Kicking MS to the curb

You got that will wd's from baclofen. and in my case nortripyline, and lyrica as well and perc and oxy..
I'm starting to taper all at next appointment....I have had enough with the brain fog and dependency
I can't do anything anymore...and I thinking of going the oil route to see how that works out....
Kick MS to the curb huh, that is one of the reason's i started growing again, was because my beautful wife has MS, she was diagnosed 2yrs ago. I had stopped growing cause i didn't want to get her into trouble and such, and she knew i did grow at one time simply cause i told her, full disclosure kinda thing. That when she turned to me, and asked me to start growing again, and now here i am, making medicine for her, and me too. There are day i turn to look at her smile, but i know she's hurting inside, she's a strong woman, one of her best qualities i might add too..
eat will help with the not having any opioids... withdrawal sucks
Thanks gb, I am working on perfecting the dosage of my edibles. First batch of brownies was with 10g of hash. Very tasty but not so powerful. Second batch I put in 8g of kief and it was very powerful. I will give myself a few weeks to see if I get used to it, but it sure works well on my symptoms. I want to say I have no issues with withdrawal, physical or mental that "I can detect".
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You got that will wd's from baclofen. and in my case nortripyline, and lyrica as well and perc and oxy..
I'm starting to taper all at next appointment....I have had enough with the brain fog and dependency
I can't do anything anymore...and I thinking of going the oil route to see how that works out....

Good work. I do not seem to have withdrawals from the perc or baclofen, but I am on a fairly light dose. Now I did take Lyrica and Gabapentin last year and I tried cold turkey as I usually do. I had to go back on and then taper off slowly over a few months or my nervous system would go spastic. Either oil or edibles should help a lot.
Kick MS to the curb huh, that is one of the reason's i started growing again, was because my beautful wife has MS, she was diagnosed 2yrs ago. I had stopped growing cause i didn't want to get her into trouble and such, and she knew i did grow at one time simply cause i told her, full disclosure kinda thing. That when she turned to me, and asked me to start growing again, and now here i am, making medicine for her, and me too. There are day i turn to look at her smile, but i know she's hurting inside, she's a strong woman, one of her best qualities i might add too..

You are a standup guy. My wife has major back issues so I can completely relate to what you are saying. Help your wife get in front of it. Get the info from Dr. Terry Wahls internet content, or buy the book and dig in. Nutrition is her salvation to beat this condition IMHO. I really hope you can work with her to turn this thing around.
You are a standup guy. My wife has major back issues so I can completely relate to what you are saying. Help your wife get in front of it. Get the info from Dr. Terry Wahls internet content, or buy the book and dig in. Nutrition is her salvation to beat this condition IMHO. I really hope you can work with her to turn this thing around.

her's is re-lapsing condition, you can tell when she lapsing when you leggs shake and her hands, you can also tell when she says to me "i can''t feel my hand", the only thing i can do is give her meds, she doesn't take any opiods of any kind. Just the meds for her MS, and what i do for her. Surprisingly enough the stuff i'm doing for her, helps. With her walking, her sleeping, and her eating right. She's more conherent and able to reconize things. I'm dreading the day she doesn't do that, i'm also dreading the day where she looks into my eye and doesn't know who i am....
Yes, RRMS is also what I was diagnosed with a few years ago. I hope you are able to give her as much help as you can. Every little thing can make a difference.

I'm dreading the day she doesn't do that, i'm also dreading the day where she looks into my eye and doesn't know who i am.

WOW, you really know how to tug on a person's heart. Please give the Wahls protocol a look. I truly believe you can postpones that day, and possibly even turn her around with good health again.

MS is not incurable in spite of what they tell you. Their agenda is about money, not health. I no longer let MS define me and I am determined to do whatever I can to put this behind me and get back to a normal life. :hug:
You got that will wd's from baclofen. and in my case nortripyline, and lyrica as well and perc and oxy..
I'm starting to taper all at next appointment....I have had enough with the brain fog and dependency
I can't do anything anymore...and I thinking of going the oil route to see how that works out....

I have to say yesterday was rough. I did have a few chills and hot flashes, but worst was the nervous system feeling of restlessness. I have had that before from some of the meds, especially gabapentin, and I just smoke a joint and it seems to go away. I have a little more energy again today, so hopefully I will feel a little better each day as I get used to the change.
I have to say yesterday was rough. I did have a few chills and hot flashes, but worst was the nervous system feeling of restlessness. I have had that before from some of the meds, especially gabapentin, and I just smoke a joint and it seems to go away. I have a little more energy again today, so hopefully I will feel a little better each day as I get used to the change.

I'm in Tuesday to the P Clinic...I hope to start with the baclofen then the nortripyline, then lyrica. followed by the opiates and I'm figuring I will need a 14g /day script for mmj to compensate for all the other shit, and will hopefully get by on 2 grams of oil a day... once I finish tapering everything else..
Still leaves me on a dozen or more meds but still that many less I hope....and frankly its becoming hard to think...
The first time I quit several years ago ,I went off of 3 at once....not something You want to me.
I have done these tapers before...but just for tolerance so I would not have to increase over the past 10 years...
This time I have to say screw it...and go full guns into mmj oils...
I have gone as much as two years pain med free...but it takes its toll as well...especially when sleep is no longer possible and it just wears you down...
day by anyone with uncontrolled pain will attest..
Ya you will stop getting the hot cold flashes usually within a week, but the energy takes its sweet time to does the mental game...
pregablin similar to gabapentin was probably the hardest of them to quit....outright...

