• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I've seen the speech, he's referring to the Israeli government, not the Israeli people, which has and is currently committing terrorists acts.

And I agree, exactly the same as I'd agree Sadaam needed to be ousted, Kim Jong Ill was a threat to human rights, and Assad should be dealt with.

Netanyahu is a terrorist. Because he's backed by the US government makes no difference to me.
sorry, but thats just not correct. khomeni always refered to "that illegitimate regime" or "the regime occupying jerusalem" or "this stain upon the pages of time" he never said israel's name, addressed israel directly or even acknowledged it's existence. he was opposed to the EXISTENCE of israel in toto. when machmoud says "and this is a wise thing" he signs his name to khomeni's "Jews must be pushed into the sea" policy statements and joins the herd of hardline moslem radicals.

pretending that machmoud just wants a different political party in charge of israel's government is self-delusion.

he wants israel's government to cease to exist (as did khomeni), and thus the nation of israel to return to it's pre-1947 borders. which is non-existence.


Well-Known Member
why can you never say what you mean?

your apartheid narrative is as fake as your pacificsm and abhorrence of conflict.

if you mean israel should return to the pre-1967 borders just fucking say it.

if you mean israel should return to the pre-1947 borders just admit it.

stop playing word games and dodging the issue. either israel has the right to defend itself, or it should be disbanded as a nation and be returned to the british crown for recycling.
Israel is an occupying force, there is nothing defensive about that.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Israel is an occupying force, there is nothing defensive about that.

so the post-war occupation of italy germany and japan were not to prevent a resumption of violence?

rome's occupation of transalpine gaul after the first germanic assault on italy was not done to secure the brenner pass, and thus all of italy against further germanic incursions?

i could go on, but that statement is as crazy as a soup sandwich.


Well-Known Member
sorry, but thats just not correct. khomeni always refered to "that illegitimate regime" or "the regime occupying jerusalem" or "this stain upon the pages of time" he never said israel's name, addressed israel directly or even acknowledged it's existence. he was opposed to the EXISTENCE of israel in toto. when machmoud says "and this is a wise thing" he signs his name to khomeni's "Jews must be pushed into the sea" policy statements and joins the herd of hardline moslem radicals.

pretending that machmoud just wants a different political party in charge of israel's government is self-delusion.

he wants israel's government to cease to exist (as did khomeni), and thus the nation of israel to return to it's pre-1947 borders. which is non-existence.
Along with Antitheists assertion, I disagree.

He's given a few different speeches, one of which I've seen myself, in which he explains the Israeli government is what he disagrees with. He says nothing negative of the Israeli people. From what I remember, he seemed to be pretty reasonable, considering the context. Same with Chavez.

It seems that if you view the world as a whole and don't conform yourself to an American lens, what these leaders seem to be saying is "if America didn't support terrorism, we wouldn't oppose them", Israel, you must accept, is a terrorist government. Again, understand, I'm not saying the people of Israel are terrorists, not at all, I'm saying the government of Israel conducts terrorist activities (actively targeting civilians) to elicit a response, then proclaiming that response terrorism. When in actuality, the initial strike was terrorism, although the response was as well, Israel dismisses it as 'collateral damage'. When Israel kills civilians, it's "defense", when the Palestinians do it, it's "terrorism". Israel must meet a higher set of standards as they have the ability to solve the problem a different way, as the US does. If we conducted ourselves the same as Israel does, we'd be viewed by a much broader spectrum of the world as terrorists. I asked another member here earlier the same question and he refused to answer it because he knew he'd be outed as a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member

so the post-war occupation of italy germany and japan were not to prevent a resumption of violence?

rome's occupation of transalpine gaul after the first germanic assault on italy was not done to secure the brenner pass, and thus all of italy against further germanic incursions?

i could go on, but that statement is as crazy as a soup sandwich.
The state of Israel is fucking evil.

Is that clear enough for you Kynes?

I know you really believe that "by right of conquest" and "according to the Torah" are legitimate reasons why Zionists have a right to occupy Palestine, but I really believe you're completely full of shit.


