thanks Torn, N Mr Bill
read the first 3 pages of this thread
though it might get deleted as cover up - LOL
will also show how ive guided sum that are now giants (in there mind but to me the same little peeps)
i have given a lot to peeps that no longer remember i hope they are all right
in life whut goes around comes around
i kinda like grass city maybe just go back to the way i was my first four years just reading post here and there no threads anywhere
i was on this forum first time no threads then second time for two years no threads never needed one - i never needed to show off - then talked into it by a Brooklyn person now threatning to delet over a silly name
actually a thread was nutin to me and is nutin to me now
i gave a lot of peeps stuff and info that made made them move faster to the top cause they are on top LOL- lookin to hurt not help
this used to be a good place long ago was a lot of good peeps an growers and gardeners lot of peeps lookin to help now lots of disagreements spats and who has the biggest dick contest
i know more then you im right and your wrong - when all are right if it works for you - cause alls setup, purpose, whut they grow are diff
i am sumbody with a life other options - i have talents from my creator have made from bongs to stain glass to furnature - was asked by the brooklyn person to make him a bong like the one i made - i have many other talents other incomes other then weed matter of fact dont sell shit just smoke - dont need money - i got big savings close to five hunnerd k - big stocks- only one home now had two and little peeps want to boss me around like at social security office peeps makin 50 k a year ( peanuts) i make that an havent worked since 97 - my taxable income last year was 150 K ( me and wifie) - an allusion in ther own mind i think its power or authority
you can can see i actually enjoied the thread shit after i was talked into it by the the Brooklyn person (whos name will never come out of my mouth again still the "C" but ill not use it here
he gets very upset - in the hood we used to hike on each other like - fucked yo mother on red heater missed her p_s_y burnt my peter an fucked yo mother from roof to roof when i got finisehed she was bullet proof - did not have to make sence just ryme and name calling forever was fun but sum would not have survived or would have been ready to fight but that was ok tocause we could handle that to otherwords names was nutin - a punch in da face was sumtin
ever call sumeone a thief that is not - just say sorry man i did not staeal yo shit
then accuse the real thief he goes off - fuck you i did steal yo fucken shit mother fucker
a few has remained true
respect to them
i will prolly still be corresponding if i walk and still get sum respected gear in the hands of the true at heart - i know now who they are and where they are
im out
im covered by my creator no one here can hurt me - to small - delete sum posts close the thread like like trying to hurt me by thumping me
like a mouse trying to knock out an elephant to small to do damage
i hope the brooklyn person does not offend you sir i did not tell anything from old days we will keep it like you said - no name calling an i did nutin for you
big success to you and yo fam