Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

why sure sir whut ever you say sir you r such a big man ther arent you sir

you goot the power


nice to see you beack over here

have a nice day SIR

I told you what happened you decided to call me names. I was going thru shit in my life and the unneccsary b.s coming from your end was un needed esp when it was as a favor.. Dont act like i had to or i owed you because thats not the case so if you call people creeps for that idk.

Ill end it with this ill stay out your threads not a problem i just ask no name calling thats all. As for the other creep i dont know bout that so i wont add or take away from that.
i have only been a supervisor for NYNEX
a super in a 34 fam apt building B4 that
i never was a mod whuts it like power athoratay whut kinda rush do you get from it the pay whut is it

i remember a guy i went to high school wit he got ran home erry day
he bacame a cop gave all hell had to respect his athoratay or else you had to pay

stay true
strange last couple pages for me
normally just me and my notes
cause this comitment was 4 months ago

i did not even know my posts were being read me i dont visit many about 3 threads
and answer a few i dont care whut most has to say or show oh well all diff

i dont even have the time to get offended over all the names i have been called in my life - hugh , just called myself a homo - who you takin to boy ?

just dont get in my face
an deff dont put yo hans on me

i have the same feelins as i did a few years back
not same body, strenth, speed, agility and force

im still payin for sum of da dum shit i have done wit my life

but i have done a lot, sum good sum bad
yo my dude only one plant broke surface
guess which - buba couger
got 6 mo in cups one dat is split waitin for sum sign of growth to tap B4 dirt

no one here is big enough to get me down i have been around a long time dealt wit dat kind many a times B4

an they all try to bring my down but dont have the power cause they are no diff then me not above me
kiss up for the mod thing but dont make no one better bigger or above ME maybe sumeone els so take it somewhere els
tell it walkin
Yada yada yada! Im leaving it alone and i see you want to still drag shit.

Listen we are all adults then act like it if you are going to call me names yes i will edit it.
Its nothing about authority maybe thats what you think but so far from the case.
I matter not in your world but yet I'm still referenced in your posts. I mean nothing why keep talking shit. I don't care if you say anything to me what's that off my back? Nothing

Lets be serious here the reason I'm here is because you want to call me names "AFTER" I didn't give you a front.

So if you want to continue calling me names i'm going to say something esp when your reason is bullshit.

This is a open forum you esp you cannot tell me to leave this thread or not post in it.

Just stop talking shit and you won't hear from me that's all.
I said stop talking crap about me and you won't hear from me is that so hard?

I can care less about what you do did about to do don't mean shit to me. You just want to keep dragging shit making yourself look more and more lol...

This seems more like a personal attack now. So continue and I will lock this thread.
You want to keep filling your thread with non sense?
You want to keep talking about me because I didn't give you something?

I'm not the one here calling people names and talking crap. Posts I'm deleting are simply that crap and now its getting more to you have a personal vendetta against me. You don't have to like me but on a forum you do not need to keep talking about me.
you seem to think i have sumthing against you - wrong

i have sumthing against the way you did me when i was down and out

and you cant see dat - i give up - and you can just say whut you want that i got sumthin against you cause you did not give me weed - ok i dont care anymore
and go around begging and getting pissed off when sumone dont give to me - OK
All these posts to get 1 point across.

You say stop my shit and you'll stop yours. I'm not doing no shit. I simply asked you stop talking shit about me as your reason is not a reason to be talking shit about me. Reality is you did not get what you wanted so you are mad. If that's not the case then it shouldn't matter at all but obviously for me to be called names everytime I'm referenced it does matter.

You are simply here name calling anytime my name is referenced. I do not mention you at all. I frequent a lot of threads you post something I don't say anything but then you come in here and talk about me what I gave you and I'm a creep.

I'm not important to you great! Why keep calling me names then why keep referencing me.

You keep saying you helped anyway you could man be serious you did nothing for me worth anything. So what's your point.
PB no all is good bro things cuming along good but thanks

still up bro thanks no person outside of fam or creator has power to bring me down

da devil tries all da time and he fails all da time
anyone visiting here true at heart for my thread
just skip over the basketball posts
it was a little disagreement between a mod god and humble self
i hope its finished

my day is just starting rest never happened


01-04-2011, 08:52 PM#1Dwezelitsame

Super StonerMr. Ganja

Join Date Jun 2009
Location J R ZPosts

this is my second join up Jan 2009 -from the time i joined the first time till i started this thread in 2011 i never felt i needed a thread - i just grew and smoked
i think im going back to that just grow and smoke no need to show off - just a need to keep my jars full - there was a time it was fun