JP's Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
I am so proud of myself, I tested a bud from the jar, while the smell and taste need time, I caught the greatest head rush of a hit. This weed is shaping up to be quite good for such a short grow. I am amazed (and stoned) hehe


Well-Known Member

just a random dry nugget i picked, weights 12 grams dry. the buds are dense and burn to ash. Lovely trichomes on the buds. So far giving a very good buzz. heady and active kind which im starting to really like. bongsmilie

once cured this will beat the shit ive been buying! So far so good, I would grow this strain again with no complaint. :leaf::hump:


Well-Known Member
well i have the same old problem i did with the (3) 42 watts. I am not sure i can pull off growing with even more heat. The passive idea isnt working. I believe the problem is my exhaust is only 100 cfm and the intake fan was blowing somewhere around 200 cfm. Im kinda stuck with the 250mm fan. It would be a huge hole other wise. I think i need to increase the top hole to better accept a six in air master fan. I will use it backwards as a exhaust. that would give me a combined total of 300 cfm exhaust.

I will attempt to get away with no intake fan, i have plenty of six inch fans on hand for testing if the need arises. ill try with and without and see where i stand. this will be the final wrap up for this thread. Prepping the cabinet for the new grow. so expect more cooling posts :spew:

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey man, use all the fans you need to then to get the temps down if the passive intake doesnt work, or use or add that 200cfm fan to the exhaust? for some reason, the passive deal works in my small veg box, but not in the big box. just keep trying different combinations while you have the chance. also, i cut a 35.5 g's wet bud off new bean last night and im gonna cut the rest here in a little bit.


Well-Known Member

I just put the last of the buds into jars. the small jars are the most dried buds, the stems snap, the larger jar the buds still are slightly moist, so ive been removing the lid and rearranging the buds to let the moisture escape. the buds in the larger jar will take more time so im going to cure them a long time. as for yield, i have not weighed it, but from one plant with no topping, i'm impressed for such a short grow.


Well-Known Member
so your just gonna leave us hanging on the weight :( sad!! well it looks good JP, job well done. so when is hte next grow gonna start???


Well-Known Member
well i have the same old problem i did with the (3) 42 watts. I am not sure i can pull off growing with even more heat. The passive idea isnt working. I believe the problem is my exhaust is only 100 cfm and the intake fan was blowing somewhere around 200 cfm. Im kinda stuck with the 250mm fan. It would be a huge hole other wise. I think i need to increase the top hole to better accept a six in air master fan. I will use it backwards as a exhaust. that would give me a combined total of 300 cfm exhaust.

I will attempt to get away with no intake fan, i have plenty of six inch fans on hand for testing if the need arises. ill try with and without and see where i stand. this will be the final wrap up for this thread. Prepping the cabinet for the new grow. so expect more cooling posts :spew:
Yea dood the temps in my cab are really weird.. Right now its 79 ambient and 81 in the cab with the door shut.. I did move the lights up a little to try to get a little stretch but damn.. Its pretty steady around 84-86 though with the 2 80 cfm 120mm fans and one big passive intake hole at the bottom, with the ocillating fan pointing straight down like I was saying before. I've played with the intake and exhausts a lot and it seem to work best for me using all fans for exhaust and one big passive. Hope this helps, If you want to look at my setup it might give you a couple ideas, grow is below.. Later!


Well-Known Member
well i have the same old problem i did with the (3) 42 watts. I am not sure i can pull off growing with even more heat. The passive idea isnt working. I believe the problem is my exhaust is only 100 cfm and the intake fan was blowing somewhere around 200 cfm. Im kinda stuck with the 250mm fan. It would be a huge hole other wise. I think i need to increase the top hole to better accept a six in air master fan. I will use it backwards as a exhaust. that would give me a combined total of 300 cfm exhaust.

