Israel Has the Right and Obligation to Defend Its Border with Deadly Force


Well-Known Member

By David French


Israeli border police officers take positions during a Palestinian protest of the U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem, May 15, 2018. (Mohamad Torokman/Reuters)
Would you let people who want to kill you into your home?

One of the enduring mysteries of modern political discourse is the way in which smart people — who are not remotely anti-Semitic — impose curious, unworkable double standards on the nation of Israel. Let’s take, for example, the response of many on the left to the so-called Great Return March, an effort by thousands of Gazans to storm the Israeli border.

After all, the international legal standards are clear. A nation has the right to protect the integrity of its border, and that right is supplemented by an inherent right of self-defense in the face of a hostile foreign power. Hamas — which rules Gaza — rejects Israel’s right to exist and remains in a state of perpetual, declared war with Israel. Any reasonable person contemplating the consequences of a border-wall breach knows that chaos and bloodshed may result.

Moreover, every reasonably informed person knows that Hamas has a long history of using human shields, including women and children, to drum up international sympathy and deceive gullible foreign critics into believing that Israel is using lethal force against peaceful protestors who merely seek a peaceful resolution to an intractable conflict. Yet still yesterday we saw tweets and articles not just from the single-minded anti-Israel Left but also from far more thoughtful observers:

Let’s answer these tweets with a question. What would you have Israel do when thousands of people march on the border, some armed, some not? What would you have Israel do when you know that terrorists are certainly mixed in that crowd, people who’d gladly shoot or stab Israeli civilians if they were ever to gain access to Israeli towns?

You can’t let the wall come down. You can’t let thousands (or perhaps tens of thousands) of people flood into Israeli communities.

Oh, and you’re not allowed to presume that the Israeli military has superhuman ability to do what no military force has ever been able to do: effectively and reliably control hostile armed mobs with exclusively nonlethal means. In other words, tear gas won’t get the job done.

Israel could moderate its approach to Gaza tomorrow, and Hamas would seize as many assets as it could to construct terror tunnels and rebuild its military infrastructure.

One of the enduring problems in international dialogue about Gaza is that the Palestinian resistance is, quite simply, more vicious and violent — with ultimate eliminationist goals — than well-meaning leftists want or believe it to be. Take, for example, objections to the American embassy in Jerusalem. The real root of much of the Palestinian rage isn’t that the location of the embassy disrupts a (largely illusory) “peace process,” but rather that American action is yet another step toward solidifying permanent Israeli control over most of Jerusalem.

Hamas, to its very core, believes that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state. None. To its very core, it believes that all of Palestine must be under Islamic control. It has absolutely no moral qualms about intentionally inflicting as many civilian casualties as possible in the pursuit of its absolutist goals. Israel could moderate its approach to Gaza tomorrow, and Hamas would seize as many assets as it could to construct terror tunnels and rebuild its military infrastructure. That’s the sad reality of life in Gaza.

And that sad reality presents Israel with few good options. That’s what evil does. It rarely presents the forces of reason with easy or simple solutions.

It’s also worth noting that there is a dispositional difference between left and right. American liberals are more likely to look at mass protests — even violent mass protests — and lionize the dissenters. That’s when you see phrases in news stories such as “mostly peaceful,” or you’ll read descriptions of the disparity in power between the rioters and the Israeli military — Palestinians’ kites and Molotov Cocktails versus Israelis’ Apaches and tanks. All too many liberals are blinded by the Palestinians’ underdog status and refuse to squarely consider that actual ideas and attitudes of the Palestinian rioters.

American conservatives hear phrases like “mostly peaceful” and scoff. That’s not Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. marching on the wall.

At the same time, American conservatives should no more excuse every IDF action or tactic than they should excuse every American action or tactic. Israel is a nation that is more dedicated to preventing civilian casualties than even the United States is, but it is not infallible. It needs an ally that can offer constructive criticism.

Yet while Israel is hardly perfect, its response to the Great Return March is necessary and prudent. Under no circumstances can it allow Hamas to breach its border fence. Nor can it hold its foreign policy (including the location of foreign embassies) hostage to threats of Palestinian terror or Palestinian riots. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and it will be the capital of Israel in any peace settlement. The only way Jerusalem will not be the Israeli capital is that Israel ceases to exist.

Formal American recognition of that reality isn’t wrong, and it isn’t reckless. It’s a cold dose of reality to a Palestinian cause that’s been steeped in eliminationist fantasies for generations. Rather than riot, it’s the Palestinian responsibility (including the Gazan responsibility) to understand that it cannot and will not destroy the Jewish state.
Yea, yea ,yea.
Heard that shit before.
Israel has no right to the West Bank, by international law, meanwhile it has moved hundreds of thousand's "Settlers" onto Palestinian land, not fucking Israeli land.
How about the fact that Gaza is essentially a concentration camp, totally under the control of the Israeli military, which limits it ability to exist considering it embargos the shit out of it and bombs the fuck out of it when so inclined
French is simply a Israeli stooge, that merely espouses more poor, poor pitiful me Zionist propaganda.
Hamas has been forced into a corner, and yes, it is violent, but with a legitimate cause in my estimation.
Anyway, Israel has killed FUCKING THOUSANDS of protesters in the last year alone, meanwhile how many Israeli soldiers have died?
Oh that's right!!
Fucking ONE!!!!
Fuck Israel, that POS nation

By David French


Israeli border police officers take positions during a Palestinian protest of the U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem, May 15, 2018. (Mohamad Torokman/Reuters)
Would you let people who want to kill you into your home?

