Lace and Frills <3


Pickle Queen
No. lol I don't enjoy creating it, just participating. I never complain about forum drama. You do. But what can I say? You're my mistress. WHATEVER you say goes... If only I was your master.
Well if u did not participate and flame the drama people might not feel the need to insult me, but again that amuses u right É (im not fixing it!! ) lol


Well-Known Member
No gay is watching half a dozen bikers gobble down their pogos, the satisfied look on their faces scared the hell out of me :)
this is gayer than a dude is a red damask caftan smoking a virginia slim out of a long cigarette holder.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Heheh. I honestly don't think this day could get any worse. :) But thanks for the... well whatever you've done April. ;)
Sometimes it seems you two are talking another language.

this is gayer than a dude is a red damask caftan smoking a virginia slim out of a long cigarette holder.
I left my camera on again?????

That's not edible. At least the stick isn't.

Carne, you are special- I am only half gay. A HALF CHILD!!!!!

April, I see what you did there ^^

Special Ed?


Well-Known Member
Corndog É lol hotdog covered in batter then deep fried ;)
The place by my grandma's does the best corndogs ^^

I love smoking at her place. She makes dinner, I make dessert, she gets shotguns and then we go on a munchie run :3

Okies, off to smoke again, then I'm taking you all to bed with me.