Joe Biden's political missteps

Being hated by racist right wingers is bad?
Anyone who disagree with you is a racist right winger. That shit is old and tired. I dislike you and I'm far from racist or a right winger. You just a lame ass wannebe who fucking lies. You make people dislike you. Now call me a Nazi you fake
Maybe because I make sense when I talk and keep it real and don't go off on wishful thinking. Of course you would view it as unsatisfying because it leaves you with no comeback. Bernie lost end of story. None of that stupid shit about how he would have won if he had not lost. That's a dumb as statement repeated by dumb ass people. I rather move forward and talk about Biden and hope that he is not in the early stage of dementia or say something so fucking stupid it cost him the POTUS. Having Trump pick another SCOTUS would be a disaster for the progressive movement. and don't we all want to move to become progressive in our thinking and lives. I do more so I was willing to lose money to do so
Will you be getting a free check ?

At least you got Bernie losing right, and the horror that another Trump presidency would bring.
I am angry. No pretending here. I'm angry at stupid people like you who think electing a guy with a rape allegation against him is going to defeat Trump. Electing a guy who said publicly he'd veto M4A if congress got it passed during a goddamn pandemic where millions of people are terrified and thousands have already lost their jobs, where it's expected to be worse than the greatest ever goddamn depression in American history, and the guy is fuckin' absent to save face because he's a goddamn gaffe machine walking.

You fuckin' bet I'm angry
Why did Sanders tolerate sexual aggression against women who worked in his 2016 campaign?
oh ok now I get it.
Bernie lost Biden won. Now we hope and pray Biden does not say something stupid and can take on Trump. My only thoughts now is why people were against free shit but now eagerly await that free check from Trump

don't forget Bernie is a Commie..and not remember Trumpy's* bromance with the biggest COMMIE OF ALL..fvcking hypocrite Hillbillies..
