18-20, well, you are still legally an adult but you can't smoke mj so you will receive a fine/prison.
I am guessing a lot of the pro 19 stand to make money off the tax and controll prop if it passes
Truly unfathomable...I can't fathom how the cops would figure out your age unless you're stupid enough to carry an ID on you when you're high.
I like the idea that anyone under 21 could face jail time for smoking marijuana, it just gives the people who are against it all together more initiative to accept it.
wrong. try to read prop again- 3-5 years for a 18 year old who smokes a joint with a 20 year old war veteranSame penalties for that age group that exist now. Personally I think it should be changed to 19 and up (because 18yr olds can be in highschool). But I'll take 21 and up for now.
wrong. try to read prop again- 3-5 years for a 18 year old who smokes a joint with a 20 year old war veteran
wrong. try to read prop again- 3-5 years for a 18 year old who smokes a joint with a 20 year old war veteran
prop 19 is not a state law already- try again go back and read the prop think about it. If you are unable to read the prop then reread this thread it has been explained pretty clearlyIs that happening now? No! What you are complaining about is already existing state law and it's not happening now. Give it up dude. No one is buying that.
prop 19 is not a state law already- try again go back and read the prop think about it. If you are unable to read the prop then reread this thread it has been explained pretty clearly
you are wrong...prop 19 considers a 20 year old a minor and prop 19 is not already a state law.so eventhough the H.S. code allready is law prop 19 changes that law to apply to 18 19 and 20 year olds when a voter initiative is passed what is written in that prop becomes law - and superceeds prior law - 19 would also be changing arnolds decriminalizationThe passage you keep quoting from prop 19 is just repeating already existing state law. You already know this is true. I've proven it to you. To deny it is outright lying. You know you are lying and you keep doing it anyways.
I can repeat myself and prove it for a third time if you like. But you'll just ignore that too and keep lying. If you're just going to repeat the lie over and over again until people believe it's true, good luck with your propaganda campaign.
you are wrong...prop 19 considers a 20 year old a minor
(c) Every person 21 years of age or over who knowingly furnishes, administers, or gives, or offers to furnish, administer, or give, any marijuana to a person aged 18 years or older, but younger than 21 years of age, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of up to six months and be fined up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each offense.
(d) In addition to the penalties above an person who is licensed, permitted or authorized to perform any act pursuant to Section 11301, who while so licensed, permitted or authorized negligently furnishes, administers, gives or sells, or offers to furnish, administer, give or sell any marijuana to any person younger than 21 years of age shall not be permitted to own, operate, be employed by, assist or enter any licensed premises authorized under Section 11301 for a period of one year.
This Act is not intended to affect the application or enforcement of the following state laws relating to public health and safety or protection of children and others: Health and Safety Code sections 11357 [relating to possession on school grounds]; 11361 [relating to minors as amended herein];
it affects the legal definition of minor in regards to marijuana -even in the section you quote it says relating to minors as amended herein- I have other problems with the law also like the 25 square feet. Lack of mention of any 215 exsemption in the law only in the strikeable pourposes sectionNo man, it doesn't. There is a definitions section. Read it. It does not redefine the word "minor". It does redefine the word ounce interestingly enough.
Here is the only thing prop 19 adds to the laws about minors:
Prop 19 clearly states that it does not effect Health and Safety code 11361. That is the HS code you keep quoting while making your claims. What you are saying is not true. You know it's not true. You just keep saying it anyways because you are trying to scare people.
it affects the legal definition of minor in regards to marijuana -even in the section you quote it says relating to minors as amended herein-
This Act is not intended to affect the application or enforcement of the following state laws relating to public health and safety or protection of children and others: Health and Safety Code sections 11357 [relating to possession on school grounds]; 11361 [relating to minors as amended herein];
Lack of mention of any 215 exsemption in the law only in the strikeable pourposes section
omg. Give it up dude.
It says:
What about that is too complex to understand?
More bullshit. I even asked my lawyer about that just to make sure. He agrees that is crap and prop 19 has no effect on prop 215 legally. Norml and even the original prop 215 lawyer also agree that this is a BS interpretation.
You are attempting to twist the meanings and making false claims because you oppose prop 19 for your own motivations. I'd be willing to discuss those things with you if you'd at least admit what your real problems with prop 19 are. It's very difficult to discuss this reasonably with someone who refuses to be honest about their reasons for opposing it.
Want me to go first? Fine. I like prop 19 because it could lead to a national end to prohibition. I like that it allows everyone to carry some bud on them without a penalty, I like that everyone in California who just grows a little as a hobby can do so without committing a felony. And yes, I like the fact that you can have for profit cannabis businesses. If I want to grow for a living, I should be able to without fear of going to prison.
from the guy who doesn't use marijuana and wants it taxed and controlled