• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I do not dispute Israel's right to defend itself. That is a nation's responsibilty to it's people. It is not allowed to murder civilians in the pursuit of trying to kill 1 combatant. That makes them no better than the "terrorists" their fighting. You can't disagree with that and still try to maintain that you base your arguement in logic.

Disagreeing with you and calling out the fact that you are simply an old shit talker who would not espouse this murderous stupidity to his neighbors, is not a tough guy statement. It's simply calling you a pussy. Which is essentially what an old man who never fought in the army but who calls for war is. Just like all your draft dodger GOP congress buddies, who love to wave the flag until it's their turn to carry it.

agreed, fuck chicken hawks


Well-Known Member
And that is demonstrably false.

"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." -Mein Kampf
He also said....

"You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

That is not something a fundamentalist would every say, ever. He said what people wanted to hear, in private he despised Christianity.


Well-Known Member
He also said....

"You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"

That is not something a fundamentalist would every say, ever. He said what people wanted to hear, in private he despised Christianity.

Well I guess you're the only one who knew what Hitler privately believed, so no point in arguing, even though his actions all his life and his publications tell a different story..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Sorry Kynes, your responses were so generic and stupid I managed to lump someone else in there with you.

No, you're not that guy. You're the guy whose calling for a Holy War, that's right. My mistake.

Breivik is a christian. That is an example of violent christianity that managed to happen after that convenient 200 year window you tried to setup for Christianity being a "passive religion".

You keep missing the whole point entirely, not uncommon with senile geriatrics, so i'll explain again;

I do not dispute Israel's right to defend itself. That is a nation's responsibilty to it's people. It is not allowed to murder civilians in the pursuit of trying to kill 1 combatant. That makes them no better than the "terrorists" their fighting. You can't disagree with that and still try to maintain that you base your arguement in logic.

Disagreeing with you and calling out the fact that you are simply an old shit talker who would not espouse this murderous stupidity to his neighbors, is not a tough guy statement. It's simply calling you a pussy. Which is essentially what an old man who never fought in the army but who calls for war is. Just like all your draft dodger GOP congress buddies, who love to wave the flag until it's their turn to carry it.
this post is a textbook example of rhetorical fallacies at work

Anyone who has not served in the military is categorically enjoined from holding any opinion on when a person or nation may defend itself. Classic general Special Pleadings
anyone who served in the military (or claimed to) AUTOMATICALLY gains special powers and insights beyond mortal ken. Textbook flawless Appeal To Authority
attacking the person rather than his argument. Prime USDA Ad Hominem.
you're just like the "gop draft dodgers" (like allen west?) Somewhat weak and ineffective Guilt By Association (needs work)
military action in a military occupation zone is not allowed, its actually murder and genocide! Reductio Ad Absurdum
"and ill prove my position is correct by calling you a coward, and implying that i could beat you in a fistfight" Internet Toughguy level 1.2, getting better but still nowhere near taking home the gold.
internet toughguy statements are simply "misunderstood", and are really deep philosophical musings. Reductio Ad Retardum

and even then you danced around the issue clumsily.

Israel is a nation at war with un-uniformed militant insurgents, in this same situation the US did not refrain from all out assaults, drone strikes, targeted killings (with collateral damage) siezures of money and property in whatever nation the insurgent's crap was found, surveilance methods that would make the ACLU have a collective coronary thrombosis if done in the US, and even CIA hit squads, rendition (the fancy new word for kidnapping) and placing BOUNTIES on the heads of suspects.

by comparison israel is showing remarkable restraint.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You keep mentioning the Quran but not citing it. I've seen people ask you to provide your references and you ignore it. There's plenty of crazy shit in the Bible as well, and if you chuck the Old Testament in there you really get a barn burner of a read.

Are there badguys who genuinely want to destroy Israel? Of course, and can you blame them? Let's see how much you'd like it if China or Russia came in and "Occupied" the US from the Pacific to the Mississippi. But they are not the majority, which is something you yourself admit when you talk about them "preying on butthurt people". People who do not wish anything more than to simply live.

