Just a little help?


New Member
New here and I hope this is the right way to do this.

The photos of these plants are 14 days apart. They're not in any order but the pic with the two photos are two weeks apart.

We have mixed feelings on the issues. Over watering? Light too close? Nutrient deficiency? Stale air? Temp issues? Genetics?

We can only visit them once a week due to our day jobs. The person in care of these is being replaced next week. Hopefully with someone more responsible so the plants will be monitored and maintained more efficiently.

We are in a legal state and work on the road for our bill paying job, so we're gone often. We have a small commercial grow operation.

The person left in charge hasn't been very reliable (stay away from family lol). Doesn't respond to questions, isn't forward in issues when we're gone, They never water consistently (too much, too often, or never), screws with the air flow and temps, screws with the lights, etc.... Their job is to keep the plants alive and in good health by following the instruction left. Not doing whatever they please or feel like. It's obvious they don't know what they're doing and it's embarrassing to be in this situation.

The plants are in a soil, under a HLG QB 135w V2. Watering with distilled water. All organic. We raised the light when we went to the new pots. CollageMaker_20190401_235707438_compress_68.jpg 20190316_153246_compress_23.jpg 20190330_132139_compress_55.jpg 20190316_160557_compress_38.jpg 20190330_154716_compress_32.jpg 20190330_154658_compress_48.jpg

They were in fertil grow pots from seed, then recently placed into 5*5 plastic pots. These were intended to be grown to cloning size, eventually making it to a 3 gallon fabric pot. Then the clones were going to be made into bonsai mothers as we flowered these to see pheno and other bits. but we're not sure now. It'd be terrible to lose these now.

Is all hope lost? Should we start over?

Thank you all!


New Member
Plants are screaming feed me.........
Plus a lack of water lol.......
Thank you! So since they've been repotting in New soil with amendments they should recover?

The helper was supposed to repot last week as we weren't able to make it in to do the work. He failed. It's our fault for having someone else take part, but that was the agreement. We though the soil might of been used up, but in two weeks? They are in fresh new soil now, and have been watered.

Watering has been fixed I hope. He tried to water them too much, and then forgot to water multiple times. I really do appreciate your response!
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New Member
Incase anyone is wondering about the soil.

Old soil:
4 parts Berger BM1, 2 parts compost 1 part worm castings.

New soil:
4 parts Berger BM1, 4 parts Buffaloam Loam Grown, 4 parts compost, 2 parts worm castings. Also has more mycorrhizae and other beneficial micros added.
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Well-Known Member
Remember what your mother told you; that good help is so hard to find...

I'm guessing when you solve your main problem, your plants will improve. I would not abandon ship on them yet...but certainly make the Captain walk the plank.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Do I see a jug of walmart distilled water?
I bought some from our local store for a humidifier and checked it for the hell of it, ppm was 390 and ph was 4.4
I thought all distilled water was around 7 ph and 0 ppm?


New Member
Remember what your mother told you; that good help is so hard to find...
No doubt! Good help is extremely hard to find. Everyone now a days knows everything. It's only when you put em to the fire that you see the real amount of knowledge. He's not a bad guy, but is a terrible helper. Too complacent to be of use. Sad thing is if he'd of done his job, he would have benefited so much from this.

I'm guessing when you solve your main problem, your plants will improve. I would not abandon ship on them yet...but certainly make the Captain walk the plank.

Good luck.
I'm really hoping that the biggest issue was the soil being used up. They "should" grow a lot more now. At least I hope. The last time we grew this in the exact same way (provided we had fewer plants and were able to be with them more often) the plants were 3 times larger by this stage and the soil lasted longer. I'm fearing that in his attempts to overwater that he washed all the goodness from the soil. We use fetil pots to build better root structures, and they work phenomenally.

Thabk you for your input :)


New Member
Do I see a jug of walmart distilled water?
I bought some from our local store for a humidifier and checked it for the hell of it, ppm was 390 and ph was 4.4
I thought all distilled water was around 7 ph and 0 ppm?

Yup! It's Walmart distilled water. I've never checked the EC or ppm. The PH is been sitting around a 6 - 7 with this water. The run off has been around a 6.5 - 7. We do refill the jugs from one of those places around town that have the filtered water and it has a PH around the same. It's worked great in the past with our veggies and other cannabis grows

This grow has been a pain and it's mostly because we can't be on top of it.

Thank you for your input!