He cocked the bar back and crow hopped towards the officer. The next step, imo, is to unleash the force that is gained by cocking it back. i seriously think that another 1-2 seconds without being stopped would've resulted in a balls-out swing.[/QUOT
Chickenbob was right no such thing as ex fucking cop,they still got that fucked up cop "i can get away with anything" mentality.
Saw coruption and didn't do shit about it fucking pussy!
do you have 6 post... so that would be a noDid you just fart in my direction? Drift on my nuts some more if you want to see more jokes
Did it for about 1 1/2 years in the 90's and got out b/c of corruption. Still, come at me preparing to swing a 3' steel bar at my head when i have a gun and the outcome is pretty predictable.
Show us the news reports where you turned in the corrupt cops like you were sworn to do.
This guy is part of the problem not part of the solution.
Show us the news reports where you turned in the corrupt cops like you were sworn to do.
This guy is part of the problem not part of the solution.
i never turned them in because i had no solid evidence of wrongdoing. Just my observations. And that don't even come CLOSE to cutting it.
i DID consult a couple of higher ranking mentors from other departments and was told very clearly that i BETTER have some solid proof before making the accusation of corruption. That evidence was impossible for me to get since i had already complained up the chain of command in my dept. and had gotten the "Don't concern yourself with it. Not your business."
So i resigned.
i never turned them in because i had no solid evidence of wrongdoing. Just my observations. And that don't even come CLOSE to cutting it.
i DID consult a couple of higher ranking mentors from other departments and was told very clearly that i BETTER have some solid proof before making the accusation of corruption. That evidence was impossible for me to get since i had already complained up the chain of command in my dept. and had gotten the "Don't concern yourself with it. Not your business."
So i resigned.
Just as guilty,could have taken it to the news media if he was so concernd about this situation.Even if they could'nt convict, the public attention would have at least slowed the corruption.
They would have been afraid of loosing their pension.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE to see cops go to the joint!
Then they always crying HELP HELP they gonna get me in here i need to be seperated b/c i'm a crooked cop and want special treatment!!!
i'm no fan of the old bill and am not even in the states so this doesn't apply to me, but i fail to see the problem here, he was ordered to lie down and surrender (assumption) he was tasered and then turned on the officer with what looked like 1 very dangerous weapon that could have easily killed someone. if he would have come out and surrendered and then got shot i could see the problem but he didn't, why should the officers life be on the line? the guy obviously had the opportunity to surrender but he didn't. my view on the video is this he had guns pointed at him came out and then turned on the officer in a very threatening manner, no one can say for sure he wasn't going to swing that steel bar and the fact that he went to whilst having several guns pointed at him must surely prove he was dangerous. to protect and serve is what a few people have mentioned in this thread and from the video i'd say the one officer was protecting the other! if the officer hadn't shot him the other officer could have been injured or even killed. i really don't see the problem? he wound up to swing at the officer with a deadly weapon in my mind no difference than pointing a gun at him at that distance he could have killed him. everyone moans about the police but if you were there with your family and it was you being presented with a nutter armed and possibly dangerous endangering your family would you still feel the same about them putting him down and protecting you and yours? i would be grateful that they dealt with it and that no innocent people were hurt the police included who deter these nutters from just acting like this without repercussion
The world will not miss this POS. Cops deserve some kudos on getting rid of this useless life form.
wait till they break into your house and shoot your 5 pound dog,point assault rifles at your family..
then say kudos.