beardo, may I ask how old you are. It seems all you have going against prop 19 is the age thing. That leads me to think you're below 21 and are pissed about it. Every anti prop 19 post I've read from you it has to do with age.
My solution to you would be to either, not get caught or don't smoke until you're 21. Same goes for alcohol. What's the sentence for someone giving a minor alcohol?
I can't fathom how the cops would figure out your age unless you're stupid enough to carry an ID on you when you're high.
One minor clause that you disagree with shouldn't be enough to make you tell people to vote no. It's a start, it's better than being illegal or decriminalized. it's a step in the right direction, and I can grantee you if it fails there won't be another legalization bill for years. Go ahead and crap on progression all you want, you better hope to god it passes otherwise you will be regretting all the anti prop 19 shit you spew out.