Have you tried any others? I had Bose in my old studio, Beats were too damn high but i did try them out. What really makes a difference is having the right audio software/hardware as well. I love hearing my music crisp N clean.
yeah T have tried son had them
i ve tried a few about four
broken stolen lost
dese MF rock crystal clear full range
alittle warm though on head
an is fake leather for the $$
yes torn is short kept under cfls and a t5 up tight
then i toped it when it got to five leaves i thint it was at 6 nodes at time i took iits tip an first internode away i did same to all buti thenk it is the shortes tightes of the three
other two is gdpsan my two femed bubbas turned males kulled one kept one i was lied to by the doctor
so ilied to him told him i busted all an all were males sposed to be sendeng me 3 guranteed girls in place of um
the gdp's can stretch sumtimess
there was a time not long ago when i sent luv an well wishes to all the good bad and the ugly creeps spammers all now if your heart is true i got nutin but luv for you if your a fake i got nutin but Hate for you an dats da dilly yo