One of the enduring mysteries of modern political discourse is the way in which smart people — who are not remotely anti-Semitic — impose curious, unworkable double standards on the nation of Israel. Let’s take, for example, the response of many on the left to the so-called Great Return March, an effort by thousands of Gazans to storm the Israeli border.

After all, the international legal standards are clear. A nation has the right to protect the integrity of its border, and that right is supplemented by an inherent right of self-defense in the face of a hostile foreign power. Hamas — which rules Gaza — rejects Israel’s right to exist and remains in a state of perpetual, declared war with Israel. Any reasonable person contemplating the consequences of a border-wall breach knows that chaos and bloodshed may result.

Moreover, every reasonably informed person knows that Hamas has a long history of using human shields, including women and children, to drum up international sympathy and deceive gullible foreign critics into believing that Israel is using lethal force against peaceful protestors who merely seek a peaceful resolution to an intractable conflict. Yet still yesterday we saw tweets and articles not just from the single-minded anti-Israel Left but also from far more thoughtful observers:

Let’s answer these tweets with a question. What would you have Israel do when thousands of people march on the border, some armed, some not? What would you have Israel do when you know that terrorists are certainly mixed in that crowd, people who’d gladly shoot or stab Israeli civilians if they were ever to gain access to Israeli towns?

You can’t let the wall come down. You can’t let thousands (or perhaps tens of thousands) of people flood into Israeli communities.

Oh, and you’re not allowed to presume that the Israeli military has superhuman ability to do what no military force has ever been able to do: effectively and reliably control hostile armed mobs with exclusively nonlethal means. In other words, tear gas won’t get the job done.

Israel could moderate its approach to Gaza tomorrow, and Hamas would seize as many assets as it could to construct terror tunnels and rebuild its military infrastructure.

One of the enduring problems in international dialogue about Gaza is that the Palestinian resistance is, quite simply, more vicious and violent — with ultimate eliminationist goals — than well-meaning leftists want or believe it to be. Take, for example, objections to the American embassy in Jerusalem. The real root of much of the Palestinian rage isn’t that the location of the embassy disrupts a (largely illusory) “peace process,” but rather that American action is yet another step toward solidifying permanent Israeli control over most of Jerusalem.

Hamas, to its very core, believes that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state. None. To its very core, it believes that all of Palestine must be under Islamic control. It has absolutely no moral qualms about intentionally inflicting as many civilian casualties as possible in the pursuit of its absolutist goals. Israel could moderate its approach to Gaza tomorrow, and Hamas would seize as many assets as it could to construct terror tunnels and rebuild its military infrastructure. That’s the sad reality of life in Gaza.

And that sad reality presents Israel with few good options. That’s what evil does. It rarely presents the forces of reason with easy or simple solutions.

It’s also worth noting that there is a dispositional difference between left and right. American liberals are more likely to look at mass protests — even violent mass protests — and lionize the dissenters. That’s when you see phrases in news stories such as “mostly peaceful,” or you’ll read descriptions of the disparity in power between the rioters and the Israeli military — Palestinians’ kites and Molotov Cocktails versus Israelis’ Apaches and tanks. All too many liberals are blinded by the Palestinians’ underdog status and refuse to squarely consider that actual ideas and attitudes of the Palestinian rioters.

American conservatives hear phrases like “mostly peaceful” and scoff. That’s not Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. marching on the wall.

At the same time, American conservatives should no more excuse every IDF action or tactic than they should excuse every American action or tactic. Israel is a nation that is more dedicated to preventing civilian casualties than even the United States is, but it is not infallible. It needs an ally that can offer constructive criticism.

Yet while Israel is hardly perfect, its response to the Great Return March is necessary and prudent. Under no circumstances can it allow Hamas to breach its border fence. Nor can it hold its foreign policy (including the location of foreign embassies) hostage to threats of Palestinian terror or Palestinian riots. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and it will be the capital of Israel in any peace settlement. The only way Jerusalem will not be the Israeli capital is that Israel ceases to exist.

