One more reason for everyone to by California grown. Mexico burns marijuana haul
[youtube]XUfTdASDfHo[/youtube]prop 19 ADDS new felonies to the books.![]()
How many of those were in California???...Unfortunately This is not H.R. 19...Nor does it do anything to stop arrests for possession.
If anyone thinks that the passage of 19 will suddenly make chicken shit pigs start fighting real crime rather than taking advantage of the situation they are seriously high.
Stipulating that the costs associated with the taxing, controlling and regulating of Marijuana INSURES that it will be heavily taxed, highly controlled and regulated ad nauseum...think DMV IF all you have to do to get more revenue for the bureaucracy is raise the fee...
How much prop 19 taxes will go to improving our shitty school system???
And the Cartels...what a joke!!! We smoke so little Mexican pot is near worthless.
While Los Federales were distracted confiscating all that mota...the cartels were sneaking in the Heroin and meth with the help of the bilingual US Border Patrol
P19 makes possession of one ounce legal, carry it wherever you want. P19 makes it legal to possess, in your home, all that you can grow in 25 square feet. Current law makes both of those things illegal.
Just remember that this is a STATE Prop and will only effect the state law. The feds can and have stated will still continue to prosecute cannabis possession and production. Something tells me that an ounce of weed is a bit small for the DEA to waste time on, but you never know. My belief is that Prop 19, if passed is another step in decriminalizing cannabis on a federal level. We have seen the process begun with the medical laws that various states have passed, and continue to pass.
P19 makes possession of one ounce legal, carry it wherever you want. P19 makes it legal to possess, in your home, all that you can grow in 25 square feet. Current law makes both of those things illegal.
If you are worried about the taxes and fees, then don't pay them; you will be breaking the law for evading those taxes, but your are breaking the law by growing pot now. What's the fucking difference?
Although I am not above breaking an unjust law...I am not breaking any in regards to my growing cannabis.
As for that legal zip of commercial bug spray...The only way that prop 19 is a better deal is if you get caught about every other time you have an ounce...get the $100 tax...personally, I have not been caught since 1993 in pot unfriendly Missouri.
Personally I would rather pay my tax to the guy who was nice enough to give up his medical career to give letters of freedom to those who want them.
I think I will start an ebay store exclusively selling 5x5 tents...cause if your plants hang outside Dicks magic square...then all that pot could be taken cuz you are not in compliance with dicks regulation.
Legalize pot so we can grow it with the sun!!!!!
If you are growing, you are breaking federal law. If you are growing MMJ, then P19 will have no affect on you.
Correct. 1 plant even for medical purposes is a federal crime.
If you want to grow in 25 sq. ft., I have a design worked out for outdoor growing that will allow me to get a yield of about five or six pounds from that space. I've also developed some ideas for indoor spaces that could yield nearly as much, every ten weeks or so.
I'll be offering blueprints for a price, and might even start fabricating them, IF this travesty passes. I'm thinking people are starting to see the flaws.
If you want to grow in 25 sq. ft., I have a design worked out for outdoor growing that will allow me to get a yield of about five or six pounds from that space. I've also developed some ideas for indoor spaces that could yield nearly as much, every ten weeks or so.
I'll be offering blueprints for a price, and might even start fabricating them, IF this travesty passes. I'm thinking people are starting to see the flaws.
What is the point of an assembly bill if it will have no authority to over-ride a voter initiative? Ammiano's bill is powerless and cant do anything...