Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

i see a little purple cummin in after i post dis pic week 4.4

now you can see whut im workin wit

gave dis bud blood wit da Outlaw Gens

im exprctin this to finish closer to 8 then to 9

im expectin the KK to go all da way to 10 sadly
OMG! im sooo glad your back to staY!! :-PYEah! we will have so much fun this summer growing season. YOU have got to sub to my phototron thread!!!
we got that JRZY bond brotha!
your not going to believe this dweezie but my PHOTOTRON is on a Turntable too!!!
I got your message about the phototron equipment and tryed to visitior message you bck but your profile is all jacked up broski!
its like totally black and doesnt work , none of the buttons work.
i will teach you all about the phototron this summer. S o get ready to bLAST OFF!
i will show you my turntable later but now check out this video of the new new SILENCER fan im going to get!
1 luv:weed:
dat look like sum serrious equipment dere mah

must be pricy

yeah yall spittin truf mah about da Jrz blood line

it all works fine gott know where buttons are blk on blak
when you come gotta know exactly where butts live to negotiate i do fine

try it
LMAO! hahaha, thats hystericcal..!!! hahaha, ill go back and see if i can work black on black buttons..
,, the fan is im getting is only $79 on Amazon.. for the TD 100. not a bad price i thought and its going to look so killer with the phototron cuz its got that cool sci fi slick look to it. Ive been working on my grow op all day.its coming along. a lot of work. Im going for surgery on tues and get off for a WEEK from work!! so i can really focus on the new grow.
be nice if truly better equipment
luck wit it
holla at cho dog if you like it

i hope its not a serrious operation mah
but any time you go under is serrious shit

an member the container i said i liked you sent me da pkg in
well i got my own now da free style light
my container comes in black i check my sugar twice a day
still like the container
Haha! thats right! i use them strips everyday on every patient i have to check there BG level. i collect all the empty conainters for some reason.lol
I have like 20 empty containers now. How long u gotta do dyalisis for? I mailed myself those 2 containers to Denver hotel when i checked in , they got there aOK! then stupid me tryed to send back some sereious dank cavier bho from Denver ( free samples given at the cup ) to here and didnt put it in the black containers like i should have ! its been 5 dayz and im pretty sure i aint getting it. fuck!!! i was wrong about the price on the fan....its really $175. I almost fucked up and ordered the older version with lower cfms. a little pricy but worth its wieght in gold if it keeps things quiet. No big op , just one plant wich should be easy to move if nessessary . and i wonthave to break down a tent. for fuck sakes i have my fuckin MM CARD! lol.. still the laws are soo opressive. its 420 now...puff puff pass bubba
i luv Bubba had a big bubba op started i fuked up again

yeah erryting oppressive mah even here

perpatrated by da man tryin to hold a brotha down (or a sista)

no dyalisis never had
doctor talked me into op before i needed it and wife volenteered
after you have a good working kidney numbers go up in glucose

yeah is easier to breakdown a smaller setup must get a warning eventhough

the dutch passion bluberry is strange
it has a purple seed and apurple tap
is unique to me


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.. looks really sticky icky already! awesome trichome coverage.
lovely photos and the blueberry seeds are so sexy. the tap root is purple? thats so fuNky!
that would be a lovely photo to add to Mohicans seed thread.
Thanks for the inspiration Dweeze! Im going to go get a photo of my G13 blueberry gum seed now and start to germ today. Thats pretty cool we are going to be growing Blueberrys at the same time!
bill - i have never seen the dark tap B4
is new for me the more i look at pik i think the dark part covering the outside of tap is the flap that covers the crack in seeds sumtimes

ambz- yeah PP makes nice pics always loaded wit tiny trichs
i cant wait to see if pollen i used is still good - time will tell
purple power lol
inspiration is not done on purpose but glad to inspire
always good to have a grow buddy
i had one long ago
the bubba has been the same for about 4 days now split and quit

the fn bluberry same as when i took pic matter of fact it started to leave a yellow stain on paper towel an go in reverse shrivel up
good bye

3 under soil level still - never rose for occasion
under for 4 days now - still early - best gesture is in 1 or 2 days

havin a bad go with seeds lately

i got only four that i can count on
with me lately i gotta start double whut im looking for
I have had experiences like that. Sometimes i get 100% germination, and then other times, like this run im doing right now, I lost over 50%