Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

i understand i supposedly got two from my two time creep
but i dont know could have given all nurvana bullshit an nutin lagit
sent me a bunch of stuff den begged for certain things
promissed me supplies gave me lies so i dont know whut he is capable of
i just know im through i went back
i said i was not going back to you but you jave shown me diffferent i was wrong
about you an wrong about him

stay up

my roblem is i like to give an watch them grow
cause i do so few at a time

some just like to recieve hate to give i like both to give an to recieve

yeah mr T dats whut its all about an if i can talk the whole community into doing the same thing we become selsupporting

and leve no market for the so called breeders thats holen mary hostage in dere basments
who needs to buy if erry body is giving seeds day can shove ders up day asses an we keep each other coverd
but da grrdys wont play faair no matter whut sum dont know how to share just not in them hate to give only like to recieve

fm if i could help wit dat i would - things will happen for you im sure -errybody deserves to be happy - im sure gratful i have my other side hooked up when 7 months prego on 8/8/88

i like both sides of the coin to give an to recieve im constantly mad at self for giving in wrong direction
when im makin nois im mad at self for whut i have given and it not beig reciprocated but take out on creeps
oh well errybody not like me
man my lists are so far off about 1/3 of total two list are missing and numbers way off in places gotto do over
oh well i got plenty of time dats for sure

when i got to fire og bx had to cham=nge to sumtine els i for got a gave the creep my last give away
i stop at 6 fro,a ten pack he wanted one an da sucker gave it

an the white og old schl lem ch is at 6 and i had abot 30of the EG remans i was giving out of both pockets at same time and they are 14 kg

but replace wit good

maybe finish an ilst tomorrow

fine day today getin close to 2nd gear
got two shots of antibiotics to go
be 63 friday old raggedy ass mauhfuka

i hope all makes it up around that number an beyound

except the creeps they can move on now
i wont miss them
an dont think many will

just my truth
Your personal truths can never be wrong. I'm outta herb for 15 days. Unless i decide to chop early. But i'm not going to smoke by choice for a day or two. i know if i put mt mind to it i can find enough to smoke laying around the crib.
Dam you got a lot of nutes an stuff bro. like a hydro shop lol......things seem a lot more chilled over here, companys a lot better too
hope you good my brudda
No mate I only did 2 x bigb's bc an then I did 1 of Las's bc he named it Ronnie Briggs that was it now I can get the propa exo I ain't bothered with um they was all nice tho an all strong. ...

yep yep i actually got it too good
seeds nutes wife life my son
savings stocks had two houses sold one two cars sold my motor cycle wanst feeling it
life aint bad

secret work hard when young then relak rest of life or takeit eay and work all your life i worked last in 1997
retired from big corp in NYC in middle before first house superintendent to save worked as drafts man sittn on azz all day came ome wit energy so held another job
to stak the cheese for first house

so choice is yours i dabbled in stok market when it was sound did all right there one monser killing qcom still own it
one nice size losss as well but ahead it was BAM books of america

stay strong my feeble best to few that are true

been stayin home jerkin off since 1997 plan yo life dont take it by hance
life can be good
my blessing is my wife gotta choose well
she does like 1 an a qurter i do about a qurter since retirment havennt brm kicked out yet just one of her kidney
she gives more then me

i had it befor it actualy came out
i recognized it as a winner
now wit g5 it nat as strong

had for first 2 for 1 thena a four for 1
thenanother two for was hot
this bam had makins of a amazon how it looked to me slayed me so ba was afraid to tell wife almost cried then convinced myself it would come back wit sum of the losses tanked again
had to tall she calmly said cut losses an we move on never mentioned it agan i lost thousands

th only way to make rel money is to own befor it takes of when runin an you runnin behind say i want su of dat is too late
can make abuckbut not akilling

gotta be able to forcast read up on its direction comp in its market managment of company

when asked my favorite twm dont have have a fovorie stock
ten for entertainment to sum stock market is to me
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finished new list for sake a few fire og bx
an my white x ol sch lem ku
count to low to let go below five i stop at 6
an rest stay home
sum just give what they make im so dum b i even give whut i buy but not below 6
i like to give and recieve sum just like to recieve

an i can understan dat but dont lie to me
not many fools like me
an when mad im mad at self an taken it out on creeps

my world the way i am would be better for me if creeps would all go to island of creeps an be creepin on each other

well reality
your new list

acp olg .................biker og....................karma
buba ....................tahoe........................a calli con cross i think by creep 1
gr ku bill................uk osychosis.............PB
orig sd (f)..............sd............................dr green thumb
peyote perp a sis to bubba .....................canabiogen
4- Numbdawg........#18 re priv x rrez chdawg sour di
fire og bx..............tahoe ......................a cc cross by me
Kali Mist ..............serrious sds..............
cracker jack ........................................by fdd
gr Kus ................livers.........................PB
gran dad purp.....................................ken estees
grape frui t di ......................................fdd
black rose ..........................................heath roinson
double purple doja.mental floss.............outlaw gen dont know whut happened two seperate of same thing -reapeat or miss lbel ?????
gr ku bill ............exo che.....................PB
trn wrk..............nor lghts.....................bc sds
gostryder og ......................................karma
chemdawg.........sour di.......................rez dawg

all singles but numb dawg
all regs but sour d

did you know fdd mad pipes an shit an hes good

just promise to enjoy them an spred it raound

get the worl makin an spredin seeds
an the so called breeders will have no market

when i got engaged i had a tobacco humadore full of seeds at time i did not know why
had to be about 6 pounds
see iwas supposed to be who i am mi fiancae talke dme int throwng the stinkin thing out had thousands of seeds an roaches
smokin fro 1965 id go through when on E
sedds came in errytingyou bought
an you had to clean it or burn up yo clothes a bob marly album came out wita ridge down center when opened
said great for cleaning yo weed
dis one friend a get over guy never pulled nuttin on me erry body else had to loo out
if had rally good smoke wit harly any seeds hed give me a small amaount for a few seeds an add to the bags to fatten was seeds not weed

was free luv in 60's go to shows it woulcirculat flow like wter cumin athu left an right
nw stingy peeps getin rich off whut god gave its in the books in grnises id have to loook up where

stay strong

Grammar, nigga
fuk you dick
my fukn thread
go suk a subway bumbs dick
yall aint no grama po po on my thread ant even a sorry azz mod
get dafuk outa my face b i
you got nutin to do but go aroun fukn wit peeps
batter to play wit yo self
bro dont come round here fukn wit me
dont like whut you see here get da fek out walk B i

cause here luv is to luv as hate is to hate

yo mamma is da nigga not me

keep tryin but you will neva be the man yo mama was

to da peeps here not da creeps i got dis fr0m a supposed to be femed bubba they smell so sweetafter collecting themfingers stuck together like i was handeling a femal plants snatch gona letum dry up then shake um up in a vitamin jar wit sum shit to rash into

then run stack through a fine sift to seperate vegatation from pollen

veg is bad for P

i hope alls projects and endevours
all but one that is
i dont understand why peeps like to fuk wit me