Well-Known Member
Forgive me, I must have missed this post..
I dunno, what would i suggest? ohh yeah i answered this statement disguised as a question some ways back. in detail.
dude. respond to me or leave me out of your strawman manufacturing programs.
What would you suggest Hamas and the Palestinians do in light of Israeli opposition to state recognition? They oppose insurgency, they oppose a diplomatic solution, they oppose any sort of recognition that would give them an international voice at all, and threaten such a proposal with military violence. Sounds peaceful to me!..
erected, strawman knocked down, like a pro. For your next mission, hold one of those awesome "Young Turks" style debates with a 6 year old clip of G W Bush while pretending it was filmed this week.
There is no denying you have an inability to empathize with Hamas or the Palestinians, you automatically side with Israel, no matter what, exactly how the US gov. does, simply because they've convinced the American people it's the right thing to do. Meanwhile, you, and your chickenhawk buds can't explain why. Killing civilians is OK when Israel does it, collateral damage. Hamas does it, TERRORISM! Israel does it, DEFENSE! Hamas does it, TERRORISM!!

Completely inconsistent standards. Any junior FBI agent can see it.. Stop playing games.

Israel is responsible for the deaths of multiple children, just in this single conflict alone, can you honestly sit there and tell me it was Hamas' fault?

your definition of success is quite unique. insurgency and terrorism only work against a liberal, kindhearted foe. thats why liberalism either fails in the face of dedicated violent resistance, or liberalism becomes a police state.
Apparently not.
nobody even implied they were stupid, they are ruthless savage and barbaric, which is what wins wars, eventually, or makes the opponent take off the kid gloves and beat your ass into the ground with Rome v. Carthage style asswhoopings and earth salting. hamas wont win, since they simply cannot beat israel, hamas is hoping israel will beat itself, like the US did in vietnam, the soviets did in afghanistan, and how the media and the left is protraying the latest foreign adventures in iraq and afghanistan by the US. a failure of will in the face of a dedicated (and of course justified, but thats always left unspoken) opposition.
Israel is not justified, not in the least. And Hamas won't give up, not matter how strong Israel becomes, no matter how much support the US provides. The insurgency in Iraq/Afghanistan has succeeded, we're gone in 2014, and they're left to their own devices, exactly as they would have been otherwise, minus a few thousand GI's. We'll likely see another breed of our own brand of terrorist enemy in the 2020's because of our activities this previous decade, exactly as we did when we armed the Taliban in the 80's to fight the Soviets. Some of us, it seems, never learn..


New Member
ohh my fucking god. you are an IDIOT!!!

thats the fucking point you scrofulous dog!

machmoud amhmedinejad said (in farsi)

'“Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad.”

which is transliterated as follows:

Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) shghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).(Norouzi, op cit) and the apologists leave out the "and this is a wise thing" addendum.

the most gracious and diplomatic translation is as follows:
"the great imam khomeni said "The regime that ocupies jerusalem must be lifted/cleansed from the pages of time" and this is a wise thing" ~ahmendinejad

this was widely translated as "wiped off the map". several years later the backpedaling began. it has followed several lines of attack

Tactic 1: he didnt ACTUALLY say wiped off the map... he said "lifted/cleansed from the pages of time" which is totally different. if by different you mean exactly the same

Tactic 2: HE didnt say it, he was quoting khomeni! but the addendum "and this is a wise thing" makes it his own i cant quote some insane jim crow claptra=p about how cocaine negroes are dangerous rape machines who must be lynched because they are too dangerous to arrest, and then say "and this is a wise thing" while still pretending to be anything but a racist. thats fucking retarded.

Tactic 3: bad translation, nothing more to see here. but then they have all these posters printed up by the iranian government AFTER the shitstorm began, which clearly say exactly what amedinejad said, when he was quoting khomeni, and praising his wisdom.

Tactic 4: zionist jew plot. nuff said.

shit you are absolutley uninformed on the issues you chime in on arent you?
You're starting to contradict yourself either he said he want's israel wiped off the map (like you quoted previously) or its the above?

I don't give a shit about your translation or interpretation, anything can be skewed to fit a point of view.

Now that your back peddling which is what I'd expect of someone schooled by the Jewish Defence League ( a bunch of fuckwits) in the art of Kahane'ism.
Ignorant follower of Kahane - another fuckwit.

Your the one who also started in with the "zionist piggie jew bankers plotting to take over the world" again just rehashing Foxman (another fuckwit) and the ADL party line when convienient as your arguments just don't fly.

You stated "israel IS zionism, if you declare zionism evil you declare the entire nation of israel evil". I don't think israel is evil, but netenyahu is a fucking nutjob no different from the mullahs in Tehran. The government he leds is full of warmongering fuckwits that have no reservations using white phosphorus on palestinians. yes netenyahus regieme are a bunch of fuckwits and should be tried for war crimes. And yes return to pre '67 borders.

