Well-Known Member
I don't have a horse in this race; but I thought I would share my paranoia: This dispensary bill in Lansing looks like it, or similar, will be reality soon and I think it's possible local pols will work to get charges against current operators so they are not eligible for State issued licenses to operate. Unless the new law grandfathered in immunity for current and former operators any old drug related charge would disqualify one from running a provisioning center or whatever the fuck they are calling them in the bill. ... Also with the MSC ruling on P2P being illegal there is no legal method for a dispensary to distribute to patients no matter whether they allow communities to have dispensaries or not. As it stands under the ruling, without more changes the MMMA itself, a provision center can only transfer between the 5 patients and one caregiver connected together through the registry; so it's a pointless exercise unless they create a new class of patient outside the MMMA registry.