Lazy Susan 600w Hempy Scrog Beeeeeyatch!


Well-Known Member
I get a hard~on everytime I see a growzilla :hump: Would be perfect for a light rail, or a motorized hazy susan for that matter :-)


Well-Known Member
Awesome looking grow chaka I can't believe I hadn't made it over to check this out. I love scrogs, and the lazy susan is a sweet idea too.

What am I missing with the growzilla, it seems like it would be more effective to have 2 separate lights and cover more area then having 2 bulbs that close together?


Well-Known Member
Im gonna have to see what this growzilla is, never heard of it. And yeah Id like to have 2 lights... and if that was the case, a bigger table to go with it :)


Well-Known Member
Trimmed up the blue hempy girl today. Shes real sticky. Had to clean the scissors 3 times in 30 minutes. Full of fuckin seeds too, but hey thats how I roll right LOL Ok, I have enough seeds now weed gods! Leave me be for a bit!

I could literally watch these hempys get taller through today. This one for sure will be on the screen tomorrow.

My clothes hanger, the double hook I mentioned. Curved one way to push, the other to pull. Yes, I am captain obvious :)


Well-Known Member
Wow Chaka! Those are some sticky, sparkley, gorgeous nugs of bud porn there. Are you ever going to come down from that high? lol
Beautiful man.


Active Member
Nice man did you cross with herm intentionally? You keep spoofing urslelf about it haven't found story yet but I will. I haven't gone from seed for years and just crossed la con herm with sour d so I can mainline. Been waiting for beans long enough to make my own odds schmods I'll have some to play with. Funny all the pollen fearing people more than willing to shell out cash for uncertainty and can't fathom seeding a plant due to uncertainty.


Well-Known Member
Nice man did you cross with herm intentionally? You keep spoofing urslelf about it haven't found story yet but I will. I haven't gone from seed for years and just crossed la con herm with sour d so I can mainline. Been waiting for beans long enough to make my own odds schmods I'll have some to play with. Funny all the pollen fearing people more than willing to shell out cash for uncertainty and can't fathom seeding a plant due to uncertainty.
I've bred intentionally a time or two and accidentally more than a time or two! My one cross is with the original Dog that happens to throw out a flower here n there, that coupled with perpetual growing and Ive had my fair share of seeds. Ive decided to get away from the perpetual growing now so a late flower nanner isnt going to affect anything now. I had some hermies from light leaks as well, from a LED that was in the same area on a different cycle. All in all, I have like 8 or 10 strains mixed and hodge podged into one container of seeds. I never know what Im growing now, but I think its fun.


Well-Known Member
Its funny we are talking about this, I found a few nanners on 2 girls tonight. One was the deisel which is why I had almost completely gotten rid of that in the first place. The other was the new strawberry. I plucked them off the best I could and I'll run the rest of the clones I have of that strawberry most likely, but it obviously won't be a new mother plant.


Active Member
Sounds like a blast. Might be light w la -10 m flowers 7-8 weeks then only one new showing in three runts.


Well-Known Member
Fuck me my hand hurts. Yeah I fucked up the spacing in there somewhere :)

Glad I bought a 50ft roll of the shit. Lowes had what I wanted but I had a credit at home depot, what can ya do!


Well-Known Member
Fuck me my hand hurts. Yeah I fucked up the spacing in there somewhere :)

Glad I bought a 50ft roll of the shit. Lowes had what I wanted but I had a credit at home depot, what can ya do!
I thought I was strung out when I electrical taped every square to the frame....