Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

IMG_4631.jpgim almost redy to kick it up to second gear i sure miss my motorcycle

oh well was not feeling sure of self on it an better sfe then sorry

but feeling good today no longer need first gear first is just to get started in

hope all is fine today

plant one


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anyone looking iphone heaadphones not those ear buds shits

try these they are smoooookin
Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Professional Studio Monitor Headphones with Coiled Cable

Have you tried any others? I had Bose in my old studio, Beats were too damn high but i did try them out. What really makes a difference is having the right audio software/hardware as well. I love hearing my music crisp N clean.
yeah T have tried son had them
i ve tried a few about four
broken stolen lost
dese MF rock crystal clear full range
alittle warm though on head
an is fake leather for the $$

yes torn is short kept under cfls and a t5 up tight
then i toped it when it got to five leaves i thint it was at 6 nodes at time i took iits tip an first internode away i did same to all buti thenk it is the shortes tightes of the three
other two is gdpsan my two femed bubbas turned males kulled one kept one i was lied to by the doctor
so ilied to him told him i busted all an all were males sposed to be sendeng me 3 guranteed girls in place of um
the gdp's can stretch sumtimess

today = 63

an im up kicking to second gear today

it felt dood to be going forward though in first gear

im in second gear now an will soon be back

recoop an birthday on E thanks you two but im a big boy

an i still have a joint for later Happy B Day to me

i have a lot to be thankful for - no one has it all

im getting back up less hostile to the creeps

starting to see them as a none entaty
boy oh boy im one ol raggedy azzed mauhfuka

but i take a licken an keep on ticken im gona be ticken till ninty

an smokin till they throw the dirt in face

smoke one for me today - im low -when through will be detox time till strong enough

to visit the hood dont wont to go in looking weak or you become a target unless from there
danks Mr T Yeah i'm still rollin when i got sumtin to roll

al ithink down to enough for a 1/2 joint

oh well
things be greater later

danks Dr Conkey
for the well wishes
an i really wish i had dat cake
cause im on E

oh the scope is called Dino light
next to the bottom of the line
works great hard to focus

mine a buck an a half
they go up to about 6 bucks

there was a time not long ago when i sent luv an well wishes to all the good bad and the ugly creeps spammers all now if your heart is true i got nutin but luv for you if your a fake i got nutin but Hate for you an dats da dilly yo