just starting lst


Well-Known Member
Still going to try to lst the girls all the way around the pot and trim the bottom sucker nodes as needed (I am going to try to clone for the first time with a few nodes i let grow out), never really tried this before, so it'll be fun watching what they do.

I plan on finishing in 3 gallon bags, but I'm going to veg for as long as i can until i see a little stunted growth, then ill transplant.

How long do you think i should wait to turn the lights 12/12 when I transplant into 3 gallon bags? I'd like to finish them as big as they can get, not in a rush at all. I just don't want them to get stunted finishing in a pot that isn't big enough for them ya know?

Let me know hun, thank you again Tricks! Here is some pics of the new room and the girls. :P

IMG_20150211_121223.jpg IMG_20150211_121233.jpg IMG_20150211_121250.jpg IMG_20150211_121302.jpg IMG_20150211_121309.jpg IMG_20150211_121330.jpg


Well-Known Member
Cloning is fairly easy once you get the hang of it. Watch a few videos and you'll figure it out pretty easy. 5.8ph, low ppm, little something for the roots and 66-68 degree water . Put in a humidity dome and you should have nice roots in 5-15 days .

I would flip when they start to drink often. Height is important, but root development is most important. I would say nice and bushy 24 inches should get you a very nice harvest


Well-Known Member
I don't know how big of a space you have to work with but my advice to you is don't get to over zealous with the lst if space is a concern for you. First time I tried it I ended up with 1 plant that took up the entire length and width of my grow box, that I couldn't tie down anymore during the stretch because of the space. So it also maxed out my height and got a little burnt cause I couldn't raise the light anymore, and to top it off I also couldn't take it out of my box because the door was not as wide as the box... Bad planning on my part lol....LST is a powerful thing. Pic attached for fun, there is a 5 gallon bucket under it somewhere lol



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input hun! How long did you veg that thing out for? Did you start her in a 5 gal bucket or do any transplanting?

By the looks of mine, do you think i should go ahead and transplant into my 3 gallon bags and start flowering soon? I'd like them to be as big as they can in the grow room. It's pretty big. My room is 5tf long, 3ft wide, and 4ft high. I've got those 8 plants in the pics and I took the pics today. It's been just short of a month since i transplanted them from solo cups into the 1 gallon bags, no signs of rootbound at all yet.

If anyone has some advice let me know, I can spread them out a lot, I just don't want them getting too big. if they get too tall ill just supercrop the nodes that are too close to the light and tie them down if i need to. I tried that before without any noticeable stunted growth on a cola of one of my plants a really long time ago.

Here's a pic of the girl i supercropped even while flowering, you can tell if you look close, the bud stops, curves, then goes right back up.

P1010011.JPG P1010005.JPG P1010012.JPG P1010009.JPG
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I would elevate ballast, get on a feeding program and keep it simple. Everything's looking good. I finally got time freed up from being gone from here for awhile. Im Ready to grow some indo.


Well-Known Member
The ballast has some rubber feet it is setting on, is there a specific reason i should raise it May? Oh and I'm drooling over that car pic! Hehe! Yeah I haven't fed any of them anything yet at all, they have been looking so well that I figured I didn't need to yet, but i'm pretty sure i should start it up. Some of them are looking a little light green.

Holy fuck me CDD?!
You only vegged that thing out for a month?! I'm scared to see what mine are going to do! I don't see any roots coming out of the holes in the bottom of my grow bags, I was gonna wait to see those roots before transplant, then veg for another week after transplant into 3 gallon bags, then start the flower.

Oh yeah, well I tied one down too tight (thats how i like it!) and one of my tops broke off, so i'm attempting my very first clones of all time with the top of that plant (it was one of the white widows) and a few of the smaller little nodes that were growing off of it. Not sure if it is going to work, since it's my first try, but ill keep spraying and watering for a month to see what happens. That would be SWEET if i could start cloning my babes, save some money on seeds would be very nice.

Thanks so much guys, it means a lot, let me know if i should transplant now, flower now, or what you guys would do, to increase the yeild as much as possible. Thanks!:P


Well-Known Member
Maybe a month and a half. Under led both flower and veg not bad for first time lst'ing huh and I would go big like mine in a five gallon. It's fun and nothing prettier than a 2.5" Bush lol


Well-Known Member
The bush is nice, but it's what's in between the nodes that counts! Probably gonna veg until i see those roots coming out of the bottom, transplant and veg for a week into the 3 gallon bags, then flower. I just really hope those clones take off since it's my first try, i don't expect much to happen.


Well-Known Member
Only ready to elevate ballast is because water, heat and cords. I just try to be safe and keep every thing away from my babies.

Are you organic , what do you plan to freed? I love using teas with organics and when I brew fresh produce it sends everything into overdrive fast.