A few comments on the other plants....
#4....that is my previously crisped Green Crack Clonly (some of these
are SO sensitive, as I found the hard way) I down-potted the Tahoe
and Chocolope that reacted similarly. NO LAUGHING! (LOL :0)
I do not worry about these things....this is the cost of moving fast
and learning quickly as one goes. Take a look at the Blue Dream Hazes
for example.....I had to come up to speed on these two, and I can
tell you that the people at HSO, whose BDH I have grown, made a point
of enhancing the genetics of their offering with some strong crosses...
....because their product behaves nothing like with the BDH or the
BDH X Island Sweet Skunk that are #6 and 5 respectively.
The BDH has really gotten going, and has been tied down as a result.
The BDHXISS is way behind it, time-wise, but is already looking to
need some LST too.
Now, of the "most ready" plants, there are two types, those strong ones
from recent seeds, and known breeds that deserve a re-grow.
The seed-plants are Skunk #47 and BCBD's GSC (#3). The re-grows are
Smelly Cherry (#1) and TGA's Apollo 13 BXed to Vortex (#2).
I recently added the from-seed Green Crack, from Cali Connection,

and the Clonly Aliendog (Ether Cut) (#7) to the buckets.
I would be bursting at the seams, wanting to start these other breeds,
but I have to work on Real Life these days.
Phone Interview today. Great entre from former colleague. I must nail this one.
Wish me luck!
P.S. A few more photos to add, then I am off to prep.