I've Smoked Weed for over 4 Decades; this is my First Attempt at Growing Anything.


Active Member
I foliar-fed with a weak solution of the CaMg+ (still not convinced that this is your deficiency however). It seemed to help (the one plant was too far gone to really save I think, the other 3 plants seemed to respond well to the foliar feed.

BTW... my current grow (1 single lone clone) is running with a homemade organic soil (trying to follow subcool's recipe as close as I could) and I have had no defeciency/issues thus far

*fingers crossed*

I've been adding CaMg and some of the Biothrive every 2nd or 3rd feeding... plants are into their first week of flower and look very nice and green

Especially this time of year you should be able to pick up some worm castings, bone, blood meal, etc from a local nursery.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the tips shrig. I figured by using good soil, Happy Frog, I wouldn't have to think about it too much. What I have been doing is taking the ph of my well water down to 6.4 or so but I now realize i should have checked after I added the nutes, plus, aim for 6.8. I know better than to freak over every yellow leaf, but I'm eager to stop doing what I did that caused the problem. Are you suggesting that I flush the affected plants in the twice the pot size manner, i.e. running 6 gallons of water through the 3 gallon pots? And, finally, am I ruling out overfeeding as a cause or not? Lockout and burn look different, right? Thank you so much for your help. You always sound like you really know what your talking about.
PHed 6.4 would lower your PH. You said it was 7.1 which makes some nutes not as readily avalable to the plant. Flush 2 times the pot comtainer as you said with 1/4 nute solution. Gradually increase over time. Potassium seams to be the nute locked out mainly.


Active Member
PHed 6.4 would lower your PH. You said it was 7.1 which makes some nutes not as readily avalable to the plant. Flush 2 times the pot comtainer as you said with 1/4 nute solution. Gradually increase over time. Potassium seams to be the nute locked out mainly.
I flushed the 3 indicas with plain water. I'm about to feed them the 25%. Hope that's OK. I guess you meant to flush with the 25%. I'll do that with any others. I got hit with a 2 hour power failure tonight in the middle of doing this due to high winds! I have ph down, but I thought I'm aiming at 6.8 after nutes are added.


Active Member
Fed the 3 at 25%. After 25% nutes and no molasses the ph came out to 6.8, so I happily did nothing to change it. Tomorrow I will flush one or two of the sativas or maybe I should flush all of them? Sorta like rebooting, right? I think I overfed and under ph'd. Most of the sativas seem unaffected. I think it's funny now, how I was trying to diagnose the precise deficiency when the answer was obviously nute lock out, and so THAT was what I needed to stop. I mean, I'm using good soil and good nutes. So, it makes sense that when I work with what I have in the proper proportions, deficiencies should not be an issue. I also didn't realize how quick the flushing process actually is.


Well-Known Member
It will be fine, now you can dial in your feed with out the ph and excess salts in the growing medium. Good to have a service every now and again. Week or two shall have some happier looking plants. Flushing also wets up those dry pockets that accumilate with soil drying out over and over again.


Active Member
Thanks shrig. I keep on being prevented from giving you more reps yet, but I really appreciate your guidance. I searched "flush", and hardly ever is it mentioned to add a small mix of nutes to the flush. EXCEPT, the most convincingly authoritative post, was the one THAT AGREED WITH YOU! I am going to flush a few sativas showing a little damage next, using your method with the 25%. All of a sudden, I seem to be into flushing. Maybe I'll end up doing all 9. Thanks again, man!


Well-Known Member
Just passing on info that was passed onto me buy other experienced growers:smile:
Cant name em all, be here all night.
PEACE and thanks for the compliment:hug:


Active Member
This thread has been one of the most awesome I've ever read. Been stalking it for a bit now as I've been studying up, but thanks to the good info here, I've been inspired to give growing another shot. Tried hydro a few years ago, back in college, but am really encouraged to give soil growing a go now. Germ'd some bagseed a week ago, and have some sprouts developing....guess it's time to start a journal of my own! Big thanks to shotrocker for starting this log, and thanks to all who have chimed in, as I feel much more prepared for this journey! Good luck with flowering SR!


Active Member
This thread has been one of the most awesome I've ever read. Been stalking it for a bit now as I've been studying up, but thanks to the good info here, I've been inspired to give growing another shot. Tried hydro a few years ago, back in college, but am really encouraged to give soil growing a go now. Germ'd some bagseed a week ago, and have some sprouts developing....guess it's time to start a journal of my own! Big thanks to shotrocker for starting this log, and thanks to all who have chimed in, as I feel much more prepared for this journey! Good luck with flowering SR!
Sweet! Thanks wefear. And best of luck with YOUR grow! I think the biggest thing I learned was, not to panic, these are resilient plants and it seems you can correct most mistakes. I'll look for your journal. rep+


Def been a good read for an old dog trying a new trick. I'm at about the same point in my first grow and dealing with a few issues with fingers crossed!


Active Member
Def been a good read for an old dog trying a new trick. I'm at about the same point in my first grow and dealing with a few issues with fingers crossed!
For me, it's like with all the buds growing and getting frosty, I'm thinking, please just finish before trouble hits!


Well-Known Member
I am happy to see the plants growing but clearly, due to their stunted beginnings, they would seem nothing like 4 &1/2 week old plants normally look like. So I should probably subtract, what, like 2 weeks?, to be more on a normal schedule. Or are these destined to be very small plants? I will be looking for advice on when to transplant them into their final 3 gallon pots, and when I should start flowering. I still have added no nutes. Maybe tiny bits next watering. Thanks for any suggestions.View attachment 2008225View attachment 2008226View attachment 2008228

12? days after repotting?
Whomever suggesting repotting those is pure genius.

