New Member
Boneman: I bet that correct because my two oldest kids are now out of the house. One is a college grad and the other 1/2 way there. My last child is a teenager and is the best kid of the three. Maybe thats why I havent had to take the meds in a few years.
Right??? Another anecdotal case proving my hypothesis.
It's something I have noticed. My wife & I personally don't have children, but my brothers and sisters do, and so does my wife's. We love all those kids to death, except for little Jerry. Little Jerry, if ur reading this F U!! U little scrog!! F U!!
Just kidding
(there is no little Jerry .... anymore muhahha) 
But what I've noticed ... "HEY Crystal!, Java por favor!" ... ahem ... what I've noticed is all of my wife's siblings and mine are aging faster than we are!! We saw it first in our early 30's. Everyone looked 5-10 years older than us.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm sure the parents receive dividends of positive things from their kids.
But there is a price to be paid for rearing children.
I love a family get together now by the way (as long as I'm not the host!!!) Woohoo!! My wife and I both look like our siblings KIDS!!
I went shopping last year with my nephew and brother in law, and we're in the candy store. Now my B-in-law is older than me by 4 years, but the lady at the counter commented to my nephew how wonderful it must be, to be out with his father and GRANDFATHER!!
We both knew who she thought was Grandpa!!
Take ur BP medicine folks!!
Right??? Another anecdotal case proving my hypothesis.
It's something I have noticed. My wife & I personally don't have children, but my brothers and sisters do, and so does my wife's. We love all those kids to death, except for little Jerry. Little Jerry, if ur reading this F U!! U little scrog!! F U!!
Just kidding

But what I've noticed ... "HEY Crystal!, Java por favor!" ... ahem ... what I've noticed is all of my wife's siblings and mine are aging faster than we are!! We saw it first in our early 30's. Everyone looked 5-10 years older than us.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm sure the parents receive dividends of positive things from their kids.
But there is a price to be paid for rearing children.
I love a family get together now by the way (as long as I'm not the host!!!) Woohoo!! My wife and I both look like our siblings KIDS!!
I went shopping last year with my nephew and brother in law, and we're in the candy store. Now my B-in-law is older than me by 4 years, but the lady at the counter commented to my nephew how wonderful it must be, to be out with his father and GRANDFATHER!!

We both knew who she thought was Grandpa!!
Take ur BP medicine folks!!