Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

yeah it comes back around before you know it hitn home runs again

just a psssing slump gotta take good weather with the bad

got a few seeds going on the PP i noticed sum very large caylexes smased one with fingernail had seed with embrio developing dont know how potent had for a while - may be weak but is working still will make nice plants Peyote
Purple x Bubba - would have been better if one was a yielder
correct no signes of anything so far knock on wood an it is 4.3 wks torn said would show between wks 2-4 of flower
but i guess it was a guesstamate - prolly continue to watch for the whole 10 wks

he had said to watch for balls at internodes - i had one plant make nans near bud tops and a chem that made them on underside of buds
Good afternoon, you feeling fine and drinkin lots of whiskey and having a real good time?
Sorry to hear about the loss of seeds.
I myself have succumed to a loss of my blueberry gum. RIP now im germin Blue Mataro from kannabia
I take full responsibity for the failed BlueGum G13 to have happened.
I started her in R/O water. then i rememberered that R/O water isnt the best for germin in. So i switched to tap then to bottled. I new it was a lost cause.
I cracked her open to find what i concider a real potential for possible magic plant. Look at the picture, it looks like a miscarrage or something.
Losing these espensive magical seeds is hard.
Did you see how the Dawg germs his sseeds Dweezie? i know it seems elaborate but might be worth a better germination rate. Its really not my style but sometimes i need to challenge myself and get outside my comfort zone to reap the benifits..

phototron 2013 grow set up 006.jpg
a disaster there ^^ looks like it was crushed

i dont worry much on the $$ it comes and goes no matter whut
my wife comes home from shopping talking about how much she has saved
i say it wont make it to savings it will get used for sumthin else

no i did not see how the dawg germs where can i see it
i dont get around to much dont think i know of the dawg either
morning dweezie,
yeah the seed got crushed. by me.lol. it was 5 days with no tap root, so i decieded to try to crack it to see if i could save it but it was too hard to crack and save , just got crushed.
ill go find the link to dawgs germination method for you. hes a cool cat and good friend. I think you would like him. hes a very dedicated and brilliant gardener who grows with Area 51 LEDs and makes his own DIY waterfarm systems.
here we go..
i have a dremmel after a adaquit wait i put it on the seams of seed lightly in attempt to let water in sum a re sealed like vaults aum have thick shells like wallnuts an most no matter whut you do is for naught
so i take the dremmel and heat it up? right..(looks like a glue gun) and i get the seed hot by the seams and it loosens up the seams so water can getin easier? damn that is FREAKY!
there are some freaky techniques im hearing a lot lately how to germ seeds. Like petflora had seeds in his pocket pants that were then washed in the washer and dryed in the dryer and he grew them out and ready to harvest now!LOL!
a better pic dremmel is a rotating sading sawing type of a tool i use a sander tip in mines
you are funny a glue gun blah haw haw to use on seeds ha
hey dont make fun of me and my glue gun!
how do you hold the small lil seed and sand it without sanding your fingers off?
you have to have some serious skills. Even placing it in a small vice grip seems very tricky. are you just fuckin with me? im terribly gullible sometimes online but if i talked to you face to face i would no you were fuckin with me or not.
just hold between the thumb and index finger use a small barrel shaped sander the diameter of a pencil spread finger tips hit fingers a little not at top speed LOL

i use same tool diff head for toenails and many projects have bunch varried heads metal grinders cutters bunches of tooling heads
I have heard for stubborn seeds to put fine sandpaper in a box, and place the seeds in there and shake it a bit so that the sand paper roughs up the outer layer of the seed casing.
Havent tried it yet, but i can see how it would work.
heardd of the sand paper thingy lined inside a box thingy i used to just fold a full sheet of sandpaper in half no pressing it just getting corners to meet then tape two sides drop in seed tape last side now shaped like pillow cause i never pressed it down - and shake it up da da da dat da shake it up .....................

dut the dremmel tool is all dat on steroids wit a bag of chips
Glad to see that she's going to treat you right after all. Kicking myself in the ass now, but honesty is the best policy. How does she smell?
yes bro life has ups an downs this looks like a up from here (1 day from 5 weeks of flower)

the smell is sweat an spice strong but sweet mixed hard to explain an still young 5 tomorrow
but a good smell trichs very small at this point i have had sum very potent weed with small trichs
but 5 going for 10

i agree on the honesty line is deff my life style

either way i would have taken things in style mainly cause not done on purpose - and i learned sumtine

big up to you bro
Peyote Perple mixed wit a male bubba
kinda makes it sister and brother
was told PP was sister to Bubba
and dust from a femed (male already fixed) bubba K from the doctor :< //

Irie I
I got lots of bubba brothers and sisters, lol.
How's that bubba cougar doing? I know you don't like takin pictures of babies, so i wont ask to see. lol
i already pinched open a seed was one there when i was looking for one low and to the right of where i placed it
i saw one and let it go at that noticed a few swollen calyxes

both should be inerestin
Peyote Perple X Bubba Kush = la familia

Kosher Kush X Bubba Kush = KoBub Ku

Irie I