If you judge all Islam by the actions of Hamas, is it fair of me to judge all of Christianity because of Hitler?
i cited the koran's passages previously, and there was a feeble excuse for every one of mohammed's exhortations to violence. just read this, and youll get the gist.


it's from the hadith, but it leaves no room for pathetic whimpering excuses about "bad translations" or "Misinterpretations" or "if you read the FULL CONTEXT (which means copy/pasting the entire damned shitty book)" and my personal favorite "zionist piggie jew plot"

finally yes, i may judge islam based on the actions of hamas, just as you may judge christianity on the actions of westboro baptist church (as a strawman), the mormon "Negroes have no souls" bullshit (a fair point) or the catholic boy-touching scandals(trenchant and insightful observations). hamas has a great deal of support among the islamic clergy, and the population at large. this is undeniable.

claiming hitler is a representative of any religion other than marxism and nazism is a deliberate and pathetic straw man of brobdingnagian proportions. hitler created his state religion of nazism out of the wagner operas and an L Ron Hubbardesque inability to write good fiction. hitler was less of a christian than i am, and i am not a christian at all. likewise anders breivik. you might as well cite Lee Harvey Oswald as the example of the US Marine Corps, or Timothy McVeigh as the paragon of virtue for the US Army. it just doesnt work.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Kynes still waiting for that quote yet you're still chatting crap. Be a man and admit you are wrong or post the quotes. I know asking an Israeli supporter to be a man is impossible but you can try your best!
i am declining to engage in a useless argument with a twat who still insists he is right even when the evidence is laid bare. your feeble excuses and justifications for every verse cited and your ultimate claim of jerwish plot based translation marked you as a fool.

hell you still insist amedinejad didnt say "wipe israel off the map" despite the correct assertions by Barack Obama, and even the iranian government that in fact he did say just that.

nah, i guess that too is a zionist piggie jew plot.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
I bet you wouldn't put your own boots on the ground though, would you?
i wouldn't put ANY boots on the ground. we should've been droning them from the start, we started some nation building nonsense and lost track of what the objective was- kill off the extremist groups who plan to attack us. hamas has no intention of ever laying down their arms.


Well-Known Member
If the cause isn't worth risking your own life over, how can you be so cavalier accepting responsibility for taking someone elses?

..and that's one of the sadistic things about perpetual war like the 'war on terror' or 'the war on drugs', they're designed never to end. It's impossible to kill off extremist groups just like it's impossible to annihilate drugs. What we're doing, what Israel does creates terrorists.


Well-Known Member
According to the Torah and by right of conquest, Palestinian lands belong to the rogue Zionist state. I would never lay down arms either if I was a Palestinian.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
The question is, are there enough persuadable, rational Muslims in the world to stomp out their own extremists rather than get bullied by them and/ or harbor them. i still find it improbable, western culture is seen as materialistic, blasphemous and downright icky to them, and must be eradicated.


Well-Known Member
The question is, are there enough persuadable, rational Muslims in the world to stomp out their own extremists rather than get bullied by them and/ or harbor them. i still find it improbable, western culture is seen as materialistic, blasphemous and downright icky to them, and must be eradicated.

There are criminals from every walk of life. A couple generations ago, all of society's ills in America were blamed on black people. A couple generations before that, all of society's ills in Germany were blamed on Jews. A generation ago all of society's ills in the Balkans were blamed on Muslims. This belief that Muslims are somehow separate from the rest of society makes it possible to view them as vermin. Criminals should be treated like criminals. Innocent people should not be treated as vermin.

End aparthied in Israel.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

There are criminals from every walk of life. A couple generations ago, all of society's ills in America were blamed on black people. A couple generations before that, all of society's ills in Germany were blamed on Jews. A generation ago all of society's ills in the Balkans were blamed on Muslims. This belief that Muslims are somehow separate from the rest of society makes it possible to view them as vermin. Criminals should be treated like criminals. Innocent people should not be treated as vermin.

End aparthied in Israel.
why can you never say what you mean?

your apartheid narrative is as fake as your pacificsm and abhorrence of conflict.

if you mean israel should return to the pre-1967 borders just fucking say it.

if you mean israel should return to the pre-1947 borders just admit it.

stop playing word games and dodging the issue. either israel has the right to defend itself, or it should be disbanded as a nation and be returned to the british crown for recycling.


Well-Known Member
According to the Torah and by right of conquest, Palestinian lands belong to the rogue Zionist state. I would never lay down arms either if I was a Palestinian.
Neither would I.

It's terrorism the way Hamas decides to fight, no question about it, but what other option is there?

Would people like Kynes suggest they assemble themselves in open field and go full force against the Israeli military?

That type of thinking sheds light on their ability to empathize, such a suggestion is absurd.

Insurgency is the only possible way to success. Bleed the enemy from within. It's costly, but as the Iraq/Afghanistan war have shown, it works. Especially considering such alternatives.