There is a pretty good resource on youtube called " the drug classroom". It allows you to research pretty much all the known info on a large majority of pharma and recreational drugs.
Some of the info is pretty eye-opening
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I'm in Tuesday to the P Clinic...I hope to start with the baclofen then the nortripyline, then lyrica. followed by the opiates and I'm figuring I will need a 14g /day script for mmj to compensate for all the other shit, and will hopefully get by on 2 grams of oil a day... once I finish tapering everything else..
pregablin similar to gabapentin was probably the hardest of them to quit....outright...

I hope you can get this all worked out. I never made it more that 3 days with pregabalin or gabapentin, but Lyrica was a long drawn out tapering off time. All of them made my nervous system feel like there was a current running through it. For some reason Lyrica did not do that until I was at max dosage.

I only started baclofen (as required) and not a fixed daily dosage. My doc suggested increasing, so I did. I could only take one at a time or I would be null. The MS clinic pushed it to 4 a day. Funny thing is I quit it cold turkey a few days ago and I have had no clenching at all. Same for perc, was as required then doc says it is easier to manage the pain than chase it and she put me on 3 a day. She was right about that, though cannabis works far better and much more instantly. I would be surprised of the minor wd's I have had occasionally is more likely from going cold turkey on the perc and not the baclofen.

There is a pretty good resource on youtube called " the drug classroom". It allows you to research pretty much all the known info on a large majority of pharma and recreational drugs.
Some of the info is pretty eye-opening

I will check that out, with my eyes open, LOL. Thanks!
Yes, RRMS is also what I was diagnosed with a few years ago. I hope you are able to give her as much help as you can. Every little thing can make a difference.

WOW, you really know how to tug on a person's heart. Please give the Wahls protocol a look. I truly believe you can postpones that day, and possibly even turn her around with good health again.

MS is not incurable in spite of what they tell you. Their agenda is about money, not health. I no longer let MS define me and I am determined to do whatever I can to put this behind me and get back to a normal life. :hug:

don't mean to tug on a person's heart by any means, just something i know that is coming. An eventuality as it were. We keep everyday a new day and a new life. I try to get her out and excersise as much as possible, like walks, also take her to a pool for leg kicks and bicycle kicks in the water to keep the strength on the legs as much as possible and the blood flowing in vital areas. On bad days that sometime she has i keep her inside infront of the a/c, i cook outside in my bbq pits, make some smoked fish, pork chop sandwitches, but i make sure she eats good and healthy whenever i do cook. I look at the Wahls protocol and see what it is for her.
I am really happy you are going to give it a look.

You may be shocked to find out some of the regular everyday food is actually detrimental in this situation. Her diet (Wahls protocol) is mainly paleo, which my wife did a few years back and dropped over 100lbs. She also said she feels much healthier. I am no puritan, I still eat bread, rice, and deserts, but in lesser amounts. I balance it with tons of fruit and vegetable as well as nutrient supplements, oh and steak of course.

Two things that I found made a tremendous difference are vitamin D2 oil and red grapes. Her mitochondria are drowning in free radicals, you need the grapes and other strong antioxidants to recharge the mitochondria, they are the power plant of every cell.
I gave a woman who works with my wife some oil, She now gets her own supply closer by, and is very satisfied.
Have you tried any? It was quite funny, the lady is a quite conservative indian.
Not yet, still building my stockpile. I want to get one of my strains that has CBD in the mix to ensure I get the entourage effect.
Not yet, still building my stockpile. I want to get one of my strains that has CBD in the mix to ensure I get the entourage effect.
Are you talking about Rick Simpson Oil? Or just canna infused oil for baking or cooking. Sister had made some of the latter for her and the BIL. I got her to decarb 3 ounces of trim and popcorn bud, then cook it down into 16 ounces of coconut oil. We have been baking with it, and it works great. She decarbed in the oven, 200F for 100 minutes or something like that. Then several hours in the crockpot with the oil.

Good luck.
I bought the book. goshdammit, no more ANYTHING crunchy out of a bag or box for me

Big congrats. It is very hard to give up everything so I cheat a little then pile on the good stuff. I have grown tired of most crunchy stuff, it seems to be mostly corn based and I do not eat corn. I do miss my Fritos though, salt and all. It is not going to be a life sentence for me, but I am going to get my body healthy again.
Are you talking about Rick Simpson Oil? Or just canna infused oil for baking or cooking. Sister had made some of the latter for her and the BIL. I got her to decarb 3 ounces of trim and popcorn bud, then cook it down into 16 ounces of coconut oil. We have been baking with it, and it works great. She decarbed in the oven, 200F for 100 minutes or something like that. Then several hours in the crockpot with the oil.

Good luck.

I do intend to make RSO, using Everclear. For now I have a magic butter machine that I need to test out.