I have not mentioned any of the above tactics rather have just asked you to source your references. If hitting your assigned JDL and/or ADL talking points gets you some face-time & ass-time with the old Abe foxman then I guess you're well on your way.

also clarify the below?

the mormon "Negroes have no souls" bullshit (a fair point)
If you feel so stongly about the evil muslims why did you not sign up to serve in iraq or af/pak? Or head over to the Mid-East and join the IDF?

Typical shills like yourself would rather let everyone else do the fighting for you. I suppose studying the Torah all day on welfare like your lazy orthodox bretheren in Israel is hard enough... Lazy racist little bitch.

Come over to AU well put you to work with the aborigines - maybe while reading the Torah you could dreamtime with the natives...

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Forgive me, I must have missed this post..
in response to this post:
@ Kynes

What do you suggest Hamas, the Palestinian people and the people in Gaza do?

What do you suggest Israel do?
i responded as so:

hamas and hezzbollah need to stop assaulting murdering kidnapping and bombing israelis (and each other) and just chill the fuck out. they aint gonna win, it's past time to stop acting the fool... see the entire post for full details

What would you suggest Hamas and the Palestinians do in light of Israeli opposition to state recognition? They oppose insurgency, they oppose a diplomatic solution, they oppose any sort of recognition that would give them an international voice at all, and threaten such a proposal with military violence. Sounds peaceful to me!..
answered above.

There is no denying you have an inability to empathize with Hamas or the Palestinians, you automatically side with Israel, no matter what, exactly how the US gov. does, simply because they've convinced the American people it's the right thing to do. Meanwhile, you, and your chickenhawk buds can't explain why. Killing civilians is OK when Israel does it, collateral damage. Hamas does it, TERRORISM! Israel does it, DEFENSE! Hamas does it, TERRORISM!!
shit happens you seem to prefer to assume the israelis did something wicked, and the PLO, Hamas and hezbollah are innocent shoolmaids, victims of israeli evil.

i take the contrary view. i asume the assholes in hamas and hezzbollah are up to shenanigans again. its always a pretty sure bet. like assuming at some point in any thread, uncle buck will call somebody a racist. or smok3y1 will make some absurd statement easily disproved by iran's own propaganda and graphic design ministry.

Completely inconsistent standards. Any junior FBI agent can see it.. Stop playing games.
im not playing games, the assmumption of wrongdoing falls on the proven assholes of hamas, the guys who put rocket launchers on hospital roofs, then act like the destruction of their rocket emplacement by an israeli rocket was absolutley unexpected.... and load retarded kids backpacks with explosives, then claim the resulting response was an israeli atrocity. why, they pushed that poor retarded kid to the ground and he started crying!! how evil!! (note, the bomb failed to detonate due to a faulty trigger, so the israelis also robbed the poor retarded kid of his well deserved 72 virgins, and thats EXTRA evil...)

Israel is responsible for the deaths of multiple children, just in this single conflict alone, can you honestly sit there and tell me it was Hamas' fault?
i would answer this "question" but unfortunately you already went "imma let you finish but..." all over this shit. nice interruption kanye.

Apparently not.
and the US army air corps used incendiary bombs on dresden. and nukes on hiroshima and nagasaki. war is not pretty, and the innocent are spared not the thunderbolt...

Israel is not justified, not in the least. And Hamas won't give up, not matter how strong Israel becomes, no matter how much support the US provides. The insurgency in Iraq/Afghanistan has succeeded, we're gone in 2014, and they're left to their own devices, exactly as they would have been otherwise, minus a few thousand GI's. We'll likely see another breed of our own brand of terrorist enemy in the 2020's because of our activities this previous decade, exactly as we did when we armed the Taliban in the 80's to fight the Soviets. Some of us, it seems, never learn..
syria and egypt learned. and they got their occupied territories back. what lesson would you draw from these two examples?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You're starting to contradict yourself either he said he want's israel wiped off the map (like you quoted previously) or its the above?

I don't give a shit about your translation or interpretation, anything can be skewed to fit a point of view.

Now that your back peddling which is what I'd expect of someone schooled by the Jewish Defence League ( a bunch of fuckwits) in the art of Kahane'ism.
Ignorant follower of Kahane - another fuckwit.

Your the one who also started in with the "zionist piggie jew bankers plotting to take over the world" again just rehashing Foxman (another fuckwit) and the ADL party line when convienient as your arguments just don't fly.

