Lace and Frills <3


Pickle Queen
There is no point other than to simply entertain and be entertained my eternally frustrating and incredibly lovely little mistress. :rolleyes:
Is it wrong to wanna choke and rape u all at the same time, !! É noooooo i lost my question mark lmfao oh the irony lmfao !! crypt how do i fixÉÉÉÉÉÉ

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Is it wrong to wanna choke and rape u all at the same time, !! É noooooo i lost my question mark lmfao oh the irony lmfao !! crypt how do i fixÉÉÉÉÉÉ
Go to Start Menu, Go to Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, Keyboards and Languages, Change keyboards.
It should show English-US.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Why do say such things all the time, u enjoy trying to creat drama then crying wolf don`t u !!
Sorry i`m not gonna entertain u this evening, other people actualy wanna chat ;)
No. lol I don't enjoy creating it, just participating. I never complain about forum drama. You do. But what can I say? You're my mistress. WHATEVER you say goes... If only I was your master.