is the NRA a terrorist organization?

is the NRA a terrorist organization?

  • yes

  • no, they just want people who do gun massacres to be well-equipped to massacre

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I agree with that. We had to take guns away from a family member that had dementia. The family member was saying they were going to shoot family members. We took the guns the same way we took the drivers license.
it's happening all across this country and as the baby boomers move into advanced age it's just going to become common.
There is no irony. You care deeply about your internet addiction. And I am just still fucking with you and your rediculous extreme fake liberal naive bullshit. And your constant hypocrisy.

You had dirty weed and you tried to buy a gun. And you preach at others about honesty and intelligence. But you are a lying drunk.

And the fact that you are babysat actively your family pities you so much is really funny.

Tell me more about my meth addiction and disability payments. Lol. You have to lie just to pretend you win an argument.

if i was a lying drunk i would sound like you
Like bengazi worse?

I laugh at people that are stupid enough to bring that up. The entire Benghazi event can be summed up in just a few sentences:
  • The embassy was attacked and sacked killing 4 Americans.
  • Within hours, the head of security of the embassy, who is NOT a military specialist, told Hillary Clinton that "a protest got out of hand and they rioted and attacked the embassy".
  • Clinton, being pressed by the public and media for any information, told them exactly what she was told - that the head of security said it was a demonstration that got out of hand.
  • Clinton, being an intelligent person, thought there was more to it than that and even voiced that opinion to several others. Clinton was of the opinion that it was somehow a planned attack and not some random act.
  • Two weeks later, after an investigation by professional military personnel, Clinton's thought that there was more to it was confirmed.
  • Clinton then released that information to the public.
That's it.

That's all there is or ever was to it.

It's really no different than any other investigation at any level. Example, a cop shows up at the scene of an accident and is told a story about what happened. That goes into his report. Then when the investigation reveals that the person in question was traveling much faster than he had stated, the report is amended.

It doesn't mean the cop lied. It simple means he stated what he was told and later amended that with what the actual investigation showed.

Republicans used it as a smear campaign and nothing more. They wasted more time, money, energy and resources on that stupid shit than The Warren Commission and Watergate combined.
Dude, it's not going to come to that.

Spandy's words implying a war over gun ownership is a fever dream given to him by NRA propaganda. It's a play for the mind of the fearful, which from your posts I don't count you as one.

What I was talking about is a nut job firing his gun blindly or with purpose from his house or menacing or abusing his wife or many other causes that already are on the books for revoking a violent or disturbed persons right to own a gun. At that time, it's turned over to those with the training and authority to enforce the law and I've never heard of a revolt by law enforcement agencies to do so.

I keep telling him that there is no reason why a peaceful person shouldn't be able to keep or buy guns. He keeps repeating the propaganda about "take my gunz". Maybe he's trolling, maybe he believes it. Makes no difference it's still bullshit.
I think it was the part where you said something about cold dead hands. I guess that was in response to the "pry them out of my cold dead hands" that some gun owners have.

Gun owners are worried that registration will lead to confiscation. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand I don't want them registered. On the other I've bought all firearms legally with a paper trail except a few that were gifts. I also have a ccwp.

I think if it came right down to it I wouldn't turn mine in. I would bury them somewhere. Maybe turn in a few.

I don't see it coming to that. Generally in the past when firearms were banned the ones already owned where grandfathered in.

If there is another assault weapons ban I don't see how it would work out. So many out there. 80% receivers. A 80% receiver is not considered a firearm and is the same as a paper weight to the atf. Its not until its milled out that it is a firearm. A person could order them and keep them put up.

it's happening all across this country and as the baby boomers move into advanced age it's just going to become common.
Its sad. If it needs done it needs done. It was really unsettling when the family member with dementia was threating to shoot kids for just playing outside. He thought the kids where there to rob him.

Demnentia is a horrible disease.
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maybe i should do like you do and call jews cheap lying rats

You are still quoting someone else with that. I asked that poster to use the word frugal to be polite.

But you are so upset you are not liked you see sock puppets all around you.

I will clue you in. Your posting here is not important. No one cares. They just don’t want you insulting them. Things would be better here without you posting. Even your keepers brother knows it.
Number of times the government has ever "come for your guns": Zero.

It has never happened.

