Is there a age limit on marijuana ?

As far as granny, I think the environment is gonna be most important the first time. Have some "busy" stuff (reading, knitting, etc..) for her to do incase she gets a little tripped out. First time my Mom hit my stash, she went a little heavy on the rip. She got a bit too stoned and was getting paranoid. Had her go read her book for a half hour or so, and she was just fine :D
As far as granny, I think the environment is gonna be most important the first time. Have some "busy" stuff (reading, knitting, etc..) for her to do incase she gets a little tripped out. First time my Mom hit my stash, she went a little heavy on the rip. She got a bit too stoned and was getting paranoid. Had her go read her book for a half hour or so, and she was just fine :D
I have kinetic sand color books and puzzles lol...I like stuff like that around for psychedelics especially for the newbies lol
Oh yeah, if someone wants to bad enough, ain't no stopping them. The long arm of the law stretches pretty far, but I'm gonna make em earn those tax dollars :lol:
Yea of course give em hell lol especially when I'm the one paying the taxes...shit I stay with in my plant count and I have weed legally delivered to my door so I'm good lol but I still try to be private about everything
I will make it short and grandma is very old 70 years old...she does alot better than most 70 year olds but she's never got high before and I think this is something she needs to do before she there anyway this could cause a heart attack or anything I need to be worried about concerning her age ?
I've smoked a joint with a 92 year old. No way I'm telling anyone who has lived that long that they can't hit the weed lol
My grandpa tried smoking weed once and decided to go to the store. He got so confused he just pulled over and went to sleep for hours. My grandma was wondering where the hell he was and nobody had a clue, lol.

Oh, and he was a Navy Veteran that wasn't a soft guy. Cannabis strikes again.
I got my grandpa to hit my blunt one day...he smokes ciggerates so he was able to hit It real good lol well he went to sleep right after....then he woke up and told me he was never smoking that shit again lol