, which from your posts I don't count you as one.
What I was talking about is a nut job firing his gun blindly or with purpose from his house or menacing or abusing his wife or many other causes that already are on the books for revoking a violent or disturbed persons right to own a gun. At that time, it's turned over to those with the training and authority to enforce the law and I've never heard of a revolt by law enforcement agencies to do so.
I keep telling him that there is no reason why a peaceful person shouldn't be able to keep or buy guns. He keeps repeating the propaganda about "take my gunz". Maybe he's trolling, maybe he believes it. Makes no difference it's still bullshit.