Kicking MS to the curb

This guy has been hunting for over 40 years, from a family of hunters. He is very respectable and only kills what he can eat. He knows a butcher who hangs, cleans and cuts it up for him, for a few pounds of meat. I know he looks for a clean sure shot or he will not take it. I have tried moose and it was too strong tasting for me.
right on... nice to know.

Weird though you found moose stronger than deer...its usually the other way around.

I make a wicked moose and Venison jerky... (: Could eat an entire moose,,,
Organ meat is the most nutrient dense meat in any animal. If ya can handle that sorta thing

For sure, no issues there. I worked for a butcher for a number of years.; I used to eat liver but my wife hates the smell of it cooking. Maybe if I slather it will caramelized onions she may like it. Yum. I can eat most anything. I prefer to find out what it is after I enjoyed it.
Moose is far more "game-y". Still love the stuff. Eat both a few times a year, makes for some goooooood BBQ
that's just it...I'm a picky eater and moose to me tastes like roast beef ..shot cleaned and prepared a few ;)
and most people I cook it for have no idea(:

deer on the other lamb.. to me lamb taste gamy lol
every one tastes different
Great news again. I played the full 18 holes of golf will virtually no pain and manageable fatigue. It went so well I am going again tomorrow, and Thursday. (<-- does Snoopy dance) :clap:

However long this lasts I am going to ride this train until the last stop.
The whole MS title caught my eye and brought me in here. I've been poking around for strain suggestions for it.
Something with CBD or no? Would hash be an option?
I have an old friend from back in the day with some MS problems.
Not trying to hijack your thread or anything.

I think CBD is important. I personally find a 1:1 works the best so far. I also find hash works amazingly well alleviating neuropathic pain and muscle spasms. I hope you are able to help your friend. You are not hijacking the thread, it is all about exchanging information. Post away!. 8)
glad to hear that zoic...
I never found hash or weed helped my game...but at least I cared a little less...
there was a time when I played 100 rounds in a season and had a single digit handi-cap...
now i'm at zero games for the last 5 back can't do it any longer...
I never found hash or weed helped my game

I completely agree. Maybe a few puffs right from the start to relax the body, but continued smoking will diminish your capacity to play well. I have had many seasons with 60+ rounds. The last few years were terrible for me for golf, and I think I just gave up. It cost so much so not being able to play well or finish a whole round was very discouraging. I finally realized that the MS was not what was holding me back, it was me holding me back, always making excuses.

It became to easy to use MS as an excuse to not do things, I became very out of shape, lethargic. I now find after a month of pushing back against chronic fatigue that I feel much stronger, in better physical shape and that has resulted in a lower pain level. I managed to play the last round of golf with only 4 joints, most near the end for muscle clenching issues. The hash seems to be quite effective at eliminating that issue mostly.

