Kicking MS to the curb

check this out
How to Fix Autoimmune Problems Like Multiple Sclerosis with Dr. Terry Wahls (Podcast 75)

That is some very good information, thank you very much. I do want to discuss this further with you after I do some reading up on your links. I already know about Dr. Terry Wahls and some pointer research gave me a lot of info on diet last year. I have had mixed results, but nothing like I am having from eating red meat with lots of fruits and veggies. I was angry at first that she cured herself and turned it into a book deal. I am going to watch that podcast with an open mind and see where it goes.
lets see now . hum . i wihs i could short answer but its not that simple. lol. Not being loquasiouse anyway.with a.d.d. anyway . I was To fatiqued to sit up !!!! could only chew two bites 'chomps " at a time and rest. Took two swallows instead of one and had to roll my hand against my throat to push the food down. i was too fatiqued to hold my hand up smoking. my feet had to be proped up and had a 3' foam mat to place my feet on if on the floor. could only have on floor for a couple minutes before my bones in legs felt like snapping. . feet where to fatiued and week to support themselves. even laying them on their sides one half would crush the bottom part...................... couldnt even s trum a guitar or support one for 2 bars. foot went through guitars pretty good though lol. Anyway , its was pretty seriouse fatique for full blown multiple systems atrophy .on diet shit drs had me on ethro , prilosec , pepcids at 12 a day as soon as waking and still couldnt help my heartburn. fucking flakes ! i felt death was in a couple weeks or anytime so i went to a naturoppath that told me to eat fucking twinkies for weight. if dying why i ask ? why ask my to create the problem im trying to fight ?? insain man . When they found out i was a mmj patient and that i started to reverse shit after 6 months of no visit they kicked me out and refused to treat me. Good thing lol. Anyway , that week my heart started beating really radicvally i new i was close to death. so i said off to naturopath in a last ditch effort to just feel better. I was sold on the death sentance they were selling me !!!!! . drs already told me to go there because nothing they could do because i was dying. The vitamine d they gave ,me put my heart right back on track at 2kiu daily. that lasted for 3 months or so then started fuckign up again as i wasted. i watched vitamine D doc and decide to up mine to 4kiu daily. stop the fucky chicked again. woot. then after doing 5000iu daily never beat bad again. to fix my diet all i had to do is change to organic non gmo and no meat food. yet i had 3 g.i. drs treating me. lol. I regisdter very high on protien scale too. spirolina has mass good protien . plus other veggies too . Now the fatiue was savere. One day im watching a vitamine D vid and told how it helped my heart and the problem i had. what saved my ife and reversed alot of shit was a guy responded to me and said "try AO-chlorite " . He saved my life litterally ! even with good food and vitamiones and minerals i was still going down hill like a freight train . death on the horizen....
So i did mass research on mms and colloidal silver came into the pic. I got a maker and started making my own. within one week my wife came home and i was standing doing dish's. she's like wtf is going on ? The colloidal silver broke the super heavy fatique ion a week. The mms reversed the wasting after 3rd round . I gained 10 pounds every treatment .woot.and i started feeling muscles that stop working or havnt felt since the 80's. Man , it took till my grandsons 13th birthday till i could be outside and play with him. He was like < "this is so awsome " . i muts agree. well , hope you fare well . msa has alot of ms symptoms with alzeimers and parkinsinisms. I couldnt even let the cool sun hit my skin . it burned abdly just the feeling of it hitting my skin while i sufficated to death . Now i can mow the lawn in 90 degree heat when i was sufficating at 72 degrees before. Im not good enough to trail walk though upkill in heta. but im getting better everyday. actually i just past a milestone i think. ffffforever my heart woulddddd only beat 36-42 bpm with a 78 over 55 orso b.p. . eating sativas helped my up that to my normal about 100. but my heart cannot reach the ebats it should. recntly i took my reading at it seams im back to my normal b.p. and gheart rate. Unbelievable. I gotta check it again soon to confirm. took years though to get this far .
Happy healing everyone . I wish you all the best !!!!
so i got a couple saying now "get of the dopa , levadopa that is " . and " just because the dr says your dying dont make it so ". crud , i cant remember the original quote i was thinking . oh well . I still have brainfog .at least i remember washing my hair now. lol.

