Leaving Hydro for dirt


New Member
Hey Rope Smoker, thanks for stopping by. I think i may top those sad stretched moms and clone the tops. Stay tuned


Well-Known Member
2liter bottles eh? you just got me very excited :D (not in a gay way!) I can probably grow like 5 plants now!


New Member
Stopped by my buddy's house today to check up on things. All seems to be proceeding nicely. I went ahead and topped the 3 of the 4 plants i was given the other day. The fourth is not a rooted clone but a seedling, at least thats what i think. It still has symmetrical branching where as the other 3 have alternating nodes. So i left the seedling alone for now, surprisingly it has already shown itself to be a female.

The old batch of clones is now begining to root after a week or so with no action due to the heat mat having been unplugged. I really swear by using a heated mat for cloning, I just had no luck till i began using one. Granted it was the middle of winter and ambient in my house is about 66 degrees on account of me being a cheap ass mother fucker.

The three clones farthest to the right are the ones cut today. The plants i was given to be mothers look like hell, they were rootbound as hell in little 3x3 square pots, and stretched as fuck, One of the also shows signs of what i believe to be pervious over watering, dried and yellowing lower leaves. Needless to say i see little potential of these plants ever being great moms, I figure the clones i cut today will be much better once rooted and vegged out a bit. There mothers are just to lanky and stretched for my space, They will also be vegged for awhile, hopefully with some creative pruning and training they can at least be give up a few more clones.

The 3 rooted clones i had previously transplanted into 2 liters are begining to show some signs of growth. I have decided to name the bagseed clones "Chealsea" Since we called there mom "Hillary", long story. While I'm sure topping the pots in hydroton is a great idea i wish i had waited a bit as it seems to be catching some of the emerging leaves as they appear low on the plant and covering them, we shall see if they manage to push through.

Stay tuned



New Member
Also i forgot to mention, the rooted clones i transplanted into 2liters were already showing explosive root growth, i could see the roots reaching nearly to the bottom!


Well-Known Member
Hey P@ss!

I'll think you'll love the 2-liters!
Have you measured to know if you can fit 24 in there for your planned perpetual?

Just from my experience, shoot low on that first goal as it will take a bit to dial in the clones/sizing/finishing size and optimum conditions.

You may find some strains love your cab and others hate it :mrgreen: Works that way here.

Maybe on paper try your best to get "between 4 and 8 grams dried" from each plant...then with good notes, you'll get where you want to be.

I'm finding it a bit easier to pull off monthly perpetual than every 2 weeks....just gives me more time to get the clones as uniform as possible.

Best of luck, OGH


New Member
I agree with what you said OGH but i reserve my right to shoot for the moon. If i pull it off great, if not well we should still have enough to smoke to make my failure seem just fine.

I admit i got half what i was shooting for my first grow, but i can still go all out and hope for the best. Seems like the downside of attempting things this way is that essentially my reflector will be stationary due to the different height of the plants. But I'm hoping this little light of mine has enough penetration to go the 3' or so it will have to travel.

Nearly all of the original batch of clones has rooted, looks like we may lose 2 from the 16 i had cut. But I'll chalk that up to the heating mat having come unplugged for days before being noticed as i got 100% on my last attempt.

Been spraying the plants with sodium free club soda every time i visit but my partner can't seem to remember to spray em, Part of me wishes he would play a bigger part but at the same time I'm psyched that he's so nonchalant about it too, even when i show up he doesn't come running up to me in the driveway telling me how things are going, he plays it real cool. gives me hope that at least if hes gonna do nothing he can say nothing to.

Stay tuned


Well-Known Member
If you can find the 18oz. Red Party cups (little bigger than the 16oz), the 2-liter bottles fit nicely on top. They'll help you keep the canopy a little more level.

Crap, I have cups, CD racks, boxes, 2x4s, all kinds of crap for evening out plant height...really helps keep the growth pumping.

And by all means shoot for the moon, I do it to :mrgreen:

Best of luck - OGH


New Member
Nice tip on the party cups, I'm sure i can find some stuff to throw under there. Seems like i somehow missed the whole idea of moving the plants up if i can't move the light. Doohhh I'm so psyched to get underway in the flowering chamber. No matter how hard i look i can't seem to find a crystal ball or a time machine to travel to the future. Can't i just go to sleep till the buds are done? It would be nice.


New Member
Sorry to take so long to update. Things have been good, went today and cut more clones from the Mango X Big Bud plants i got and started them under the dome. Found roots on all 3 of the clones i had cut before so i potted em up in 2 liter's and slid em over to veg a lil.

The 2 Mango X big bud, and 2 Mango X "Middies" plants are back in the mother cabinet till i can cut more clones from them. They look...better.

