Israel calls Polish ban on ritual slaughter (shechita) ‘totally unacceptable’.


Active Member
So what?

Did no one tell you there is a war on?
Lol The hypocrisy You're Always preaching about Religious war cults but you think its ok that the jewish Religion kills innocents in the name of zionism.

I bet 100 on red your jewish yourself(you will deny it) just like buck(he claims he isn't but his wife is). Funny how all the jewish racists stick together and say its ok to kill palestinians.
Seems kinda dumb to me. The only reason in my mind why they might want it banned is because of the religious value in it, and seeing how Poland is full of devout Catholics who go to church every sunday, they probably didn't want it for that reason. But that is also dumb.

... Half a billion dollars annually from Kosher meat, just from Poland? wtf?
I have the feeling that they'l try again and sometime not too far in the distant future kosher meat will be allowed again.

While I agree with what you are saying for the most part

My only question would be what gives israel the right to tell another country they need to change a law they choose to enact ? Any israelis around to answer?

Why should they not be allowed to air their voices? Would you, shotgun, rather oppress their freedom of speech?
And why would you need an Israeli to answer such a stupid and obvious question? (As you can see I just rebutted the question with my eyes blindfolded and hands tied behind my back; that's how easy it was)

you can tell anyone anything you like..... its not like they have to listen. I tell people things everyday knowing full well they are not listening or don't care about most of it.... it's just part of my job. I see this being similar to the way most politicians act in this respect. They say what it is their job to say, so being the prez of Isreal i imagine it is to some degree his job to issue a public statement when another country outlaws something highly valued in your countries population.

I'm just throwing out ideas here.... i quit trying to understand the middle east a while back
As I understand it, Its not just high value to them, its their food source! If they only eat Kosher meat, and Poland decided to ban the production of Kosher meat, then that is 1 less supplier of the food that they eat. It's pretty significant imo, and to not say anything at all would imo be pretty irresponsible.

As for the meat, I would honestly prefer if all meat came from animals that were humanely slaughtered. (humanely slaughtered seems like an oxymoron)


Well-Known Member
maybe they can call god, get him to smite poland, since they are the chosen ones and the rest of us are only Goy dogs.

No doubt a real problem with jews. But, it the same with Christians. The jews didn't create hell.

Christians say the same things. It in the book and is the most mis-understood of all the confusion, I think.. The meaning has shifted for power in the war cult.

"No man may come unto the Father except through the Son." Oh, so we need one "Son of God" Cool, this guy.

No this means to me. We cannot know our big Self except by moving through the little self, the Son or pod of the big Self.

All scriptures are full of this stuff. But, there is this underlaying message that is the same. Know Self.

All the war cults make this stuff up for War. He is the Chosen People bit. But, it the same a Christians and Muslims.
So therefore we are locked in Relgious Warfare in the West for 100Os of years, while the East is locked in similar.

The Torah also says,
"Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me from all the peoples, for all the earth is mine" (Exodus 19:5). God promises that he will never exchange his people with any other:
"And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you." (Genesis 17:7). Other Torah verses about chosenness,

  • "And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation" (Exodus 19:6).
  • "The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people; but because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your ancestors." (Deuteronomy 7:7-8).

The obligation imposed upon the Israelites was emphasized by the prophet Amos (3:2):

"You only have I singled out of all the families of the earth: therefore will I visit upon you all your iniquities."


Active Member
Why should they not be allowed to air their voices? Would you, shotgun, rather oppress their freedom of speech?
And why would you need an Israeli to answer such a stupid and obvious question? (As you can see I just rebutted the question with my eyes blindfolded and hands tied behind my back; that's how easy it was)
Calling for something isn't questioning its demanding.

call someone or something in 1. to call on the special talents, abilities, or power of someone or something

Sucks you had to tie your own hands and blind fold yourself to answer a question.


Active Member
No doubt a real problem with jews. But, it the same with Christians. The jews didn't create hell.

Christians say the same things. It in the book and is the most mis-understood of all the confusion, I think.. The meaning has shifted for power in the war cult.
Doer the defender of zionist jews loves to shift any light shed on the crimes of zionism away towards another religion. You seem to have no issue when other religions are question why are your chosen people off topic? Could it be you feel they are superior?


Well-Known Member
Calling for something isn't questioning its demanding.

call someone or something in 1. to call on the special talents, abilities, or power of someone or something

Sucks you had to tie your own hands and blind fold yourself to answer a question.
WTF? You don't even understand your own discussion.
And you're a fucking retard. There are more humane ways to slaughter an animal than slitting its throat and waiting for it to bleed out, hence why the Poles banned it dumbshit.

What???... No shit? But they say it's painless!?! (well, maybe there is pain for a second, Idk. Though if it is pain for 1 second, then that cant be so bad!? dont ya think?)


New Member
Doer the defender of zionist jews loves to shift any light shed on the crimes of zionism away towards another religion. You seem to have no issue when other religions are question why are your chosen people off topic? Could it be you feel they are superior?
I used to think that too, but he understands the thorn of zion that's situated in the middle east... ;-)


Well-Known Member
And you're a fucking retard. There are more humane ways to slaughter an animal than slitting its throat and waiting for it to bleed out, hence why the Poles banned it dumbshit.
Slitting a throat is probably the most humane way to kill something. Other ways are just cleaner. A clean cut across your throat will have you unconscious almost immediately from the pressure drop. Please tell me which mys are more humane, and why they are.
Calling for something isn't questioning its demanding.

call someone or something in 1. to call on the special talents, abilities, or power of someone or something

Sucks you had to tie your own hands and blind fold yourself to answer a question.