edit , i remember , " get rid of the inflammation 'get rid of the pain !'
i learned alkot at i dont agree with some of mike politics but the info on helaing is mucho. actually heres the best stuff i found that helped me.
got rid of perifial nuerapothie pain with serrapeptaze . I went from breaking guitars to buying them !
made hips and bones and a bunhc of stuff better wiht angstrom magnesium . it reversed 'cipro " damage that cripple me !
of coarse colloidal silver too .
mms . from jim humble. i make my own stuff now. to much good to list ,lol.
to strenghten nails i used biotin. i had no idea it would take alot of grey outta my hair too. oh well .i can live with that .lol.
Anyway , those are heavy hitters ! cost me 6 bucks to beat my cronic hep c i had since the 80s. lol.
man , i took me 3-5 years just to cross my legs or cross my arms over my chest to rest .
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try AO-chlorite

That is one hell of a rough ride you were on. Thanks for all the info and I am definitely going to look into AO-chlorite. As far as Vitamin D goes I have been taking 20,000 IU daily for about 8 months and it has helped quite a bit.

This is an amazing community. The way so many people rally together to offer helpful insights and moral support is highly uncommon these days I find.
That is one hell of a rough ride you were on. Thanks for all the info and I am definitely going to look into AO-chlorite. As far as Vitamin D goes I have been taking 20,000 IU daily for about 8 months and it has helped quite a bit.

This is an amazing community. The way so many people rally together to offer helpful insights and moral support is highly uncommon these days I find.
You too and right on ! Youll notice a war on these treatments online such as m..m.s. from humble and the silver. . lol. i can tell you it was for sure a "fear Factor Moment " as i swallowed pool shock. lol. once in a while i do 30 day treatments of 10.000 iu daily. No longer green and grey. woot. got my color back without even going outside. trippy shit ! angstrom mag is trippy too. Before i moved i needed a rear end takin out of a parts car in my backyard wwwwwwwere i couldnt walk and swapped with my good cars . .i had already done the mms and silver too. anyway it reversed ehavy cippro damage !!! i could talk hardly or walk after it. had to start getting throat strecthed ever few months. Hips hur all around my watse down past my knees. never letting up,. was sheer hell. so i hired a guy from across the street to do it . he couldnt do it for a week . in this week juts after i talked to him i got the angstrom mag. and took 2 teaspoons twice a day till the next weekend. By the next weekend i was back there actually helping him . He was like wtf dude ? oh yeah , any muscle i tried to use after cipro would immediattly buldge up and turn firey red and fatique out .. Instant like. was so wild shit ! i had to run inside a couple times because i would get sick wanting to throw up from virtigo moving around. lol. I remember the day i walked full speed again . was cool. after over a decade of sedantary i felt a pull . woot !
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Thank you OP and other's who have replied ...
I have "big ears" for these threads...
GB123 and I... have talked a fair piece about the merits of dosing oil...
and not that long ago
I'm looking forward to having my mmar quota in storage filled and being able to daily dose my own oils.
from flowers I grew...
was last years plan too...but...I digress...
Soon hopefully
was going to suggest moose and or venison. for an alternative....


ASK your buddy how well it was prepared...
....lots of hunters out there who shoot anything that moves:wall:...don't care WHERE they shoot it either...:spew:
No, not recently. My buddy offers me venison every year, maybe I will take him up on it this year. Good idea, thanks.

Yes, I would definitely try it. Wild game meat is markedly healthier for you. More protein with less calories, almost an even balance of omega 3s and 6s, and just packed full of all sorts of vitamins and minerals that's not found in farmed beef.
was going to suggest moose and or venison. for an alternative....


