Well-Known Member
so any body growing and selling marijuana and paying taxes on it are self incriminating themselves under federal law.... hahaha... and the feds will put you in federal prison.... i knew this little prop 19 thing was way to good to be true... like the gov't is gonna stand by and let this shit fly... my point is, why would anybody pay taxes on MJ if that might get you prosecuted under federal law.... this debunks the "making it legal will help us with money because we can tax it" myth... because no one is gonna pay taxes on it 1. because you could get arrested and 2. its already underground so why would anybody want to give money to govt... so now that the money isnt gonna be there, and you stand to be federally prosecuted and the fact the arnold just signed the bill that anything under a ounce is a hundred dollar fine... what is really gonna change IF this passes??? seriously???