Remarkable recovery.
I'm still catching up from the wbm on this thread; so I don't know how it ends yet.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I have moved the 10 plants into a 4' x 8' tent with 2 600W HPS. I cut 15 clones from 8 of the plants and have them under 2 T5's and a humidity dome. Thanks for all the feedback.
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Now we're talking! :weed:
The next part should be really good...

The last 4 weeks of my grow journal with all its posts seems
to have mysteriously disappeared. Anyone have this happen to them?
Damn man - Where you at shot; where you at?
Kidd Shot

You're taking this better than I did.:clap:

I still don't know how this baby ends; but I'm feeling much better now.:bigjoint:

See you at the end man.


Active Member
Thanks for the kind words, Fat Marty! My 3 Indica dominants, which I just flushed 10 days ago are nearing their *advertised* finishing time. (50-63 days). I wish I had time to feed them a little more, but this is day 46 and I guess I better back off on that now. There seems to be a divided opinion on whether or not you can keep going with molasses toward the end; I would like to see the "2 weeks at the end, buds fatten 40%" kick in, and I wonder if molasses would help that. I will probably harvest on the late end, waiting until I see a bit of amber anyway, because that would seem to be the best way to emphasize the indica effect. I probably harvested the Auto AK from a few weeks ago a little early, when there was a mix of clear and cloudy. She smokes strong but a little almost speedy.


Active Member
I also ended up flushing the 6 Sativas, 3 days ago, only, this time using 25% nutes in the flush. They have longer to go, anyway. The "runt" Chocolope that I had seriously considered "putting to sleep", may be the most prolific bud producer of all. Like the fat girl who gives great blow jobs. 4 of 7 seedlings I germinated made it to veg and I am about to repot them and move them to the bigger light. And, I soaked 6 seeds overnight that I will be germinating. All different strains! I'm hoping to get some good clones and try some FIMming. I'm way into this and like multitasking with plants at different stages; keeping the line moving with harvests.


Well-Known Member
I also ended up flushing the 6 Sativas, 3 days ago, only, this time using 25% nutes in the flush. They have longer to go, anyway. The "runt" Chocolope that I had seriously considered "putting to sleep", may be the most prolific bud producer of all. Like the fat girl who gives great blow jobs. 4 of 7 seedlings I germinated made it to veg and I am about to repot them and move them to the bigger light. And, I soaked 6 seeds overnight that I will be germinating. All different strains! I'm hoping to get some good clones and try some FIMming. I'm way into this and like multitasking with plants at different stages; keeping the line moving with harvests.
look good my friend,,do you use a moisture meter,,spotted leaves are usually caused by pathogens that attack the roots then shows itself on the leaves wen the container stays wet on the bottem to frequent.i water mine on the 3 on a 1-10 guage.always best to let the container get a bit dry before watering,if leaves curl and upward and turn bronze the day after yu water is to much veging nitrogen or to much flowering phoph. during flowering...., timing your watering on the same spot on your guage tho has everything to do with resin and bud production even if your waterph runs a bit high.anyway looks good and we learn through experience.but yu got wat it takes to be a pro,peace my friend.


Active Member
Thanks for that, raiderman! I think I'm pretty good about the watering, (after I drowned my first batch of seeds). I use a meter, but now have a pretty good feel for pot weight and seeing what the plants say. I know the thirsty look now. In flowering they've been averaging a quart of water in 3 gallon pts. every 3 days. I think I got cocky with the nutes, upped them to about 60% and then added some squid stuff and molasses. Live and learn. I just transplanted 4 vegging plants from 16oz cups into 3 gallon pots. Healthy lookin white roots were coating the "mould" when I moved them and the leaves are a great looking green. I do not believe I have fucked up at all with this bunch yet.


Active Member
It is day 48 of flowering and 12 days since I did a plain water flush of my 3 indica dominants. They have been fed once, at 25%, since the flush. According to most projections, these 3 should come ready 1 to 3 weeks from now. Given that, I guess I should just water, and not feed, the rest of the way. Though the buds are frosting up nicely, and I'm eager to taste these ladies, my guess is that some mistakes here cost me some yield. Though this is my first grow, I have seen shitloads of weed in the last 45 years and my guess is about 3 oz total from the 3. I have cut off so many sick fan leaves the last few weeks that I feel I've seriously diminished these plants capacities. Anyway, I'm glad i'm getting out with these three soon.

Blue Widow (from a free seed.)

LSD. I'm real interested in this strain. Looks like the smallest yield but since I didn't get the clone, I've already ordered more seeds.

Wappa. This was a free seed also, but after getting some of this to smoke I became more interested in it.

Some days I freak out about the yellow, some days I don't. It's the first third of my first grow; hopefully, I'll do better with the remaining 6 sativas and the plants I'm now vegging. As always, I encourage any and all feedback.


Active Member
I flushed the sativas, 3 Chocolope and 3 Tangerine Dreams, 5 days ago with 25% nute solution. I figure I can feed these some more at that rate along with some molasses as they shouldn't be ready for another 3 to 5 weeks. Day 48 of flowering:

Meet the 4 new girls! Vegging for 1 week, these were brought from 5T's and into HPS and 3 gallon pots the other day. It's nice seeing these young, unblemished plants.