Is your back issue treatable with chiro? That has completely changed my wife's life and she can function quite well now with limited pain most days. Her back and tailbone as still deteriorating, but much more slowly than before. I think she would like to start golfing again but she is super afraid it will mess up her back again. She cannot handle regular chiro so they do a technique called tonal, all about pressure. No snapping or hard movements.
i was just thinkin after reading here . Before i got to really bad i was using mushrpoom stems for fatique . Worked great. It was great when i could play music too . Instead of struggling to learn one guitar part in a song and id mesh both with ease .Later A.D.D. lol. lsd treat me that way too ! I used to do test on my buddies by giving them just a stem. Not enough to get high on . But anyway while were out and about they be like having apifinies right and left thinkin about things and they would sya how great they felt. Then i reminded them they took a stem. lol. They were semi healthy though .Then after awhile when i was taking them mushroom stems or edible cannabis would try to short out muscles . It made it hard to hold glass because inpulses in my hands would let go and grab to fast to drop but make it really hard holding something without worrying about dropping it. when i used to smoke my hands were so bad i'd break over 50% just trying to get them outta the pack. After a couple years when i though i was strong enough to consume edibles again that shorting out signal weakness was still there for a bit. As for doing game like repitionion stuff like lets say darts . First half game throws are kinda on . After that just gets worse and worse outta countrol. I was weened on fooseball as a kid ripping on thai in tournaments in the 70's. when i stopped tournies in 01 because my hands wouldnt fold backwards.,mucles stopped working right.I couldnt even push my hand back by the fingers. right foot was the same. too .But anyway , being i had mass nerve damage weed just made me shake really bad while playing and i cnat move my men back AND FORTH FAST LIKE OTHERS when defending . To much repitition . People would always bitch at me because i wasnt going back and forthd defendiung like a chicken with its head cut off but kicking thier ass never the less standing on 1 leg. lol.
as for meat . I dont like dear or elk . my buddy bow hunts and used to hook me up.. i dont even like beef or chicken anymore. I wont eat fish from the pacific or china. But you see ' i'm a cheatin motherfucker now baby. Once in awhile i have taco truck. lol. I hang my head low as dead zones grow in the ocean...
Personally , i want to see what mms does for m.s. patients. Although we can share alot of symptoms i just gotta know . i think ill go watch some mms testimonials about it right now. what the heck. Man , there is nothing better in my life than seing people heal themselves by themselves when drs offer shit way of life or death . Good luck all ...
Sorry, Im lost as to what mms is.
google jim humble m.m.s. its the ao i was talking about. There are 3 kinds .i used them all. There are several protocol.s . here go . let me help you out there.
I make my own. cheap as fuck ! i got friends that keep going through interferon for hep c and the other treatment. why all the money and time and side effects. fuck that !

man , i got this creeping funk just started growing on my forhead . fuck , probly because i was around floor finish . who knows. Fucking tacos maybe ! lol. weird shit like thta happens to me .. I hit it with silver 2 nights ago. not much change. Hit it with m.m.s. yesterday and bumps are lowering going down this mornin . woot. One thing i didnt mention. Several really but just this one for now. Everytime i did a m.m.s. treatment i was able to handle 10 more degrees weatherwise and more humidity and gained ten pounds everytime. The last time ( 3rd treatment ) broke the wasting and had to start watching weight . before if i got in a car on a 50 degree day id get sick as soon as getting in the car.naushes not even hot , just warm .I had really weird shit to like a buddys truck.everytime i got in it i would get naushes from the movement up or whatever. making it so i cnat speak really till its over. fucking ford f150 lol. Doorways had a weird way with me. If i leaned into my grow grow id loose balance time wife caught me in time so i didnt wipe out my walls which were pressure fitted between milk crates and ceiling. lol.
Heres another good use for mms . I live across the street from a small lake that can make your skin itch . if i mix up some spray mms in a bottle we spray ourselves down then we dont itch . or if itch , spray and bammo baby. good to go ! I had to go outside the box or die litterally. i grandkids and daughter use it and silver too. no more antibiotics for this family !!! except for my taco. argggg.

heres some , im taking one cap right now. hehe.
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We used to add a small amount of bleach to our 5 gallon container of drinking water. To use it as medicine seems to be too much of a stretch for me. Ya, I think I wait will for the results of a few clinical trials. o_O
I did accident ...from my thermos...
I managed to spit most of it but.... def. got a swallow or two of it... had a whitish stool for a couple of days
Oh and I was told to not do any Chiro.. or risk not the surgeon I was seeing at the time...
Oh and I was told to not do any Chiro.. or risk not the surgeon I was seeing at the time

Well I thought of many replies to that statement but none of it matters. I was told the same by my neurologist, who had nothing to offer beyond useless meds with terrible side effects. When I pressed for an appointment with a surgeon I got the standard "we will wait and see" lip service for over 2 years. I have cervical stenosis which amounts to vertebrae pushing on my spinal cord, a persistent pain in the neck. The neurologist failed to stop the tingling and weakness in my left arm, the chiropractor did it in 5 sessions. This issue is not going to fix itself, but at least with chiro I am mostly functional. Just saying