JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

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Active Member
man its been ahwhile haha..
i hate the mint blah
i can get the orange at the indian grocery up the street.:-P
time to smoke some of this temple ball.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks vape and Wikid. We got engaged xmas day 2004 LOL!!!! Been busy... Thought we would get wed before the little one starts school.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Congrats to you, woo.

Well, I don't wanna be a downer or anything...but some of you know I've been having problems with my ex trying to have me thrown in jail for contempt of court because I won't force my daughter to see him because she no longer wants to because of his own actions,like beating his g/f up in front of her,for one....anyway,I've been real stressed out about it,and added to other stresses,I've been really wound up.So, I stayed away because I'm not good company right now. Now, I'm not like 400 pounds or anything, but I've said before I'm not a skinny girl,because I have PCOS (look it up) and no insurance.But I've never had high blood pressure,and I can't eat a lot of fat and stuff like that because it gives me exploding butt syndrome. So I eat very little most of the time, and I'm not a salt freak. But because of all the stress I'm under,my doctor, when he took my blood pressure yesterday,found it was 195 over 130. I didn't know I was that bad.He told me I was on the verge of a stroke.It scared the hell out of me.He put me on some generic blood pressure meds because I pay all medical costs for myself out of pocket...and he gave me Xanax for the jail time, because they may very well put me there. And because it's civil contempt,I will sit there until my daughter complies.They will have CPS take her and force her to go, or possibly even give her to her dad.They don't believe me,and have no interest in justice.My daughter has agreed to see her father to save my ass,but there is a whole other set of stresses in that regard.To top it off, she's a teenager and is getting really hard to deal with.I'm not trying to get pity,I just am afraid,and I don't have a lot of people I feel I can talk to.Everyone I know is used to me being "tough",I guess,so they can't comprehend me in another light.
He said the blood pressure medicine would probably be done after all of this stress goes away,because I'm basically healthy, good cholesterol levels, etc. I'm afraid of having some stroke and being helpless...I'd rather die.And I watched my dad have a couple of heart attacks(Complications from his leukemia) and I'm scared shitless of something like that, because I'm not big on pain at all.
To top it off, I can't smoke any of my shit,and haven't in over a month,because my fucking ex always tries to say I'm a big pot head, because that's the only dirt he was ever able to get on me. Of course, the hypocrite was a huge meth head before I had our daughter,so he has no room to talk about anyone.
Anyway, sorry to be a downer...does anyone else have high blood pressure,maybe tell me what to expect? The medicine makes me really tired, so I hope it's temporary.

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
I have high blood pressure & I take several bp. meds. If I forget to take the bp. meds the back of my neck starts hurting and get a slight headache . I dont know if it effects everyone the same but my Doc. told me when the back of my neck starts hurting to go somewhere quite and try to cool it for a while. The back of your neck hurting can be a sing of bp getting so high you could be close to having a stroke.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Cool,thanks for the info.I didn't even have any symptoms,but I'm a woman and I heard women sometimes don't exhibit the typical symptoms. My blood pressure has always been kinda low...usually it runs around 110 over 60,but it's gone as high as 120 over 80 before.The only other time it was outside of the normal range was when I was pregnant with my youngest,but that's because I got preeclampsia and had to be on bed rest. I'm just so stressed because I've never been to jail before,and they're acting like I'm gonna go....and I won't get to see my kids for who knows how long....I knew I was stressed out, but I didn't know it was killing me.:leaf:
I have high blood pressure & I take several bp. meds. If I forget to take the bp. meds the back of my neck starts hurting and get a slight headache . I dont know if it effects everyone the same but my Doc. told me when the back of my neck starts hurting to go somewhere quite and try to cool it for a while. The back of your neck hurting can be a sing of bp getting so high you could be close to having a stroke.


Well-Known Member
Congrats to you, woo.

Well, I don't wanna be a downer or anything...but some of you know I've been having problems with my ex trying to have me thrown in jail for contempt of court because I won't force my daughter to see him because she no longer wants to because of his own actions,like beating his g/f up in front of her,for one....anyway,I've been real stressed out about it,and added to other stresses,I've been really wound up.So, I stayed away because I'm not good company right now. Now, I'm not like 400 pounds or anything, but I've said before I'm not a skinny girl,because I have PCOS (look it up) and no insurance.But I've never had high blood pressure,and I can't eat a lot of fat and stuff like that because it gives me exploding butt syndrome. So I eat very little most of the time, and I'm not a salt freak. But because of all the stress I'm under,my doctor, when he took my blood pressure yesterday,found it was 195 over 130. I didn't know I was that bad.He told me I was on the verge of a stroke.It scared the hell out of me.He put me on some generic blood pressure meds because I pay all medical costs for myself out of pocket...and he gave me Xanax for the jail time, because they may very well put me there. And because it's civil contempt,I will sit there until my daughter complies.They will have CPS take her and force her to go, or possibly even give her to her dad.They don't believe me,and have no interest in justice.My daughter has agreed to see her father to save my ass,but there is a whole other set of stresses in that regard.To top it off, she's a teenager and is getting really hard to deal with.I'm not trying to get pity,I just am afraid,and I don't have a lot of people I feel I can talk to.Everyone I know is used to me being "tough",I guess,so they can't comprehend me in another light.
He said the blood pressure medicine would probably be done after all of this stress goes away,because I'm basically healthy, good cholesterol levels, etc. I'm afraid of having some stroke and being helpless...I'd rather die.And I watched my dad have a couple of heart attacks(Complications from his leukemia) and I'm scared shitless of something like that, because I'm not big on pain at all.
To top it off, I can't smoke any of my shit,and haven't in over a month,because my fucking ex always tries to say I'm a big pot head, because that's the only dirt he was ever able to get on me. Of course, the hypocrite was a huge meth head before I had our daughter,so he has no room to talk about anyone.
Anyway, sorry to be a downer...does anyone else have high blood pressure,maybe tell me what to expect? The medicine makes me really tired, so I hope it's temporary.
I know nothing about high blood pressure medicine, but just reading what you're going through made me tear up. For the health stuff, I'm glad you caught it before you had a stroke. But what's going on with your ex and your daughter just sucks. If she's a teenager she should be able to choose whether or not she has to see her father. I thought the courts DID let a child choose, past a certain age. What's up with that? :???:

I hope you don't get jail time, that would be ridiculous. Jailed for protecting your child, wtf? I have very little faith in the justice system as it is, this does nothing to improve it.

I'm sorry you're having to go through this bullshit. You can vent to me anytime. I wish I could do more :hug::hug:


New Member
SH ... I think you received the message that jail sends ... well done :clap: Some don't hear it.

Stoney, oooo that suks, I'm sorry for ur troubles. Blood pressure is always in flux and right now ur under a tremendous amount of stress, and one of ur coping skills (weed) has been taken from you. I think it is understandable ... and TEMPORARY. In time as these events blow over, you should return to a more comfortable level.
You need to create a substitute coping skill, such as meditation. I think u'd be surprised how much the body FOLLOWS the mind.

Good luck in all that you do. :peace:


New Member
I will never forget visiting a friend who was jailed by mistake down in NOWHERE Kentucky. The jail was half dug down in the ground and had a one legged man sitting on the front porch. The noise inside that building was awful, and then the sheriff let me talk to Billy through a 1 square foot hole in the wall. Billy wanted two things.
1.) To get the hell out of there.
2.) For me to slip him a joint.

Poor Billy.... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Stoney, I've had high BP my entire life...runs in the fam but your last reading is incredibley high for a woman! Holy fucking shit!!
Divorces, seperation, children, CPS, DSS and all that other shit can be a real pain in the ass. Regardless of how fucked up the system is, it would behoove you to comply 100% and fight it from that angle. Your ex knows you smoked weed and has that dirt on you so it was smart to stop smoking. Use a lawyer and take a piss test and request one on him. You've been clean for a month so there sould a negative test. Once you hurdle that, he wont have that to hit you with.
As for the like CJ said. Find soothing music or a nice quiet place and zone out. I have been on many different meds over the years and they all have different side effects. I had one about a year ago that made my eyes BLOOD red!! I'm talking superstoner blood red to the point of isolation from public. It took about a month to get them back to normal after stopping. Another one of them made me piss several times throughout the night and I never slept good. Believe it or not, I have not taken any bp or chlorestol meds in a few years. I try to eat right and relax more efficently and it works!
I hope everything works out for you and if you EVER need a shoulder or someone to talk too, my PM is open. I have kids too...grown and one teenager left in the house.



Well-Known Member
Medical science has now confirmed that children increase blood pressure by 43.87% :mrgreen:
I bet that correct because my two oldest kids are now out of the house. One is a college grad and the other 1/2 way there. My last child is a teenager and is the best kid of the three. Maybe thats why I havent had to take the meds in a few years.

Thanks CJ another + for ya ;)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Thanks Wikid. But custodial and family law is fucked up.I've read about cases where children had actually been sexually abused,and there was evidence of this abuse,but the mother was still punished for contempt.They told me a 12 year old is not old enough to decide this.My lawyer said I should punish her and force her to go.I told him I won't punish her, ever, for feeling strongly about something. But she has decided she will go and meet him in a public place,just to try to save my ass.They are also ordered to attend counseling together....they treat her like she has the problem when it's him.He's got a violent record a mile long, but it doesn't seem to matter.I told her we'd just have to get him another way. We bought her a phone for Christmas,and she has a DS-i,which takes pictures. I told her if he ever starts getting violent on the weekends she must be with him,she must call 911 on him.I told her not to let him know she had a phone,to keep it turned off unless it's an emergency.If he beats his girlfriend,I told her to try to get a pic of him doing it if she could.She said he also leaves hard core porn mags lying around where she can see them...I told her to take pics.I told her to take a pic if his house is filthy,(not cluttered, but actually filthy, like dog shit lying around and shit), if there is no food in the cupboard.I told her to take pics with a time stamp on them of his stupid ass lying around sleeping during his visitations.We'll just have to get him another way,I told her. And this time, if he does anything like he did before, which was attempt to kick his daughter down a flight of steps because she wasn't moving fast enough because he was trying to leave before the cops his girlfriend had called got there,I will simply go over to his house and kill him.I may go to prison for sure then, but my kid would be safe.He's asked me several times about the money I got because he's on disability and now the government pays his child support for him.Because that's really what it's all about.He wants her money.He must have spent his. I told him the only people I have to answer to are the folks at the SS administration,and that's all itemized to their satisfaction.He's fucked with me for 12 years now, using our daughter as a weapon,and he has the nuts to say I need counseling because I'm angry about it. He said,"You're just disappointed it never worked out between us...." I laughed in his ear for fifteen minutes. This sonofabitch treated me like shit....I was a virgin when I met him....he deliberately infected me with an STI,then tried to say I gave it to him.He used to spit on his palm and grease his cock up and shove it in me dry,and laughed when I said it hurt. Every time I'd piss after sex,it would burn like fire because I had little tears in my vagina.He started slapping me in the face, pretending he was playing at first...but he'd do it hard...testing the waters to see how far he could go.He slapped me when I was holding the baby in the kitchen...I hauled off and hit him in the he's got ear problems and it sent him into a rage...he tried to yank her out of my arms,and I turned because I was afraid he'd just toss her he settled for pushing the back of my head into the wall.Then he tried to throw a cast iron skillet at me one night because he had an earache and I wasn't finding the Tylenol fast enough.He alienated me from people,told lies about my character, made fun of me and put me down.I was young and dumb,18,and I stayed for almost two years because I had been taught good girls stayed with one man all their life.Like any dumbass in that situation,I looked for fault on my part. Then one day,I was taking a shower.Now, I've never been a "skinny" girl,but I wasn't fucking morbidly obese or anything....this fucker,who at the time was 6'7" and about 380,none of it muscle(He's since gained about 100 pounds-he eats an entire box of Banquet chicken nearly every day for lunch), looks at me wrapped in my towel and says,"Look at you.You're getting so fat. I could do so much better than you."
And I thought...."I can be this miserable all by myself.I certainly don't need any help from this bastard."
So the next time he left,I gathered up as much shit as I could in a couple of trash bags and took my kid and left. I took all the toothpaste, shampoo,toilet paper, and groceries.I left him a sink full of dirty dishes.
After I finished laughing over the phone at him,I said,"OH YEAH...I'm SOOOOOO disappointed it never worked out.....who wouldn't miss a sasquatch looking needle dick like you who thinks a chest cold means extra lubrication?You couldn't find your way around a woman with a map and a pen light.You think a clit is one of those pointy things on the bottom of a football player's shoes.Man,my heart is breaking, you fucking mouth breather!"
And he gets all quiet. "Why, you really hate me, don't you? Just admit it!"
And I said,"No shit,Sherlock!"
And this is what I deal with. And if I run him over and shit on his forehead, I'M the one who goes to jail. Why, the absence of his farts alone would solve 80 percent of the global warming problem!
I know nothing about high blood pressure medicine, but just reading what you're going through made me tear up. For the health stuff, I'm glad you caught it before you had a stroke. But what's going on with your ex and your daughter just sucks. If she's a teenager she should be able to choose whether or not she has to see her father. I thought the courts DID let a child choose, past a certain age. What's up with that? :???:

I hope you don't get jail time, that would be ridiculous. Jailed for protecting your child, wtf? I have very little faith in the justice system as it is, this does nothing to improve it.

I'm sorry you're having to go through this bullshit. You can vent to me anytime. I wish I could do more :hug::hug:
Ew, no fun!We got a bunch of snow, but hell, this is Iowa,it's to be expected.
hey guys its snowing in florida
Thanks, cracker. I've tried meditation in the past....But I have this problem where my mind just won't shut the fuck up.It just keeps going and going,not just on topics that I'm worried about, but there's always some song playing in there,and what sounds like a conversation, shopping lists,etc...the xanax helps, but I don't want to depend on that.And it makes me kinda sleepy.
SH ... I think you received the message that jail sends ... well done :clap: Some don't hear it.

Stoney, oooo that suks, I'm sorry for ur troubles. Blood pressure is always in flux and right now ur under a tremendous amount of stress, and one of ur coping skills (weed) has been taken from you. I think it is understandable ... and TEMPORARY. In time as these events blow over, you should return to a more comfortable level.
You need to create a substitute coping skill, such as meditation. I think u'd be surprised how much the body FOLLOWS the mind.

Good luck in all that you do. :peace:


Well-Known Member
That song is Pimp. It has that real relaxing vibe to it.[/QUOTE
its allmost got my panties off:bigjoint:
Now now Rob, Don't get all kinky on me...;-)

Avatar changes are wierd, I associate you with the worm like I still think of Rob as being a chameleon.... Hey Wikid how are you?
Fine, I'll change it back to my worm. It's for the best I suppose:bigjoint:

I'll sit with you...I almost ALWAYS get ignored too.
Yeah, I think it's this corner table. It makes me invisible...:lol:

JO whats the freshest hash in this fine establishment? Cut up a chunk for everyone and put it on my bill.
Well thankyou kind sir...:bigjoint:
You truly are a gentlemen in a scholar..;-)

Yes it is!

We've been snowed in!

Sleepover at the coffeeshop!
Sleep overs at the coffee shop = Frank Sinatra zombie + Biscuits in my pocket + Hangover = Best time of my life...:lol:

I've been overruled; as usual. :lol:


Ahh c'mon JO. We always leave decent tips, Plus we help clean up!! where else are you going to find loyal customer such as our-selves? ;-)

Thanks vape and Wikid. We got engaged xmas day 2004 LOL!!!! Been busy... Thought we would get wed before the little one starts school.
I would have said Congratulations had i known sooner... When is the Bachelor party?:eyesmoke:

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
Cool,thanks for the info.I didn't even have any symptoms,but I'm a woman and I heard women sometimes don't exhibit the typical symptoms. My blood pressure has always been kinda low...usually it runs around 110 over 60,but it's gone as high as 120 over 80 before.The only other time it was outside of the normal range was when I was pregnant with my youngest,but that's because I got preeclampsia and had to be on bed rest. I'm just so stressed because I've never been to jail before,and they're acting like I'm gonna go....and I won't get to see my kids for who knows how long....I knew I was stressed out, but I didn't know it was killing me.:leaf:
When i first found out i had high bp. my left arm was numb , I was seeing triple this went on for about a month. Then one day at work it took me 8 hrs to do a 2 hr. job I was stumbling around like i was drunk all day so i thought maybe i should go to the hospital.
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