And what is so wrong with Israel making demands? (other than the whole usa/ middle east bombing shit)


New Member
And what is so wrong with Israel making demands? (other than the whole usa/ middle east bombing shit)
they are in no position to be making any demands considering they're are currently an illegal state in violation of UNSCR. Coincidently, we go to war of certain UNSCR violations, just not any violations by the Israelis.
they are in no position to be making any demands considering they're are currently an illegal state in violation of UNSCR. Coincidently, we go to war of certain UNSCR violations, just not any violations by the Israelis.

Question is, where should they all go? Should they all just pack their bags and leave, just because someone else put their name on that peice of land first? That's stupid.
Think about the fact that they are already established. Despite the fact that apparently they violently took the piece of land which they live on, what is wrong with their being there? Should they not be allowed to live?


Well-Known Member
dudes thats part of our rights for us to sacrifise to God what he gave us. many christians refuse to put older rituals in their churches in favor of bigger hypocrisy. But something of this nature is what we have been doing for thousands of years.its our heritage to so and they must let us. i'm polish, but fail to see why there is a ban. health concerns maybe ,but all of us are human and clean when this is done.


Active Member
Question is, where should they all go? Should they all just pack their bags and leave, just because someone else put their name on that peice of land first? That's stupid.
Think about the fact that they are already established. Despite the fact that apparently they violently took the piece of land which they live on, what is wrong with their being there? Should they not be allowed to live?
Jews live all over the earth. Even peacefully in Iran the place the zionists keep trying to push for the next war.


New Member
Question is, where should they all go? Should they all just pack their bags and leave, just because someone else put their name on that peice of land first? That's stupid.
Think about the fact that they are already established. Despite the fact that apparently they violently took the piece of land which they live on, what is wrong with their being there? Should they not be allowed to live?
Anything outside the '67 borders is illegal, especially all the "occupation camps". They can live, but not at the expense of the Palestinians. Many of the population consider it "jewish land" because of some stupid book, a religious belief, nothing else...


Active Member
Hey baby boy, what do you know about slaughtering animals? Have you done so? No. Then shut up. :)
Have you? I highly doubt it. Cutting an animals trachea and esophagus is about as cruel as it gets. Leaving the spinal cord intact during the process means the animal is fully conscious during the process while it drowns in its own blood. You want to see fear in an animal watch a video of this procedure done. The animal suffocates to death.

This type of killing is logical in the sense that you are using the heart to pump a majority of the blood from the body but there are better ways. If the animal must be conscious then a puncture to the jugular with a sharp knife while the animal is restrained is the most humane. Here in the west we render the animal unconscious FIRST then bleed them. This does not excuse our shotty practices here. There are, however, kosher slaughter houses here that practice this type of inhumane sacrificial killing in the name of some sky daddy. Fuck that bullshit. It's an insane and cruel way to boost someone's spiritual ego.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by this? Are you saying you condone snitch behavior?
He's actually referring to himself.
Another anti-constutional message. If you see something, say something, for GOD's SAKE!!

Self Policing is whatever you want to call it. It is the essence of our system. And I will bust your head if I get a chance. Wha you talkin about?

We have just been through a trial of Evil Hearts here in the Bay Area. A gang rape. Went on for hours. 16 years old girl. Out in public no less. Yeah, on a bench for hours outside in a school yard. Dozens of people standing a watch forming a cordon that would not allow her escape or view from the street.

So, what are you? A creep? A pervert? Do I snitch? Fuck yes, I do. I am in charge of this show. I'm a US citizen.

The worse anti-constitutional force is this don't snitch. Mob talk.

It is gang and gang is Warlord. Guys like me will open fire and then snitch. I have broken up shit with my bare hands and waited for the law.

I have testified against drunk drivers that didn't even hit me.


Well-Known Member
You are so lost here, it is kinda painful....for you I guess. Or perhaps just comfortably numb? Very good.

Why do you say they can do that? Join "us" in Reality? Who you mean white boy? :)

I don't know anyone in reality, including myself except for, very brief, peak moments.

Otherwise, like you, I'm lost in thought, re-living, re-writing, wishing and hoping....sound familiar? It should.

It seem the one thing that make us human and stupid all at the same time is this natter mind that won't shut up.

So, that plays out into jew, hate jews, don't care about it, really care about it. And that is just one tiny second of the subject of jews in Mr. Nattermind.

So, the jews think this, I think that, you think something else.

What we cannot get around is if you think you have every right to not act like a jew, a jew has every right as well.

Do you live in such a tiny world still that you think Hassidic is as weird as it gets?
I'm not sure what kind of brain damage you've sustained that causes you to go off on these incoherent rants, but I fully support the "Jews" as a race of people who are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. What I don't support is Zionism, believing that Israel has the right to do whatever it wants to whoever it wants, and that Jews are superior to others because they are under the delusion that they've been chosen by God. This is what religious fanatics believe, but fortunately a good portion of Israel is made up of people who don't support Zionism, even including a good portion of the Orthodox community, who still value human life equally.


Well-Known Member
Have you? I highly doubt it. Cutting an animals trachea and esophagus is about as cruel as it gets. Leaving the spinal cord intact during the process means the animal is fully conscious during the process while it drowns in its own blood. You want to see fear in an animal watch a video of this procedure done. The animal suffocates to death.

This type of killing is logical in the sense that you are using the heart to pump a majority of the blood from the body but there are better ways. If the animal must be conscious then a puncture to the jugular with a sharp knife while the animal is restrained is the most humane. Here in the west we render the animal unconscious FIRST then bleed them. This does not excuse our shotty practices here. There are, however, kosher slaughter houses here that practice this type of inhumane sacrificial killing in the name of some sky daddy. Fuck that bullshit. It's an insane and cruel way to boost someone's spiritual ego.
Of course, I have. And what difference does it make? That is the point. Jew hate. A defacto embargo.