Jack is back Part 1

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Hi guys and gals, it's been a while since I have been on. How ever, after many trials and tribulations (Not to mention the wailing and gnashing of teeth!!) I have finally got my room and strains dialed in. I have an unknown Sat Dom we are calling "Flobelia" and Sannies Selene. I started out with 50 plants on the table, and as expected, half were male. NOT the Selene however, out of 10 beans I got 7 females!!! I cloned the BEJEEZUZ out of them and flowered out the tops Here are some pics of the room at day 42.
I'm growing in my own soil mix, Primarily Peat, Mushroom Compost, composted LLama and Donkey maure, Kelp, Espoma Bio-tone, bone meal, Perlite, and river sand. 2 Gal grow bags and a 4x8 table with 3 1k metal Halide over the flowering table, and 3 400w metal halide over the veg table. Projected harvest is the 21st, and I have a table FULL of female Selene in the veg room just waiting their turn.

