Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

Just a random comment. I know workers at hydro/grow shops have a bad reputation in general on riu but I got some great advice today.
I'm going on vacation in about a month for 9 days and won't be able to water the plants was trying to figure out a system, the guy literally set out the whole system on the floor showing me exactly how to set everything up. He knew i wasnt buying anything today. Had tons of helpful tips on how to make it more reliable and accident proof...

Anyway +rep to the hydro store dude lol...
Hey guys was just looking at that thread with the daughter suing her folks. Ace you really think the brat I'd being honest? To me or looks like she's just being manipulative
The wife made these for me tonight. Chocolate with Reese peanut butter chips. Just like your preference Cas but in reverse :)


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I think she's probably exaggerating in some ways, since she's human and we all do it, and I'm sure the parents are exaggerating more. But the fact that they admitted that they withheld payment for her high school, which she is an honor student at, because she refused to break up with her boyfriend, shows me exactly what kind of draconian fascists they really are. That is abusive and disgusting behavior from people who should be concerned with her well being and happiness, not just that she follow every bullshit rule they choose to throw at her to make themselves feel big. I have known plenty of uppity rich assholes who think their kids are just another trophy for their mantelpiece, and they are some of the worst, most manipulative, sociopathic pieces of trash you will come across. I guarantee you that if someone subjected you to the kind of emotional abuse that I'm sure that girl has gone through, you would put a bullet through their head before the week was out. I see shit like this all the time, parent think that just because they shat out a baby it makes them gods who are unimpeachable and beyond reproach, and that kind of absolute power corrupts absolutely, and they abuse it at every chance they get. This is just a last ditch effort to attack her in any way they can to try to prevent her from gaining her independence from their dictator-like clutches. And you know that other people see it too, that's why her friend father is fronting her legal fees, even other people's parents see what unbelievable unreasonable parental failures they are and are willing to stick their neck out to help her escape them. I say more power to her.
I can see what you mean. The high school tuition payment withholding is pretty fucked up. And yes although I think she's a manipulative little bitch, she didn't learn that behavior from strangers. So in that respect yes, you're probably right. I just don't buy the "over affectionate" card. I mean if there was something he did, say that. Not "over affectionate" and not with impeccable timing as a civil lawsuit. You know?
I can see what you mean. The high school tuition payment withholding is pretty fucked up. And yes although I think she's a manipulative little bitch, she didn't learn that behavior from strangers. So in that respect yes, you're probably right. I just don't buy the "over affectionate" card. I mean if there was something he did, say that. Not "over affectionate" and not with impeccable timing as a civil lawsuit. You know?
I dunno man, in the pictures of them together he looks creepy as hell and is a little more touchy feely than my dad ever was with my sisters when I was growing up. I think there are a lot of dads who are "overly affectionate" and their daughters don't know it's inappropriate until they start getting out into the world and opening up to other people. And when they try to stop it their dads throw fits and pull shit like this. Also think about it, if the dad was too into the daughter it makes sense the mom was always mean to her because she was jealous of the affection he was giving her. It is totally textbook, if a student of mine had a home dynamic like this I would definitely get the authorities involved.
I dunno man, in the pictures of them together he looks creepy as hell and is a little more touchy feely than my dad ever was with my sisters when I was growing up. I think there are a lot of dads who are "overly affectionate" and their daughters don't know it's inappropriate until they start getting out into the world and opening up to other people. And when they try to stop it their dads throw fits and pull shit like this. Also think about it, if the dad was too into the daughter it makes sense the mom was always mean to her because she was jealous of the affection he was giving her. It is totally textbook, if a student of mine had a home dynamic like this I would definitely get the authorities involved.

You certainly paint a pretty good "whole picture". Lol, you better shut up or I'm gonna take up rocks!
This is the second night in a row I wanna say just fuck it and not spray my plants lol. FUCK I hate these mites! They literally double the time I have to put in. I don't mind the time so much but the reason for the extra time pisses me off. I mean I'd be happy going in there and just kickin it with my ladies, but having to spray em is no fun lol
This is the second night in a row I wanna say just fuck it and not spray my plants lol. FUCK I hate these mites! They literally double the time I have to put in. I don't mind the time so much but the reason for the extra time pisses me off. I mean I'd be happy going in there and just kickin it with my ladies, but having to spray em is no fun lol
I feel ya! I luckily avoided mites this go round but these fungus gnats are the bane of my friggin existence. Every night when I turn off the lights they swarm to the glow of my computer monitor. But my laziness got the best of me, hence why they are still around hahaha. I dunno if I could leave mites tho, not after that horrifying video that guy posted in the other thread on them. Did you see that one?
I feel ya! I luckily avoided mites this go round but these fungus gnats are the bane of my friggin existence. Every night when I turn off the lights they swarm to the glow of my computer monitor. But my laziness got the best of me, hence why they are still around hahaha. I dunno if I could leave mites tho, not after that horrifying video that guy posted in the other thread on them. Did you see that one?

Nah, got the link?