I ran the BlueCityDiesel Sour Edition, Black DosiFire and the Black GDP Haze..
The BlueCityDiesel I ended up with is a Diesel dominant pheno that reeks of fruity diesel, hard compact super dense nugs.. I ended up with a bit over a pound on this plant and its for sure a keeper..
The Black Dosi Fire tho it yielded the best it isn't a fan favorite for me, the pheno I ended up with had nothing special about it to make it worth keeping, it doesnt smell like blackberry, no gas smells, no og smells, a hint of lemons is about the only thing worth mentioning about this one.. I was kind of disappointed with this one..
Black GDP HAZE.. Now this one shines.. the only complaint I have about this strain is it is not idea choice for growing outdoors up north. This pheno did not finish until november 6th and up north this is really pushing it.. The quality of the smoke on this strain tho is pure quality.. Purple nugs that taste like berry haze candy.. the buzz is very sativa dominant but doesnt bring on jitters or any unwelcoming feelings.. All in all I really love this Black GDP Haze..
In summary my first experience with JOTI was pleasant, I really enjoy the BlueCityDiesel and the GDPHaze, I just wish the Black DosiFire was more impressive.. I will look to run Joti again this year..