You stated "israel IS zionism, if you declare zionism evil you declare the entire nation of israel evil". I don't think israel is evil, but netenyahu is a fucking nutjob no different from the mullahs in Tehran. The government he leds is full of warmongering fuckwits that have no reservations using white phosphorus on palestinians. yes netenyahus regieme are a bunch of fuckwits and should be tried for war crimes. And yes return to pre '67 borders.

I have not mentioned any of the above tactics rather have just asked you to source your references. If hitting your assigned JDL and/or ADL talking points gets you some face-time & ass-time with the old Abe foxman then I guess you're well on your way.

also clarify the below?

If you feel so stongly about the evil muslims why did you not sign up to serve in iraq or af/pak? Or head over to the Mid-East and join the IDF?

Typical shills like yourself would rather let everyone else do the fighting for you. I suppose studying the Torah all day on welfare like your lazy orthodox bretheren in Israel is hard enough... Lazy racist little bitch.

Come over to AU well put you to work with the aborigines - maybe while reading the Torah you could dreamtime with the natives...
another failed internet toughguy. but you are also deliberately obtuse and unable to read. im done with you. dont you have a govenment check to pick up at centrelink?


New Member
another failed internet toughguy. but you are also deliberately obtuse and unable to read. im done with you. dont you have a govenment check to pick up at centrelink?
Nah I make to much money stealing babies with my pet dingo and skippy the bush kangaroo...

Chicken-Hawk is an appropriate term for you. Zionists like you should be drafted into the IDF and sent to the front lines. I think you would change your secular, narcissistic world view in a heartbeat. Ease up on the Hagigat dude it's not helping with your history lessons from the torah....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Nah I make to much money stealing babies with my pet dingo and skippy the bush kangaroo...

Chicken-Hawk is an appropriate term for you. Zionists like you should be drafted into the IDF and sent to the front lines. I think you would change your secular, narcissistic world view in a heartbeat. Ease up on the Hagigat dude it's not helping with your history lessons from the torah....
yep. sounds like im in your head. you just cant get enough.

sadly your wit is as uninteresting and pathetic as watching a rugby scrum.
naught but sweaty asses and injured scrotii
fortunately you can drown your sorrows in a comically huge tin of lager.



Well-Known Member
I didn't watch the video of a rabbi explaining how the Torah forbids a Jewish state because it doesn't jive with my bullshit
Cool because I don't really care what Malcom X has to say.

You just got thrashed again though, because I don't care if the Torah supports Zionism or not, even though it doesn't


New Member
yep. sounds like im in your head. you just cant get enough.

sadly your wit is as uninteresting and pathetic as watching a rugby scrum.
naught but sweaty asses and injured scrotii
fortunately you can drown your sorrows in a comically huge tin of lager.

Wit' better than being led around by a propaganda machine designed to make the Zionists something they're not. Why don't you like negros dude? No love for the black man? This is not the first time you've thrown in a racial slur...

Or you got your Orthodox modesty glasses on? BTW do they work on anyone who is not a Zionist?


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Cool because I don't really care what Malcom X has to say.

You just got thrashed again though, because I don't care if the Torah supports Zionism or not, even though it doesn't
when i read the torah it is as a historical document. i have to scrape off the religious bullshit and the apocryphal stories of supernatural powers, and this leaves behind actual information which has been proved historically accurate again and again.

your repeated assertions that this one tiny group of anti-zionist anti-israel jews are the "real deal" give lie to your previous assertions that religious content invalidates any source.

your repeated assertions that attempt to imply the torah is NOT of historical value (while never actually making that claim, thus insulating yourself from the fusillade of proof to the contrary, and the inevitable butthurt) only make you appear more and more the assclown you are desperately trying to become.

even the original post featuring the "torah is a historical document" assertion featured the line :
much fallderall later, we enter the era of reliable history.
which of course you ignore like a sad little munchkin, a lilliputian wit with a brobdingnagian ego, in breif, a dildo.

feel free to indulge your fantasy that poor innocent palestinians are being rounded up and pushed into gas chambers by the wicked evil jews. it lets everyone see what you really are.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Heres a better one for you fucktard...

Messianic Jews Fight Public Slurs in Israel
Ultra-orthodox Jewish group petitions High Court to protest in front of private home.

but but but... thats a "christian news website" and thus their opinion is invalidated by their religion, since religion and politics must be separated by an impenetrable wall...

oh wait. i forgot youre a hypocrite and a fool. carry on.

perhaps you can bring in some exciting bullshit from the 700 club, or the watchtower...

you really are shameless