Is This Wrong?


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's very wrong, and I think you're EVIL for putting that link up here!

I already know what it is, so I know enough not to click it, but still, lol, you really should warn people what they're going to see, it's kinda....I dunno, what's the word --- BEAT! or how about -- DISGUST!


Well-Known Member
local radio dj told people to check it out and the next day he was fired, i can only assume a pissed off mother of some kid must have complained.


Well-Known Member
haha that issick but funny. its only wrong of you think it is. haha who would have even though of making that movie


New Member
You guys do know that it's most likely not even real dookie right? They made the vid for popularity and it definitely worked ... lol

I saw this one twisted ass vid where all these girls dog piled on top of each other and shat everywhere, among sexual acts that I won't go into detail about. You actually SAW the shit coming out .. So you know it's real. lol I get more humor than anything out of that. . It's interesting how nasty human beings are.


Well-Known Member
Somebody outta send that link to Poseidonsnet,with his sodomite fixation he'd go on the rampage.


Active Member
I've never been able to watch 2 girls 1 cup, I'm still traumatized by being tricked into looking at tubgirl 6 years ago :-?

My desire to not have horrible images seared into my brain for the rest of my life keeps my curiosity in check.


Active Member
yes i remmeber avoiding this shit all year

then during a floor meeting in my dorm, my floor president was high and projected it on the wall behind the ra. as soon as i saw 2 girls i turned the other way. thinking it was over, i turned back to look at the RA only to see green feces flowing out of the anus like a sausage maker. needless to say i turned the fock to the side again, thought about it, asked myself why am i staying for a bloody floor meeting anyways, left, and got hai


Well-Known Member
When it comes to sexual practices, I'm a bit of an aghori, but there are some things you wish you could get out of your head.


Well-Known Member