Keep in mind, I never said it's right. It isn't right. Innocent civilians on both sides are killed. People that never had anything to do with it. That's unacceptable.

But terrorists aren't idiots. Regardless of what you might think of them, they're adaptive and resourceful. Their tactics are barbaric, but they're also successful.


New Member
i am declining to engage in a useless argument with a twat who still insists he is right even when the evidence is laid bare. your feeble excuses and justifications for every verse cited and your ultimate claim of jerwish plot based translation marked you as a fool.

hell you still insist amedinejad didnt say "wipe israel off the map" despite the correct assertions by Barack Obama, and even the iranian government that in fact he did say just that.

nah, i guess that too is a zionist piggie jew plot.
You're a fuckin tool... Didn't teach you to read at cheder?

The picture you sighted states IMAM KHOMEINI who died in '89.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You're a fuckin tool... Didn't teach you to read at cheder?

The picture you sighted states IMAM KHOMEINI who died in '89.
ohh my fucking god. you are an IDIOT!!!

thats the fucking point you scrofulous dog!

machmoud amhmedinejad said (in farsi)

'“Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad.”

which is transliterated as follows:

Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) shghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).(Norouzi, op cit) and the apologists leave out the "and this is a wise thing" addendum.

the most gracious and diplomatic translation is as follows:
"the great imam khomeni said "The regime that ocupies jerusalem must be lifted/cleansed from the pages of time" and this is a wise thing" ~ahmendinejad

this was widely translated as "wiped off the map". several years later the backpedaling began. it has followed several lines of attack

Tactic 1: he didnt ACTUALLY say wiped off the map... he said "lifted/cleansed from the pages of time" which is totally different. if by different you mean exactly the same

Tactic 2: HE didnt say it, he was quoting khomeni! but the addendum "and this is a wise thing" makes it his own i cant quote some insane jim crow claptra=p about how cocaine negroes are dangerous rape machines who must be lynched because they are too dangerous to arrest, and then say "and this is a wise thing" while still pretending to be anything but a racist. thats fucking retarded.

Tactic 3: bad translation, nothing more to see here. but then they have all these posters printed up by the iranian government AFTER the shitstorm began, which clearly say exactly what amedinejad said, when he was quoting khomeni, and praising his wisdom.

Tactic 4: zionist jew plot. nuff said.

shit you are absolutley uninformed on the issues you chime in on arent you?


Well-Known Member
I've seen the speech, he's referring to the Israeli government, not the Israeli people, which has and is currently committing terrorists acts.

And I agree, exactly the same as I'd agree Sadaam needed to be ousted, Kim Jong Ill was a threat to human rights, and Assad should be dealt with.

Netanyahu is a terrorist. Because he's backed by the US government makes no difference to me.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Neither would I.

It's terrorism the way Hamas decides to fight, no question about it, but what other option is there?

Would people like Kynes suggest they assemble themselves in open field and go full force against the Israeli military?
I dunno, what would i suggest? ohh yeah i answered this statement disguised as a question some ways back. in detail.
dude. respond to me or leave me out of your strawman manufacturing programs.

That type of thinking sheds light on their ability to empathize, such a suggestion is absurd.
Strawman erected, strawman knocked down, like a pro. For your next mission, hold one of those awesome "Young Turks" style debates with a 6 year old clip of G W Bush while pretending it was filmed this week.

Insurgency is the only possible way to success. Bleed the enemy from within. It's costly, but as the Iraq/Afghanistan war have shown, it works. Especially considering such alternatives.
your definition of success is quite unique. insurgency and terrorism only work against a liberal, kindhearted foe. thats why liberalism either fails in the face of dedicated violent resistance, or liberalism becomes a police state.

Keep in mind, I never said it's right. It isn't right. Innocent civilians on both sides are killed. People that never had anything to do with it. That's unacceptable.

But terrorists aren't idiots. Regardless of what you might think of them, they're adaptive and resourceful. Their tactics are barbaric, but they're also successful.
nobody even implied they were stupid, they are ruthless savage and barbaric, which is what wins wars, eventually, or makes the opponent take off the kid gloves and beat your ass into the ground with Rome v. Carthage style asswhoopings and earth salting. hamas wont win, since they simply cannot beat israel, hamas is hoping israel will beat itself, like the US did in vietnam, the soviets did in afghanistan, and how the media and the left is protraying the latest foreign adventures in iraq and afghanistan by the US. a failure of will in the face of a dedicated (and of course justified, but thats always left unspoken) opposition.