Formal American recognition of that reality isn’t wrong, and it isn’t reckless. It’s a cold dose of reality to a Palestinian cause that’s been steeped in eliminationist fantasies for generations. Rather than riot, it’s the Palestinian responsibility (including the Gazan responsibility) to understand that it cannot and will not destroy the Jewish state.
It's so nice to know that you abhor divisive politics.
Yea, yea ,yea.
Heard that shit before.
Israel has no right to the West Bank, by international law, meanwhile it has moved hundreds of thousand's "Settlers" onto Palestinian land, not fucking Israeli land.
How about the fact that Gaza is essentially a concentration camp, totally under the control of the Israeli military, which limits it ability to exist considering it embargos the shit out of it and bombs the fuck out of it when so inclined
French is simply a Israeli stooge, that merely espouses more poor, poor pitiful me Zionist propaganda.
Hamas has been forced into a corner, and yes, it is violent, but with a legitimate cause in my estimation.
Anyway, Israel has killed FUCKING THOUSANDS of protesters in the last year alone, meanwhile how many Israeli soldiers have died?
Oh that's right!!
Fucking ONE!!!!
Fuck Israel, that POS nation

did Bebe ever send us 'thoughts and prayers' for the synagogue killings?

if not, why not?..i know why.
Yea, yea ,yea.
Heard that shit before.
Israel has no right to the West Bank, by international law, meanwhile it has moved hundreds of thousand's "Settlers" onto Palestinian land, not fucking Israeli land.
How about the fact that Gaza is essentially a concentration camp, totally under the control of the Israeli military, which limits it ability to exist considering it embargos the shit out of it and bombs the fuck out of it when so inclined
French is simply a Israeli stooge, that merely espouses more poor, poor pitiful me Zionist propaganda.
Hamas has been forced into a corner, and yes, it is violent, but with a legitimate cause in my estimation.
Anyway, Israel has killed FUCKING THOUSANDS of protesters in the last year alone, meanwhile how many Israeli soldiers have died?
Oh that's right!!
Fucking ONE!!!!
Fuck Israel, that POS nation
we will not accept antisemitism on this forum, please delete this comment and go back to the alt-right nazi shithole you came from.
we will not accept antisemitism on this forum, please delete this comment and go back to the alt-right nazi shithole you came from.
Alt-right Nazi shithole where I came from?
Hah Hah Hah!
I ain't no Nazi asshole.
You post shit from the National Review, kinda noted for it's rightwing viewpoints, that tries to explain away the FACT that the Palestinians have been slaughtered for decades by Jews (I believe that's what they call themselves).
What's the death toll so far this year alone, not counting the deaths from previous Israeli aggression against Gaza?
Do you know?
Well, since protests began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed at least 210 Palestinians and wounded more than 18,000 vs 1 IDF soldier, who was hit by a fucking rock.
And as far as being anti-Semitic, don't give me that horse shit, because I'm not.
What I do is call a spade a spade, and the right wing zealots in Israel are giving the entire Jewish community a bad name, which they definitely don't need at this point in history.
Oh, nice avatar by the way, is that your daughters expression when she sees your home?
we will not accept antisemitism on this forum, please delete this comment and go back to the alt-right nazi shithole you came from.

he's just upset because the land belongs to the palestinians and everyone knows it BUT the we were complicent in making a volatile situation worse by moving jewish headquarters to jerusalem.

what we did to the palestinians was wrong.

i hate bebe and hope he chokes on a pork laden hot dog..not one of them hebrew nationals.
we will not accept antisemitism on this forum, please delete this comment and go back to the alt-right nazi shithole you came from.

why hasn't bebe sent us 'thoughts and prayers'? serious question..please answer.

could it be they have what they want from us for now, so The Kush is back to sucking israeli dick on the side? then the stopover for saudi, The Kush is buzeeeeee.

no, no one knew about khashoggi.
Yea, yea ,yea.
Heard that shit before.
Israel has no right to the West Bank, by international law, meanwhile it has moved hundreds of thousand's "Settlers" onto Palestinian land, not fucking Israeli land.
How about the fact that Gaza is essentially a concentration camp, totally under the control of the Israeli military, which limits it ability to exist considering it embargos the shit out of it and bombs the fuck out of it when so inclined
French is simply a Israeli stooge, that merely espouses more poor, poor pitiful me Zionist propaganda.
Hamas has been forced into a corner, and yes, it is violent, but with a legitimate cause in my estimation.
Anyway, Israel has killed FUCKING THOUSANDS of protesters in the last year alone, meanwhile how many Israeli soldiers have died?
Oh that's right!!
Fucking ONE!!!!
Fuck Israel, that POS nation
International law is 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. 60 million people lost homes in WW2. Kind of a cluster fuck. But I like what the Jews have done with their little country. Hard to imagine them leaving.
What was I thinking? How could the Nazi conspiracy theory of white genocide possibly be divisive?
If we would stop questioning his claims that Jews are paying migrants to invade and destroy America by outbreeding whites and causing white genocide he would be happy and we would be less divisive
. Hard to imagine them leaving.
Ain't talking about the Jews leaving, and really no one is.
Even Hamas has acknowledged the fact that Israel is here to stay, and they accept that.
But we all know, at least I do and most of the world also, is that the Palestinians have been fucked since 1948, and that most Israelis see no problem with that, seeing as Netanyahu is the longest serving PM in Israel's history, and he is a lying, murderous sack of shit. (he and Trump love each other, so that should tell you something)
All I know is that I am sick of supporting that apartheid state, while I watch my tax dollars help to build more settlements in the Wert Bank, subjugate Gaza, and kill 100's and wound thousands with American money and weapons.
It's just not right.
If we would stop questioning his claims that Jews are paying migrants to invade and destroy America by outbreeding whites and causing white genocide he would be happy and we would be less divisive
Reinstatement of segregation would go a long way to reducing division.