I will attempt to get away with no intake fan, i have plenty of six inch fans on hand for testing if the need arises. ill try with and without and see where i stand. this will be the final wrap up for this thread. Prepping the cabinet for the new grow. so expect more cooling posts :spew:

I am one of the passive intake proponents here to. The one negative to an active intake is it forces air into the cab. In a perfect situation the only way that air has to get out is through the exhaust, but of course that doesn't happen. It forces air wherever there is an air leak. So if your running a carbon filter and an active intake they won't work together well. One thing you may want to do is get one of those fog generators, like for halloween. Turn it on wide open and set it by your intake. Then take your video camera and put it in the cab, or your webcam, and watch how that fog flows through your cab. This may help you see where your problem is


Well-Known Member
I agree they say you want 4 times the amount of exhaust in order to have neg pressure.
With neg pressure you can be sure all the air is escaping through the exhaust.
All cabs are so different I wish I could give you a for sure cure but it's all trial and error. Good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
hey jp, can you post some pictures of where your exhaust and intakes come out of your cabinet? it may help us come up with some ideas that could help you.


Well-Known Member
I have two 3 inch holes in the back panel of the cabinet one up high, one down low, on the right hand wall i have a 250mm pc fan installed. to keep up stealth i cannot add a hole on the left wall. reason being if you walk into the closet you do not see anything glowing. just looks like a cabinet in there surrounded by clothes.

Now that i look at it, the holes are too small to properly fit the six inch fans. I will work on that tomorrow. Ill fit at least one six inch fan up high as an exhaust to get the exhaust balance back. trick is attaching that bad boy to the cabinet. I guess i would makes some holes and use zip ties.

the closet is kinda full with clothes and what not so i cant backup to get an overall shot of the entire inside of the cabinet. this was the best i could get.



Well-Known Member
The main malfunction is i thought the main exhaust fan was more powerful than it actually is. would any other fan fit in a 250mm hole? without the lights on and just the exhaust and passives its 76 degrees in there. but the latest light build is slightly brighter at 138 watts actual. I cant touch the bulbs they get hotter than the 42's do.

maybe im buying the wrong bulbs or something. I keep seeing people post "cfl's dont put out much heat" in my world that is bullshit!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i hear the other type lights is where the serious heat issues start, but it's just annoying having to battle heat issues in a small cabinet. I will get the temps down enough to grow, Just venting my brain a bit LOL

thank you for all the replies, i love reading them and trying out the tips


Well-Known Member
I have two 3 inch holes in the back panel of the cabinet one up high, one down low, on the right hand wall i have a 250mm pc fan installed. to keep up stealth i cannot add a hole on the left wall. reason being if you walk into the closet you do not see anything glowing. just looks like a cabinet in there surrounded by clothes.

Now that i look at it, the holes are too small to properly fit the six inch fans. I will work on that tomorrow. Ill fit at least one six inch fan up high as an exhaust to get the exhaust balance back. trick is attaching that bad boy to the cabinet. I guess i would makes some holes and use zip ties.

the closet is kinda full with clothes and what not so i cant backup to get an overall shot of the entire inside of the cabinet. this was the best i could get.

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i think i see part of the problem JP! granted i cant get great depth perception with the pic's, it looks like your intake and exhaust holes are to close to the walls outside of the cab. i would say to have the 3 inch holes at least 4, preferrably 5 inches off the wall, and the big hole as far off the wall as it is wide. this allows for maximum airflow to get into and out of the box. if i am wrong sorry, thats what the pic looks like from this angle. and if you angle your fans differently you will get different air flow through the box, and it could get warmer or cooler. theres tons of variables as you know, just trying to find the right set is the hard part!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
exactly, thats what im saying. my plats are like 8 or 9 inches from the plants and the temp is 88. if i move the temp gauge somewhere else in the box, i can get lower temps. so how do you keep lights an inch or two from the plants? the big temp mystery, LoL.

heres a pic of my buds drying bro, just over 140 grams wet.

