Israel slaughters more Palestinians

Yep. Definitely a coward. Sleep it off and then come back for more hatred.

Try to tell everyone that holding you accountable for supporting the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian is 'Jew hating'.

You're a cheap hack. You aren't FOR anything, because that might require intellectual effort.
please cite where i have said i think it is peachy keen to murder palestinians and take their land
You responded to my post, clown.

Stop responding to me, then crying to the mod.

You hate it when someone treats you like you treat others here. Typical bully behavior; act tough, then cry to Mommy when people stand up to you.

It just shows what a coward you are.
You don't even have a job. If I was admin I would ban you for harassing everyone who dislikes Bernard except for the Trumpsters, but I'm not so yeah. Besides, you showed up in my alerts first, so I just fired back and reminded you to get a job.
So it's okay to murder them by the hundreds because they're peacefully protesting the war crimes perpetrated against them?

That's really standing up for human rights and justice!
There is video of the Palestinians protesting. Definitely not peaceful.
Being better armed and better trained than those attacking you isn’t a war crime. This idea that a response must be proportional to an attack is laughable.
I feel no pity for these Palestinian animals. They have targeted and killed school children. I was stationed in Riyadh shortly after the gulf war. A high level Abu Nidal operative was hiding out there. He had a $50,000 price on his head. A big soccer player with huge quads this guy. I watched his habits. I noticed he began his workout by dumping a bag of soccer balls and practicing penalty kicks. This guy had impressive power in his kicks. He could have been a NFL kicker no question. Someone put 2 oz of fine crystallized fulminated mercury in a soccer ball and blew his leg off. It was a bit sad watching him cartwheel through the air. Such a waste of talent.
“Mowed down” is “killed” or “shot with a rubber bullet”?
Only 17 were killed.
You claimed they were “murdered by the hundreds”
Actually, there have been thousands of Palestinians killed in the last 10 years alone, not just hundreds.
"ONLY" 17 have died so far this fucking weekend, with over 700 wounded, and you think that the Israelis should have used more force, like machine guns instead of snipers killing kids at 500 meters for throwing rocks and burning tires?

Your one fucked up individual

I feel no pity for these Palestinian animals. They have targeted and killed school children. I was stationed in Riyadh shortly after the gulf war. A high level Abu Nidal operative was hiding out there. He had a $50,000 price on his head. A big soccer player with huge quads this guy. I watched his habits. I noticed he began his workout by dumping a bag of soccer balls and practicing penalty kicks. This guy had impressive power in his kicks. He could have been a NFL kicker no question. Someone put 2 oz of fine crystallized fulminated mercury in a soccer ball and blew his leg off. It was a bit sad watching him cartwheel through the air. Such a waste of talent.
Ha Ha Ha!!!
your a sick fuck :)
I feel no pity for these Palestinian animals. They have targeted and killed school children. I was stationed in Riyadh shortly after the gulf war. A high level Abu Nidal operative was hiding out there. He had a $50,000 price on his head. A big soccer player with huge quads this guy. I watched his habits. I noticed he began his workout by dumping a bag of soccer balls and practicing penalty kicks. This guy had impressive power in his kicks. He could have been a NFL kicker no question. Someone put 2 oz of fine crystallized fulminated mercury in a soccer ball and blew his leg off. It was a bit sad watching him cartwheel through the air. Such a waste of talent.
How would you fight if your lands were given away by those who didn't own them or represent you?

How would you fight those who repress you viciously?

You would fight like a cornered animal, if you had any balls at all.

In other words, like a Palestinian.

You're an apologist for Zionism and war criminals.
I feel no pity for these Palestinian animals. They have targeted and killed school children. I was stationed in Riyadh shortly after the gulf war. A high level Abu Nidal operative was hiding out there. He had a $50,000 price on his head. A big soccer player with huge quads this guy. I watched his habits. I noticed he began his workout by dumping a bag of soccer balls and practicing penalty kicks. This guy had impressive power in his kicks. He could have been a NFL kicker no question. Someone put 2 oz of fine crystallized fulminated mercury in a soccer ball and blew his leg off. It was a bit sad watching him cartwheel through the air. Such a waste of talent.
i bet you thought a lot about his manly thighs
How would you fight if your lands were given away by those who didn't own them or represent you?

How would you fight those who repress you viciously?

You would fight like a cornered animal, if you had any balls at all.

In other words, like a Palestinian.

You're an apologist for Zionism and war criminals.
The Palestinians supported the Nazis. Screw them