ASK your buddy how well it was prepared...
....lots of hunters out there who shoot anything that moves:wall:...don't care WHERE they shoot it either...:spew:

This guy has been hunting for over 40 years, from a family of hunters. He is very respectable and only kills what he can eat. He knows a butcher who hangs, cleans and cuts it up for him, for a few pounds of meat. I know he looks for a clean sure shot or he will not take it. I have tried moose and it was too strong tasting for me.
Yes, I would definitely try it. Wild game meat is markedly healthier for you. More protein with less calories, almost an even balance of omega 3s and 6s, and just packed full of all sorts of vitamins and minerals that's not found in farmed beef.

I have heard that before. I am going to talk to my buddy about venison when I play golf with him today. 8)
Well I was going to suggest a crock pot but you said med rare.
If you want to make a banging med rare steak though let your steak sit out until it's room temp and then toss it on. Cook it on as low of a temp as you can. And cook it 60/40.
60 percent done then flip.
Season the night before.
One of my key steps is to let it rest after pulling it off the grill.
Let it rest for as long as it was on your grill so the moisture can redistribute through the cut.
If you suck at getting the right temp on your steaks then just grab a digital biotherm.
Push it into the side and not through the top.
Try and get it into the dead center of the thickest part if it's a bit uneven.
135 degrees and that badboy is going to be perfect.
A lot of people over season. Just put enough on there evenly across the surface to accent the meats flavor.Not overpower it.
Especially with deer. That's a personal thing though. I love the gamey flavor.
Also is you want something that's going to turn out tender and super tasty marinades are you friend. Learn how to do a London Broil.

Also give rabbit a try. When slow cooked in a crock pot rabbit is delicious and tender.

The whole MS title caught my eye and brought me in here. I've been poking around for strain suggestions for it.
Something with CBD or no? Would hash be an option?
I have an old friend from back in the day with some MS problems.
Not trying to hijack your thread or anything.
I had asked them if they tried MJ for it and they said they were open to the idea but simply can't afford it. Cash or otherwise (non legal state)
I'd have no probs chucking a few extra plants outside and donating it to a good cause on my dime/time.
Well I was going to suggest a crock pot but you said med rare.
If you want to make a banging med rare steak though let your steak sit out until it's room temp and then toss it on. Cook it on as low of a temp as you can. And cook it 60/40.
60 percent done then flip.
Season the night before.
One of my key steps is to let it rest after pulling it off the grill.
Let it rest for as long as it was on your grill so the moisture can redistribute through the cut.
If you suck at getting the right temp on your steaks then just grab a digital biotherm.
Push it into the side and not through the top.
Try and get it into the dead center of the thickest part if it's a bit uneven.
135 degrees and that badboy is going to be perfect.
A lot of people over season. Just put enough on there evenly across the surface to accent the meats flavor.Not overpower it.
Especially with deer. That's a personal thing though. I love the gamey flavor.
Also is you want something that's going to turn out tender and super tasty marinades are you friend. Learn how to do a London Broil.

Also give rabbit a try. When slow cooked in a crock pot rabbit is delicious and tender.

The whole MS title caught my eye and brought me in here. I've been poking around for strain suggestions for it.
Something with CBD or no? Would hash be an option?
I have an old friend from back in the day with some MS problems.
Not trying to hijack your thread or anything.
I had asked them if they tried MJ for it and they said they were open to the idea but simply can't afford it. Cash or otherwise (non legal state)
I'd have no probs chucking a few extra plants outside and donating it to a good cause on my dime/time.
That's good advice right there ^^
Even burgers are better if you season first, then let them get to room temp before grilling.
I ate a *lot* of squirrel when I was younger because we had great habitat close to our house. It's very lean like rabbit, but tougher.
Great in a slow cooker, and very good fried -- if you tenderize in a pressure cooker first.