All the prev. rooted clones, including the ones i vegged for a few weeks are in the flower area and are going under 12/12 as of today. I wish i had a far more uniform batch instead of this mess of mine but I can't do it yet.

Expecting 6 LR 2 seeds next week, also 2 Cheese x Durban Poison seeds. So just when things were starting to level off, I'm gonna complicate them again. I need to find a spot to grow the lr2's so i can make a bunch of LR2's for later use.

I couldn't afford to spend much on seeds so a really cool dude said hed sell me the LR2 seeds for 5 bucks a piece. Then he threw the cheese cross in at the last second as a bonus. Thanks Again buddy, your seeds will be in this thread soon.



Well-Known Member
Wow thats a nice cab you got there special...really clean and organized. I see you seem to be using some panda paper to line it..what is the metalic material on the bottom?


Active Member
I don't think 50 bucks is a big ask for each clone
damn thats pretty reasonable considering your gona get a female plant from it
and you don't have to wait till your seeds germanate then sex themselves
shit even if you only grow a hundred bag off it your still 50 buck better off
not to mention you can clone mega thousand of 50 buck clones from the clone and sell for 50 bucks each to your mates do the maths

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Pics from today.
Hey p@sswOrd hows it going today? Your clones look very good! I'll keep an eye on this thread, I wil be trying to do some cloning on my next grow. So I will have to read back thru to see how you get such good results! Keep up the good work.
:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
50 bucks per clone is ridiculous! I could get 5 right now for 70 bucks. Everyone is just out to make a fuckin buck I hate this capitalist shit.

Ne ways I like your system you got goin with the PH. Ne ways I was wondering where you found those back to back sockets as it would be great for a rubbermaid grow I might be doing.


Well-Known Member
Soil is way easier and so less complicated not so messy, all them timers, timetabels.etc The slow daily tending in soil is theraputic and fun; all this automation.- I am getting interetsed in higher yield per sq ft....I'm still looking for the righet aeroponic system - what are the best systems (economical and high end)?


Well-Known Member
Well i really thought i had it down with hydroponics, But alas my years of veggie growing in the back yard seem to have failed me. I setup at a friends house in a wardrobe i gutted and put a hydro system in[https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/58277-so-i-built-growdrobe-pics.html]
But the first grow was plagued by problems, managed to harvest 2oz but my aero setup really let us down. Turns out that the water here sucks, ph is high as hell, 450-550 ppm really just crap. So i could fight it forever, spend more cash on water treatments or buying water/RO system or just get some dirt and do it that way.

Also switching to dirt allows me to eliminate the reservoir, thus giving me more space in the bottom chamber. So now i should be able to clone, veg, flower and keep my moms happy all at the same time. I have a separate small cab i set up to hold the moms in his closet. It holds 2 under a few cfls, so far so good, they seem to like it in there . The mothers were in fact the first plants i put in dirt, as it seemed like the best way to keep a plant for a long time with the least effort. For now the clones come from 2 mothers i grew from bagseed, appears to me to be indica dominant.

I would love to get some strains going but the only guy i know who would sell me a clone wants $50 a pop. I do hope to get some lowryder #2 seeds soon, When i do i figure i'll just toss my current moms and put 1 male and 1 female in my mother cabinet and let em do there thing so i get more seeds. Then maybe do a LR#2 grow under the HPS.

I went to the store today and bought eight 8" square pots four disposable roasting pans to go underneath them, some miracle grow moisture control, and some perlite to loosen it up a little. I have some clones going that i cut early this week, when they root i will move to dirt in some pots i made from the bottom half of my ISO bottles [recycled baby] I will veg them for a few weeks under my cfl array, top and then move the best 8 up under the 400 watt HPS probably straight to 12/12 from there but i may veg a little more, i plan for very short plants so i will flower at under a foot to finish under 3'. I really hope to hit .5g per watt this grow as my last wasn't even close.

Any input on my pot size? Think they will be big enough to grow little 2'-2.5' plants in? I know people use 1 gal per month of growth but i have also seen 2oz per plant from a buddy's grow in cut up 2 liter bottles. So i figure this should fall somewhere between the two. I also plan to top dress the pots in hydroton as per the FAQ, I have no great excuse for not having taken clones and started vegging weeks ago but i ended the last grow alot earlier then i had expected to due to generally being disgusted with the results. But in the future i hope to hit a harvest every 8-9 weeks since i can have pre-rooted and vegged 1' tall clones ready to go ahead of time. I had wanted to do a journal for my first grow but being a noob i decided to wait till my 2nd grow.

Starting this one now so there will be no backing out. I promise i will post some pics of the reworked cabinet soon, i took some today but now i can't seem to find my camera.... Any input appreciated, all questions answered, Tell me what you think. Anything you see as a problem?
dirt is the true way yields more if you know whatyour doing hydro buds are just unnesserarly complicated keep it green ???:peace: