Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

LOL we'll just have to see if we can't make tonight another good one bout that tard Pinwurm, he's got
I was reading through this thread very early this morning because I couldn't sleep and ran across pinhead's happy rants. The thread is funny. Threads can get really funny at 3am. Mb it's the alcohol? But pintard was particularly mean. Turns out I wasn't the only mod who noticed.
I was reading through this thread very early this morning because I couldn't sleep and ran across pinhead's happy rants. The thread is funny. Threads can get really funny at 3am. Mb it's the alcohol? But pintard was particularly mean. Turns out I wasn't the only mod who noticed.

Danny, I know I'm not the funny one lol, but I've been sober from all substances (bud included) for last week and a half or so.
Well I didn't start shit in that thread he did, told me I didn't know how to grow and insinuated I was growing bunk crap, so I dared him to go post some of that BS in UB's threads
Hell yeah, with extra sour

Good to hear. Glad you put a hit out on pinworms imposter. Boy was such a douche (unlike the og pinworm)

Now the thread is free of his dickish behavior I can ask a serious question. So has anyone ever sneezed so hard a little bit of poop comes out?