It has never even been mentioned.

What has been talked about a LOT are a universal background check - where EVERYBODY, even private sales, have to have a background check.


Titling guns.

In the end, what most rational people want is for guns to be treated like cars. You buy one, you get a background check and a title for the gun in your name. You sell that gun, you and the buyer make a quick trip to the gun store, pay the 10 dollar fee (or whatever it is) and he gets a background check and the title of the gun transfers to him.

Here's why the NRA fights both of those:

Most guns get into the hands of criminal by way of legal buyers. They buy the guns for 400 bucks and sell them privately to criminals for double that. Criminals will pay it because the only other way they can get one is to steal one, and they sort of need the gun to do their stealing.

That would cut gun sales by an estimated 40%. It would devastate the gun industry by making it nearly impossible to sell a gun to someone that shouldn't have one.

So the gun nuts that deal illegally are against it and the NRA is against it because the gun manufacturers are against it.

Would it end all gun crimes?

No. Of course not. But within 20 years it would reduce it by an estimated 70% as the guns available dry up and the only people left owning them are, surprise surprise, the people that can legally own them.
you see sock puppets all around you.


do some more meth already, klantard

I have noticed fogdog is buck is fogdog is buck
just in case is his admitted sock
I can’t tell which sock is answering for what member.
YThe comment was personal to the head sock.
cant Buck handle being 3 socks at once for this thread. This is lame.
You are a very confusing sock puppet.
You still only talk mostly to your socks.
You and your socks are the problem here.
You will mostly talk to yourself and your socks from here on I suspect.
Screenshot 2018-04-03 at 1.18.52 PM.png
Thank you. But everyone knows about your many accounts.

It’s the new members that you attack that obviously have no idea what your talking about I was referring too.


tell us more about how you are not a meth-addicted klantard

Screenshot 2018-04-03 at 1.32.37 PM.png
If there is another assault weapons ban I don't see how it would work out. So many out there. 80% receivers. A 80% receiver is not considered a firearm and is the same as a paper weight to the atf. Its not until its milled out that it is a firearm.
This is why AR's will never get banned. They are super easy to make now. If they stopped selling the lowers, just get one milled.
All you need now is a few hundred bucks.. a drill press and basic tools and you can make a fully funtional ar
This is why AR's will never get banned. They are super easy to make now. If they stopped selling the lowers, just get one milled.
All you need now is a few hundred bucks.. a drill press and basic tools and you can make a fully funtional ar
Its legal to make your own firearm. You just can't sell it.
This is why AR's will never get banned. They are super easy to make now. If they stopped selling the lowers, just get one milled.
All you need now is a few hundred bucks.. a drill press and basic tools and you can make a fully funtional ar
and give the rifle to somebody else to have them fire it to double check your headspacing.
it shows me grilling someone for being such a vile, anti-semitic piece of shit, and you playing right along with it


No. The opposite was and is still happening. I can keep you doing this forever.

You need to like your real life dude. This is all just part of your addiction.

I still open my invitation to you to stop by and get high on great uplifting happy feeling pot and if you can wait a couple months for my surgery Thursday to heal I will take you on a lovely kayak trip right in the town I live.

You seriously need a break man. You are way past being likable anymore.
No. The opposite was and is still happening. I can keep you doing this forever.

You need to like your real life dude. This is all just part of your addiction.

I still open my invitation to you to stop by and get high on great uplifting happy feeling pot and if you can wait a couple months for my surgery Thursday to heal I will take you on a lovely kayak trip right in the town I live.

You seriously need a break man. You are way past being likable anymore.

so you are claiming that you were grilling that anti-semite, the one who said the anti-semitic thing, by defending her comment, which she even gave you a like for?

jesus christ you suffer some nasty delusions

if i ever saw you in person id knock the last three meth-stained teeth you have down the back of your throat, klantard
so you are claiming that you were grilling that anti-semite, the one who said the anti-semitic thing, by defending her comment, which she even gave you a like for?

jesus christ you suffer some nasty delusions

if i ever saw you in person id knock the last three meth-stained teeth you have down the back of your throat, klantard

Ttystick got so upset with me he threatened to beat me up too.

I was grillin you. Like a chicken.

You would lose at violence with me too bud. I have history. You are a geek.