Some news from the garden....
I took down the Desert Diesel and put a new Sour Kosher
into its place.
The DD was another plant that was harshed by lack of attention
and a new nute line that I did not know....too bad as it was large
and lovely.
I will enjoy the smoke all the same....there just might have
been a good deal more...
The huge, and *very* green, Jillybean is trying to take over the view,
but here you can see the Kosher Tangie and Cheese Surprise along the
left side of the tent....these plants stand on the divide between where
I realized what was happening to my plants and now....they are a tad
place but look to better produce:
The new Sour Kosher is very dark and green:
Here are the Jillybean tops next to the Training Day tops:

I decided to just drop the TDs 6" pot onto the JB because
the loss of leaves left space to use. :0)
...and my Training Day is at about 4-5 weeks and is not showing balls, yet!
Have a great day all!