Lazy Susan 600w Hempy Scrog Beeeeeyatch!


Well-Known Member
LOL Chaka! Your room is fucking awesome love the turntable, and the girls that you have on it look beautiful up there on their dais ;)

That's my wife's spare transportation on the left there! Hah just kidding... Speaking of her, I was watching tv last night and she came down and sat next to me. After about 30 seconds she says, I smoked your weed. I was like shoot that's been awhile eh! I don't think I need to tell you what happened after that!

We ate.


Active Member
I'm in man working on a square table for my room want it to spin but only had three casters. Was able to see the triangle in your circle thanks.


Well-Known Member
Looking real good in there chaka. I've heard so many people talk about making a hazy susan, but never seen someone do it. Much less do it so well. :) Can't wait to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
^^ lol, and lol at the transportation, I dont imagine you get much sweeping done with that thing lol
Yeah that's a Halloween decoration that didn't find its way back into its box. I'd love to see someone try to sweep with it though. Oh yeah I meant to mention here too, my little yorkie went into heat awhile back and we found out the neighbors French bulldog was fucking her when she'd come under the fence. Might be some puppies in the future!


Well-Known Member
Looking real good in there chaka. I've heard so many people talk about making a hazy susan, but never seen someone do it. Much less do it so well. :) Can't wait to see what happens.
I'm a little scared, I don't know how the hempy buckets are gonna perform in this situation. I bought a clearance pack of nutes for $20, botanicare, which I was gonna use anyway. So ill have a good idea of what this grow costs me start to finish, down to the electric. God I have diarrhea of the brain, shit just flows. I really want to get my yields up now, I never used to care and I kinda do now lol. My last 2 plants trimmed fit on one plate, I need more! This hempy now is gonna yield pretty good. You know what's awesome about hybrids? Fucking easy trimming! This things gonna be a breeze, it has so little leaf. The chakas end up so leafy and trimming just sucks. Ramble /off


Well-Known Member
The big hempy is milky so I'm starting the flush. The other 2, I don't know what... I think I'm gonna throw them into the veg cab and finish them there. I wants to get this shit rolling already!

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I had this idea years ago. I had maybe 6 pots growing in a kiddie pool and thought " if only it would rotate".
I bought a bbq motor but never hooked it all up.


Well-Known Member
I had this idea years ago. I had maybe 6 pots growing in a kiddie pool and thought " if only it would rotate".
I bought a bbq motor but never hooked it all up.
I discovered pretty quickly when I was building the room the difficulty I had getting around the plants, and that was when they were still sitting on the concrete.


Well-Known Member
These are bursting at the seams, needing to be transplanted already! I'm not so sure the indica heavy plant is gonna be a good scrogger but ill find out soon enough!


Well-Known Member
Last but not least. I may just transplant them today and toss the other 3 that I don't really know what to do with. I thought about a 6 plant scrog... Fill the screen quicker eh


Well-Known Member
Looking good.
6 plant scrog,,, why not!
God damnit Whodat youre just full of good ideas! (it was you who mentioned the flexible PVC!) I think to make it even more interesting I should run the other 3 in soil. 6 different possible strains, 2 different mediums, 1 screen, what could go wrong?! I think it goes right along with my having fun with growing mentality! Fuck it, Im doing it! Anything to shave a little time off the veg eh :) I think the smaller ones I have should probably go in the hempys too since I figure they'll grow faster when they get established.


Well-Known Member
God damnit Whodat youre just full of good ideas! (it was you who mentioned the flexible PVC!) I think to make it even more interesting I should run the other 3 in soil. 6 different possible strains, 2 different mediums, 1 screen, what could go wrong?! I think it goes right along with my having fun with growing mentality! Fuck it, Im doing it! Anything to shave a little time off the veg eh :) I think the smaller ones I have should probably go in the hempys too since I figure they'll grow faster when they get established.

Bold~ I try not to ever ask that lol. and to be fair the 6plant scrog was your idea, but I'll take credit for it! bongsmilie Just let em build some good roots before the flip~~~imo.

Edit: but then the males will leave blank space when you take them out.... uh.... maybe have some plants ready to take their place?

oh and I noticed the pvc :-) looks good... Make sure it doesnt come flying open on ya :shock:


Well-Known Member
Ok I decided to get them transplanted. The soil plants are 1-2 weeks younger. Im going to leave them under a t5 since they wont fit in the veg cab. Should be going in the room in about a week. I know they all look like the same strain but its not very likely! It was a pinch of seeds out of the party mix.

So the ones in the perlite were fimmed once and the soil plants werent touched. I'm using all Botanicare nutes along with humic acid and avalanche. The hempy also get H2o2.

I put a quart of straight water into the soil plants, they are in Fox Farms Ocean Forest with another 25% perlite added in 2gal smart pots. They wont get any nutes until they show me they want them, usually in flower, but with this longer veg time they will need them sooner.
The hempy each got 6 cups of straight tap, followed by about 2 cups of light nutes at 5.8ph. There was no rinse of the perlite, and even with 2 quarts I still didnt get runoff. Ill give them each a full quart tomorrow to get the overflow and get the PH more in line. People seem to like the coarser perlite but Im happy with this finer grain stuff, it wicks the water up well and holds it evenly throughout.

Im fuckin excited! I wasnt even this excited at christmas :) I'm gonna be greedy and say I want at least a pound off this run. It should definitely be do-able.

I got a little test nug off the big hempy drying right now, and if its not spicey I might chop it sooner.



Well-Known Member
Bold~ I try not to ever ask that lol. and to be fair the 6plant scrog was your idea, but I'll take credit for it! bongsmilie Just let em build some good roots before the flip~~~imo.

Edit: but then the males will leave blank space when you take them out.... uh.... maybe have some plants ready to take their place?

oh and I noticed the pvc :-) looks good... Make sure it doesnt come flying open on ya :shock:
Im running fem seeds, why you think I rock hermies like its the thing to do? LOL


Well-Known Member
I sampled a nugget off the big hempy. Shits good, its fruity chronic mixed with something. Looks about a 50 hybrid or so. When the high started to come on for a second i felt like my heart speed up, which i dont like. I just sat down and put on my headphones a bit and it mellowed out as quick as it came. Now I'm just heavy and retarded. Trying to chat with fumble. I'm bummed its packed with seeds now. I don't know if they will even finish but this plants coming down in a week regardless.

ok that's all I guess. I wanted to ramble :)

oh yeah, surprisingly good taste for a quick dried plant that's had no flush yet!